PWS Education, Experience, EthicsSociety of Wetland Scientists Professional Certification Program

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Certification Information

Overview of Program
Certification Committees
Standing Rules
Recertification Process

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Certification Questions

The Society of Wetland Scientists Professional Certification Program, serving the public’s need to identify qualified individuals to assess and manage the Nation’s resources.

This program is intended to meet the needs of professional ecologists, hydrologists, soil scientists, educators, agency professionals, consultants, and others who practice wetland science.


Search for a Certified Professional Wetland Scientist

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PWS Seal
The SWSPCP is proud to announce that we have developed a new Seal for use by Professional Wetland Scientists. We have developed this new seal in response to PWS's wanting a way to show their level of certification on delineations, reports, and mitigation. The new seal, designed by Board Member R. Harold Jones, is a great idea for PWS's to showcase their certification and skill level. The seal is completely unique to each individuals PWS. It contains the SWSPCP logo, the phrase "Professional Wetland Scientist", the individual's name, and PWS number.
Click Here to download the order form.

    PWS News and Current Events

Becoming a Professional Wetland Scientist
Requirements of Certification
Frequently Asked Questions
Code of Ethics and Practice
Application Forms – View and Download

Certification Renewal
Application Forms – View and Download
Certification Renewal vs. Certification Maintenance
- A Letter from the President

SWS logo

The Society of Wetland Scientists was formed to further non-profit scientific and educational objectives related to wetland science, thus encouraging and strengthening professional standards in all activities related to wetland science. The Society deleloped this program for certification of wetland science training and experience as a separate not-for-profit corporation. Learn more at

Application to join the SWS
Wetland related Job Announcments
SWS Forum 
Conferences and Meetings
Wetland-related Training Courses


© Copyright 2009 Society of Wetland Scientists Professional Certification Program - Last Updated 12/23/08