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The Alliance to Save Energy promotes energy efficiency worldwide to achieve a healthier economy, a cleaner environment, and greater energy security.

Energy efficiency is the quickest, cheapest, cleanest way to extend our world's energy supplies.

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The Alliance is pleased to announce that the nominations for the 2009 Stars of Energy Efficiency awards are now open and available online! These prestigious awards honor those entities who have demonstrated a significant and tangible commitment to the cause of energy efficiency. We invite companies, organizations, and individuals to cast their nominations.

On Friday, December 19, Kateri Callahan, president, Alliance to Save Energy, participated in a news conference at the National Press Club with Tom Kuhn, president, Edison Electric Institute; Peter Lehner, executive director, Natural Resource Defense Council; and Reid Detchon, executive director, Energy Future Coalition, to present a package of proposals for stimulating the U.S. economy and creating green jobs while making the nation more energy efficient.

We've updated our state-by-state winter energy facts sheets for the 2008 – 2009 winter heating season. Each fact sheet describes how much home heating bills are likely to rise or fall compared with last winter’s bills, based on fuel costs in each state. Depending on heating fuel use, some homes will face higher costs, while others may see a decrease in heating expense. The sheets also provide energy efficiency tips to help cut heating and other home energy bills. 

Tax FormsPresident Bush recently signed into law new consumer tax credits for energy efficiency home improvements, as well as purchases of plug-in hybrid vehicles. These provisions were included in H.R. 1424, the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008, which the president signed on October 3, 2008. The homeowner tax credits are largely the same – but not identical – to those that expired at the end of 2007, and begin again on January 1, 2009.

For details on the consumer tax credits, check out our recently updated Energy-Efficiency Home and Vehicle Tax Credits web page.

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