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Links to written resources about environmental education.

Online publications are also available.

*Our larger categories have been split up into smaller pages to make your searching easier. Make sure to click "Next Page" in the lower right hand corner of the page to see all the resources listed in this category.
Understanding and Responding to Climate Change    
This National Academy of Sciences booklet presents recommendations from the National Academies' many expert reports on climate change in an easy-to-read format. The 2008 edition of Understanding and Responding to Climate Change, includes an expanded section on impacts and updated figures and graphics. Downloadable in pdf format.
The URL is:

Zerofootprint (ZFP) is a global green lifestyle hub bringing together green people, products, stories and events.

Check out the Green Events calendar for an extensive listing of global opportunities and add your own event:

Take the ZFP challenge -- "Small Ideas to Change Our Planet":
The URL is:

The Roots of Environmental Education: How the Past Supports the Future    
By Edward J. McCrea. This EETAP publication covers the early influences and foundation of modern environmental education through 2005.
The URL is:

Report on Green School Grounds & Physical Activity    
"Grounds for Action: Promoting Physical Activity through School Ground Greening in Canada" is a 2006 Evergreen report, presenting the findings of a national survey indicating that green school grounds enhance the quantity and quality of physical activity by increasing the range of enjoyable, non-competitive forms of play at school.
The URL is:

Closing the Achievement Gap: Using the Environment as an Integrating Context for Learning    
Gerald A. Lieberman, Ph.D.

Linda L. Hoody, M.A.

State Education and Environment Roundtable

The preparation of this report was supported by:

The Pew Charitable Trusts

The URL is:

EETAP Celebrates Fives Years of Advancing Education and Environmental Literacy    
Highlights the accomplishments of the first five years of the EE and Training Partnership and summarizes the major activities and impacts made by the 18 organizations that collaborated to enhance training and make resources available to educational professionals across the United States from 1995-2000. [PDF]
The URL is:

State Education and Environment Roundtable (SEER)      
SEER is working to improve learning through its National Network of Demonstration Schools, that use the EIC Model (using the Environment as an

Integrating Context for learning). The model employs natural and socio-cultural environments as the context for learning while taking into account the "best practices" of successful inservice, preservice, formal and nonformal educators. SEER is a consortium of 16 state departments of education.
The URL is:

Journal of EE Article on the Status of State Level EE in the U.S.      
The Journal of Environmental Education (vol.32 No.3) features a comparative study that NEEAP conducted of comprehensive state-level EE programs. Titled: "A Survey of the Status of State-Level Environmental Education in the United States - 1998 Update" Email to request a copy.
The URL is:

NAAEE Guidelines for Excellence      
The guidelines represent a broad and accepted consensus on what constitutes good EE and will help educators develop comprehensive EE programs that integrate across and build upon the high standards set by the core disciplines. Strengthen the skills of non-formal educators in identifying, selecting and using quality EE resources.
The URL is:

Another Reason to Get Outside    
In the recent study, The Cognitive Benefits of Interacting With Nature, University of Michigan researchers, Marc G. Berman, John Jonides, and Stephen Kaplan, discuss the cognitive restorative benefits of a natural setting, rather than an urban setting. Their findings show that memory and attention improved 20 percent after an hour of interacting with nature.
The URL is:

YouthXchange Training Kit on Responsible Consumption    
This UN Environment Programme (UNEP) and the UN Educational, Scientific,and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) training kit is a train-the-trainer tool that aims to promote sustainable consumption patterns among young consumers worldwide.
The URL is:

Earth Charter Handbook    
The Earth Charter Handbook provides basic information on the origin, nature, and purpose of the Earth Charter, the structure and mission of the Earth Charter Initiative, and the organization, goals, and policies of ECI.
The URL is:

New Biodiversity Resource: Tending the Garden    
This new National Council of Churches Eco-Justice program is offering this new biodiversity resource Tending the Garden: Stewardship of Biodiversity and Endangered Species. This resource is advocating for the health of biodiversity around the world and aims to provide information for churches and ministries to begin educating people about the importance of biodiversity.
The URL is:

Valuable Learning Experiences at Science Centers and Museums    
This European Network of Science Centers and Museums report, The Impact of Science & Discovery Centres, concludes that visits to museums and science centers create memorable learning experiences that reinforce knowledge and encourage interest in science education and careers. Read the full report:
The URL is:

