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The WWW offers a fantastic array of resources, which we might sort into two categories. Most of the links on EE-link are in the category of "ordinary information that makes what you are doing a little more efficient." A smaller number of sites offer tools or ideas that might actually change the way you or you students deal with or understand environmental issues. On this page, we'll offer short lists of such sites, organized to present a coherent EE perspective on the environment through the Internet.

Perspective 3: Internet learning expedition:

One of the most valuable features of the internet as a learning tool is its ability to "transport" us to distant places. Following real life expeditions through internet technology allows students and teachers to visit exciting, remote destinations that would otherwise be unimaginable. Join an adventure to the rainforest or the bottom of the sea, while taking advantage of the many educational aids these sites offer.

SitesAlive! offers a series of online expeditions which allow students at home or school to join other students and teachers in the field at exotic places around the world. Students (grades 3-9) can take part in virtual field trips to the last remaining rainforest of Australia in Rainforest Live!, Caribbean coral reefs in Oceans Live!, or fisheries in Mexico in Wetlands Live! .

Participating students discover and learn from student researchers around the world through travel journals, photos, and a question and answer section. The learning expeditions begin in September and go on through May.

A paid subscription allows access to teacher’s guides, a resource center and lessons correlated to national educational standards (Free 14-day trial available).

By Ocean Challenge, Inc


The JASON Project has enabled teachers and students all over the world to take part in global explorations using advanced interactive telecommunications since 1989. Live satellite and internet broadcasts transport students to the expedition site and allow them to interact with scientists and control live-feed video cameras. The JASON curriculum encourages students to investigate their local environment, post their results online and compare and contrast their findings with those of other students around the world.

This year, the JASON XI expedition, "Going to Extremes," will look at sea and space by comparing the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Aquarius Underwater Laboratory in the Florida Keys with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's International Space Station. Registration required.

Created by Dr. Robert Ballard and sponsored by EDS


The Odyssey, a non-profit service and education organization, follows a team of educators as they travel the world online. Over one million K-12 students are following along through online photos, text, audio and video documenting this two-year journey that began in January 1999.

The team is currently exploring the land and people of North Africa before moving on to the Middle East, India and China. Critical global themes are explored such as environment, development, health, and resource distribution. Free lesson plans based on national education standards are available.


This site offers an archived field trip to the Galapagos Islands, which originally took place in December 1998.

Tips on how to incorporate the journey into science classes are offered as well as a guide for student activities and lessons correlated to national science education standards. Students can take part in interactive experiments by collecting local data and comparing it online to data from the Galapagos (A daily photo- and video-enhanced expedition journal documented the trip (RealPlayer software required to view video clips).

Sponsored by Scientific American Frontiers.

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