Biological Pollution

The Northeast-Midwest Institute ecosystem team is dedicated to reducing aquatic invasive species through policy analysis and experimental research.


Northeast-Midwest Institute

50 F St, NW, Suite 950
Washington DC 20001
202 544 5200


Great Ships Initiative
Visit the GSI's website at:

Great Ships for the Great Lakes? A Scoping Report for the Great Ships Initiative. Report released May, 2006. .

Summary and Findings of the Ballast Discharge Monitoring Device Workshop, Report released March, 2005....

National Aquatic Invasive Species Act of 2007. Introduced into the Senate S.725.

Federal Aquatic Invasive Species Laws & Legislation
The National Aquatic Invasive Species Act of 2007 (NAISA)
Great Lakes Invasive Species Control Act
Asian Carp Prevention and Control Act
Prevention of the Aquatic Invasive Species Act of 2006
National Aquatic Invasive Species Act of 2005 (NAISA)
Briefing: Aquatic Invasive Species and Ships, July 26 2005
Presentations by Scott Smith and Allegra Cangelosi
Briefing: Aquatic Invasive Species: The Need for Comprehensive Federal Action, July 28 2005
National Aquatic Invasive Species Act of 2003 (NAISA)
Co-Sponsors | Section-by-Section Summary |-One-Page Summary |-Authorization of appropriations
One-Pagers by Issue |-National Fact Sheet |-State and Regional Fact Sheets
Invasive Species Fact Sheets |-Union of Concerned Scientists NAISA Page
Testimony by Allegra Cangelosi --

Testimony to House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, Subcommittees on Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation and Water Resources and Environment, March 25, 2004. More...

Also read testimony at hearing by:

House testimony to Fisheries Conservation, Wildlife and Oceans Subcommittee (Committee on Resources) & Environment, Technology, and Standards Subcommittee (Committee on Science) November 14, 2002. More...

House testimony to Science Committee, Subcommittee on Environment, Technology and Standards, June 20, 2002. More....

Testimony to House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee, May 15, 2002. More....

National Invasive Species Act of 1996 (NISA)

In the 104th Congress, Northeast-Midwest staff helped Senator John Glenn (D-OH) and Representative LaTourette (R-OH) craft and advance the National Invasive Species Act of 1996 (NISA) which reauthorized NANPCA. Summary-|-Co-Sponsors

Nonindigenous Aquatic Nuisance Prevention and Control Act of 1990 (NANPCA)

In the 98th Congress, Northeast-Midwest staff cordinated preparation and enactment of the underlying bill, the Nonindigenous Aquatic Nuisance Prevention and Control Act of 1990 (NANPCA). This was the first piece of legislation designed to prevent the unintentional introduction of nonindigenous aquatic species and prevent and control aquatic nuisance species dispersal.

FY 2007 Appropriations
President's Request
Aquatic Nuisance Plant Control Research Program (ACOE)
4.0 m
3.0 m
Public Facilities Aquatic Nuisance Species Control R&D / Dispersal Barriers (ACOE)
0.690 m
ANS Task Force & ANS Program / Brown Tree Snake Program / Regional Research (FWS & NOAA)
0.141m (FWS)

3.891 m (FWS)

Ballast Technology Demonstration Program (FWS & NOAA)
0.250 m (FWS) / 3.5 m (NOAA)
0.250 m (FWS)
National Ballast Water Guidelines and Prevention Program (USCG)
4.0 m
4.0 m
Sea Grant Research (NOAA)
2.963 m
1.390 m
State Management Plans & Regional Panels (FWS)
1.075 m (FWS) / 0.300 m (Panels)
1.075 m (FWS) / 0.300 m (Panels)

FY 2006 Appropriations
President's Request
Aquatic Nuisance Plant Control Research Program (ACOE)
Public Facilities Aquatic Nuisance Species Control R&D / Dispersal Barriers (ACOE)
0.690m /
2m / 5m
0.690m /
0.690m / 0.385 m
ANS Task Force & ANS Program / Brown Tree Snake Program / Regional Research (FWS & NOAA)
0.141m to FWS /
/ 2.5m
3m / 2.5m
/ 2.502m
Ballast Technology Demonstration Program (FWS & NOAA)
0.250m to FWS / 3.5m to NOAA
1.5m / 3.5m
/ 3.5m
/ 3m
National Ballast Water Guidelines and Prevention Program (USCG)
Sea Grant Research (NOAA)
State Management Plans & Regional Panels (FWS)
1.075m to FWS / 0.300m to NOAA

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Policy Analysis and Reports

The Response of Zooplankton and Phytoplankton from the North American Great Lakes to Filtration. Cangelosi AA, Mays NL, Balcer MD, Reavie ED, Reid DM, Sturtevant R & Gao X (2007). Harmful Algae 6 (2007) iv: 547-566. (copies available on request)

Great Ships for the Great Lakes? Commercial Vessels Free Of Invasive Species in the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Seaway System. A Scoping Report for the Great Ships Initiative - Allegra Cangelosi & Nicole Mays, May 2006 (report)

Summary and Findings of the Ballast Discharge Monitoring Device Workshop - Allegra Cangelosi & Nicole Mays. International Ballast Discharge Monitoring Device Workshop, Marrowstone Island Marine Field Station, Olympic Peninsula, Washington, August 12-16, 2002. Report released March 7, 2005 (report)