Brian Day Talks about Eco-Education in this Newsweek Article    
Getting an Early Start - Eco-education doesn't have to be expensive

By Daniel Stone, September 6, 2008, Newsweek

This article highlights several successful green school initiatives from outdoor classrooms to green facilities and curriculum that have improved the quality and experience of education for students. NAAEE Executive Director Brian Day offers the insight that eco-education does not have to be an issue of money, suggesting that environmental curriculum aligned with state and federal benchmarks such as the American Forest Foundation's Project Learning Tree (PLT) is a proven, yet inexpensive program.

More information on Project Learning Tree:
The URL is:

How Farm Animal Production Impacts the Environment    
This new Pew Commission report, based on a thirty-month investigation into industrial farm animal production, illustrates how US food animal production is not economically or environmentally sustainable. The report, Putting Meat on the Table: Industrial Farm Animal Production in America, details the risks to public health, the environment, and animal welfare.
The URL is:

Two New Publications on the Environment and Human Health    
The National Council for Science and the Environment (NCSE) is offering pdf versions of two publications from the 2007 National Conference on Science, Policy and the Environment: Integrating Environment and Human Health. The first report, Integrating Environment and Human Health, discusses the connection between human health and the health of the planet. The second publication Climate, Poverty and Health: Time for Preventive Medicine, describes the negative impacts of climate change on human health and how poverty exacerbates the impacts.
The URL is:

Wood to Energy Outreach Program    
To help communities in the southern U.S. build understanding and generate discussion about potential energy options with woody biomass, the Wood to Energy Outreach Program developed the Biomass Ambassador Guide. The Guide includes tips on developing outreach programs and a set of handouts: 16 fact sheets on topics including economics, environmental concerns, conversion, and policy; 14 case studies of wood-to-energy facilities; and 13 community economic profiles. All of the materials are available on the Web site and Guides can be ordered and CDs of the materials can be requested by emailing Lauren McDonell at

The URL is:

Kentucky College EE Programs Will Likely Weather Budget Cuts    
News story by freelance journalist Jennifer Oladipo

It was not so long ago, and it still remains the case in many states, that

whenever budgets need to be tightened, environmental education gets squeezed out. But Teddie Phillipson, the director of the year-old Center for Environmental Education at the University of Louisville, said a growing respect for environmental education, backed by resources, means Kentucky's current budget crisis won't put environmental education in critical condition.
The URL is:

Guide to Building Effective Education Initiatives    
The SAI (STEM Accelerator Initiative) Guide to Building Effective STEM Education Programs has just been made available by the National Alliance of State Science and Mathematics Coalitions (NASSMC). Written by Brett Pawlowski of DeHavilland Associates, the SAI Guide is a complete resource for anyone designing a new education program or conducting a strategic review of an existing program.
The URL is:

The Wallace Foundation for Educational Research    
For more than a decade, The Wallace Foundation for Educational Research has worked to expand learning and enrichment opportunities for all people. Efforts toward this goal have yielded important insights and lessons, and the website has been designed to make this knowledge more accessible to visitors. Browse the wide range of topics in the Knowledge Center. Check out the grant programs with focus on Arts Participation, Education Leadership, and Out-Of-School Learning.
The URL is:

Yale Online Environmental Magazine - Spring 2008    
The Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies is launching YaleEnvironment Online in Spring 2008, with award-winning former editor of Mother Jones and Audubon magazines, Roger Cohn, as editor. The publication will include op-ed articles, reports, multi-media content, panel discussions, blogs, and more.

Read the press release:
The URL is:

Law and Economics for a Warming World    
By Lisa Heinzerling and Frank Ackerman, Harvard Law and Policy Review, volume 1, no. 2, pp.331-362. Heinzerling and Ackerman discuss the role law and economics have in public policy and how the consequences and probabilities of damages of climate change requires rethinking of aspects of both.
The URL is:

United Nations Publications on Climate Change    
Publications on climate change are one of United Nations' actions undertaken to achieve Millennium Development Goals set by world leaders in September 2000.
The URL is:

Scientific Facts on Ecosystem Change    
A "synthesis" of multiple independent reports that answers high-level questions like: "How have ecosystems and their services changed? How have these changes affected human well-being? How might ecosystems change in the future, and what are the implications for human well-being?" The individual reports were mostly spatially partitioned into different areas of the world, and answered those questions in ways appropriate for the participating institutions.

