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Dear Johns Hopkins Friends,

A far-reaching, comprehensive search has resulted in the selection of a superb 14th president of The Johns Hopkins University.

The board of trustees on Nov. 11 elected Ronald J. Daniels, currently the provost of the University of Pennsylvania.

Ron is a distinguished scholar, a dedicated educator, a brilliant and inspiring leader and a skillful communicator. He has created a remarkable record as Penn’s chief academic officer, helping to break new ground for the university in areas as diverse as faculty recruitment, undergraduate education, international initiatives, diversity, interdisciplinary collaboration, and technology transfer, to name but a few.

He stood out in a truly remarkable field of highly qualified candidates for this job. His candidacy had the unanimous support of the members of our Presidential Search Committee. Bill Brody, who met Ron during the search process, was very impressed.

I invite you to learn more about our president-elect here and to see pictures of him here. Please explore the entire site and come back often as new information is added.

Ron Daniels spoke to the trustees shortly after his election. You can watch video of his remarks here

Ron has already begun visiting our various campuses and locations and will schedule visits to others very soon. He also is planning meetings with alumni, parents and friends and will, of course, have many such visits in the months and years ahead.

Please join me in welcoming President-elect Daniels to the Johns Hopkins community!


Pamela P. Flaherty, SAIS ’68 (MA)
Chair, Board of Trustees
Chair, Presidential Search Committee