Presentation by Allegra Cangelosi at Healing our Waters Conference, May 24 2004 (presentation)

Testimony to House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, Subcommittees on Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation and Water Resources and Environment - Allegra Cangelosi, March 25, 2004. (testimony)

Invasive Species: Global Treaty Not Enough - Allegra Cangelosi. Northeast-Midwest Economic Review, Spring 2004 (article)

Sampling Approaches and Recommendations of the Great Lakes Ballast Technology Demonstration Project - Allegra Cangelosi, Nicole Mays, Don Reid & Ivor Knight. GEF/UNDP/IMO Global Ballast Water Management Programme (GloBallast) 1st International Conference on Guidelines and Standards for Ballast Water Sampling, Rio de Janerio, Brazil, April 7-11, 2003 (copies available on request)

Summary of the NEMW Ballast Discharge Monitoring Device Workshop - Allegra Cangelosi & Nicole Mays. GEF/UNDP/IMO Global Ballast Water Management Programme (GloBallast) 1st International Conference on Guidelines and Standards for Ballast Water Sampling. Ballast Water, Rio de Janerio, Brazil, April 7-11, 2003 (copies available on request)

Blocking Invasive Aquatic Species - Allegra Cangelosi. Issues in Science and Technology, The National Academies, The University of Texas at Dallas, Winter 2002-03 (article)

Filtration as a Ballast Water Treatment Measure - Allegra Cangelosi (2002). In: Invasive Aquatic Species of Europe. Distribution, Impacts and Management (E Leppakoski, S Gollasch & S Olenin, eds), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Boston, London (copies available on request)

Testimony to Fisheries Conservation, Wildlife and Oceans Subcommittee (House Committee on Resources) & Environment, Technology, and Standards Subcommittee (Committee on Science) - Allegra Cangelosi, November 14, 2002. (testimony)

Testimony to House Science Committee, Subcommittee on Environment, Technology and Standards - Allegra Cangelosi, June 20, 2002. (testimony)

ETV Source Water Protection Pilot, Ballast Water Treatment Technologies Stakeholder Advisory Group, June 18, 2002 (presentation)

Testimony to House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee - Allegra Cangelosi, May 15, 2002. (testimony)

Ballast Water Treatment Residuals, Environmental Laws and How They Relate - Prepared for the Ballast Water and Shipping Committee by the Working Group on Environmental Soundness (article)

Ballast Water Research and Funding: A History and Analysis - Nicole Mays (2001). Northeast-Midwest Institute, Washington DC., USA (report) (appendix)

Global Market Analysis of Ballast Treatment Technology - Royal Haskoning (2001). Northeast-Midwest Institute, Washington DC., USA (report)

Timeline for Ballast Management Pollicy in the U.S. - Northeast-Midwest Institute (2001) (list)

The NISA Ballast Management Program: Opportunities to Add Value Through Partnerships - Allegra Cangelosi & Carrie Selberg. Forum Summary & Report, February 1, 2000. Northeast-Midwest Institute (report)

Ballast Water Management: Developments in Policy and Technology - Allegra Cangelosi (1999). Proceedings of the First International Conference on Marine Bioinvasions, Cambridge MA, January 24-27, 1999 (abstract)

Proposed Criteria for Determining Whether Proposed Technologies Meet NISA Requirements - Allegra Cangelosi. For Discussion at ANS Task Force Ballast Water & Shipping Committee Meeting, June 21, 1999 (comments)

Proposed Criteria for Evaluating Ballast Technology Research Proposals for Funding - Allegra Cangelosi. For Discussion at ANS Task Force Ballast Water & Shipping Committee Meeting, June 8, 1999 (comments)

Status of Research and Development in Ballast Treatment Technologies - Allegra Cangelosi, August 25, 1999 (presentation)

Aquatic Nuisance Species Policy and the 106th Congress - Allegra Cangelosi, reprinted from ANS Update, Fall/Winter 1998 (article)

Ballast Water Secondary Treatment Technology Review - Battelle (1998). Northeast-Midwest Institute, Washington DC., USA (report)

Coast Guard's Proposed Rulemaking by Aquatic Scientists and Resource Protection Experts, August 7, 1998 - Allegra Cangelosi (comments)

Battling Biological Pollution - Allegra Cangelosi. Northeast-Midwest Economic Review, May/June 1997 (article)

Implementing Ballast Water Exchange Requirements - Allegra Cangelosi (1997) (presentation)

"NISA Passes!" - Allegra Cangelosi, reprinted from ANS Digest, March 1997 (article)

Biological Invasions: Congress Takes a Second Look - Allegra Cangelosi. Northeast-Midwest Institute, September 1995 (article)

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Resources for Ballast Treatment Vendors

IMO's Marine Environment Protection Committee

Allegra Cangelosi, Senior Policy Analyst with the Northeast-Midwest Institute's Ecosystem team serves as a delegate to the United Nation's International Maritime Organization's Marine Environment Protection Committee. This Committee is currently working on an international convention to prevent the spread of aquatic nuisance species via ships' ballast.

International Maritime Organization

US Coast Guard's International Maritime Organization

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Related Links

United States Organizations Working on Aquatic Nuisance Species

International Ballast Water Research and Policy

Information and Outreach

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Nicole Mays - Policy Analyst (Ph. 202-544-5200)

Great Lakes Ballast Technology Demonstration Project

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