Also, available an easy-to-read version from GreenFacts >>
The URL is:

A Qualitative Investigation of the Urban Minority Adolescent Experience with Wildlife    
By Stanley W. Van Velsor and Charles H. Nilon, University of Missouri–Columbia. Published by Taylor and Francis in Human Dimensions of Wildlife, September 2006
The URL is:

Less Classroom Time Spent on Elementary Science    
Results from a Center on Education Policy (CEP) survey shows that approximately 62% of school districts increased the amount of time spent in elementary schools on reading and language arts and/or math, while 44% of districts cut time on science, social studies, art and music, physical education, lunch, and/or recess. The survey examined the amount of time spent during the school week on core academic subjects and how the allocation of time across subjects has changed since the 2001-2002 school year, when NCLB was enacted.
The URL is:

Ontario Government Adopts All EE Recommendations    
On July 07, 2007, the Ontario government released the Report of the Working Group on Environmental Education "Shaping Our Schools, Shaping Our Future" and announced that the government will adopt and implement all 32 recommendations in the Report. The far-reaching recommendations will create policy, and affect curriculum, teacher preparation, professional development, pre-service and in-service, resources, outdoor education, and a new grade 11 course focused on environmental education.

The URL is:

Wireless Getting to those Hard-to-Reach Places    
Article "Hard-to-Reach Southern California Tidepools Now Accessible via Wireless Networking" describes how "...NPS has been working with High Performance Wireless Research and Education Network (HPWREN) researchers funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) to integrate an effective, yet inexpensive, solution for the "need for speed" at the tidepools."

Read full text >>

The URL is:

Publication for Implementing Sustainable Development Education    
UNESCO released this e-version of a compilation of articles on "Drivers and Barriers for Implementing Sustainable Development in Pre-School through Upper Secondary and Teacher Education" generated from an ESD workshop of the same title.

The URL is:

Getting Lost in the Great Indoors    
Getting Lost in the Great Indoors - Many Adults Worry Nature Is Disappearing From Children's Lives

This front-page story in the June 19, 2007, Washington Post by staff writer Donna St. George highlights the support for a national movement to "leave no child inside" and "a campaign to raise $20 million that will ultimately fund 20 initiatives across the country to encourage children to do what once seemed second nature: go outdoors."
The URL is:

Environment Articles    
This useful resource contains a growing database of environment articles relating to renewable energy technologies, including solar, wind, and geothermal energy.
The URL is:

Campus Climate Agreement    
On June 12, 2007, college and university presidents from 284 institutions officially committed to, within two years, devise plans for greenhouse gas elimination on their campuses. The agreement also requires annual progress reporting with implementation to be overseen by the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education.
The URL is:

EETAP Articles Feature Key EE Initiatives    
In 2006, the Environmental Education and Training Partnership (EETAP) released a series of articles to inform practitioners and educators about trends in EE and their significance for the field. All EETAP articles are available to download on the EETAP Web site.
The URL is:

Teachers Factor Highest When Measuring Students    
Daniel Fallon, the program director for higher education at the Carnegie Corporation of New York spoke before the House Subcommittee on Higher Education, Lifelong Learning, and Competitiveness about how teachers have the greatest impact on student success over other school-based factors.

Read the full press release:

"Teacher Quality Most Important School-Based Factor in Boosting Student Achievement." Carnegie Corporation of New York Press Release 5/17/07 >>
The URL is:

How is the Environment Where You Live?    
The Earth Day Network has updated its Urban Environment Report, which rates the environmental performance of seventy-two American cities, with a focus on populations that are more sensitive or susceptible to environmental, health, and social problems.
The URL is:

Communications Tactics Guide    
Futerra Sustainability Communications Ltd. created this publication "New Rules: New Games" as a communications guide to help in delivering the message of behavior change to impact climate change. Simple, succinct, and applicable.

Download the pdf >>
The URL is:

Evangelical About the Environment    
May 2, 2007, Sioux City article, "Evangelical Christians taking up the cause of environment" highlights youth ministries and evangelical churches are increasingly "preaching the gospel of "green" by pointing out that people of faith are called to care for the Earth, too."

Full text of article >>

Learn what one youth minister is doing >>

The URL is:

Schools Going Green Make a Healthy Learning Environment    
April 20, 2007, San Francisco Chronicle article "Campuses moving to forefront of green building, education" on what California is doing to support green schools initiatives. Includes links to organizations and agencies involved in helping schools in their effort to go green.
The URL is:

Most Americans Believe Environmental Groups Too Extreme    
Moore Information Opinion Research Poll shows that a solid majority of American voters are of the opinion that environmental groups are too extreme. Read the results:
The URL is:

Environmental Education Saves the Day    
By Sarah Haines and Cynthia Kilpatrick. Becoming a Project Learning Tree (PLT)-certified school unified faculty, boosted student achievement, and saved one school from closure. Read the full article in the April issue of NSTA's Science & Children magazine and visit
The URL is:

Bill Introduced to Fund Outdoor Classrooms in New Mexico    
This landmark bill could transform learning for New Mexico students. House Bill 1232, sponsored by State Representative Gail Chasey (D-Albuquerque) would impose a one percent excise tax on the purchase of electronic equipment in New Mexico, to create the "Healthy Kids Outdoor Fund" to be used to fund outdoor education programs.
The URL is:

UK Environmental & Educational Community Support Climate Education    
As of September 2008, there is to be compulsory climate education in UK. Support coming from both the environmental community AND the education community.

The Independent, February 2, 2007

"All pupils to be given lessons in climate change"

Education Guardian, Co. UK, February 2, 2007

"Geography lessons to include climate change",,2004693,00.html
The URL is: see articles

Greenbacks for Green Schools    
This compilation by the Green Schools Initiative, catalogues funding sources for eliminating toxins; using resources sustainably; creating green, healthy spaces; and teaching stewardship.
The URL is:

Colleges and Universities Graded on Sustainability    
In January, the Sustainable Endowments Institute released a College Sustainability Report Card rating the 100 North American colleges and universities with the largest endowments. The report ranked schools from A to F on 26 indicators, including green building initiatives, climate change and energy, and food and recycling, with particular attention to endowment and investment policies.
The URL is:

Environmental Racism: An Ecumenical Study Guide    
Studies show that toxic and hazardous industries establish themselves far more often in communities of color and that these communities face greater health risks due to industrial pollution. In honor of Black History Month, generate conversation about race and the environment with your faith community with this new National Council of Churches (NCC) Eco-Justice adult education resource.
The URL is:

"My (college) campus is greener than yours." News, October 2006, "At Colleges, the Environment is Hot" report on what colleges around the country are doing to conserve energy on campus.

The URL is:

Churches Saving in Many Ways    
Read how churches are successfully saving $8,000-$16,000 each year using energy efficient and clean energy technologies. The National Council of Churches Eco Justice Program report entitled "Bottom Line Ministries that Matter: Congregational Stewardship with Energy Efficiency and Clean Energy Technologies" outlines how congregations can save money and reduce carbon emissions.
The URL is:

Energy Efficient Home Articles    
Learn how to make your home more energy efficient with this very useful site. There are hundreds of articles listed here with information on lowering energy usage, healthy living, green building, and more.
The URL is:

Butterflies: Big Business, Ecology, Ethics    
"Butterfly Kiss-Off," New York Times, August 24, 2006, by Op-Ed Contributor Jeffrey A. Lockwood.

Article discusses the potential ecological impact and ethical concerns of the business of butterflies for use as educational tools and wedding confetti.
The URL is:

EE Report Card Show Positive Results on Standardized Tests    
Results of the Report Card on Environmental Education in Washington State show students involved in environmental education score higher on standardized tests, than do students with more conventional schooling.

View full report:
The URL is:

Complete Tbilisi Report    
October 14-26, 1977 ~ Tbilisi (USSR)

Report from 1977 Intergovernmental Conference on Environmental Education organized by UNESCO in co-operation with UNEP.

The URL is:

Go Green Initiative Reports Remarkable Results    
Since the "Go Green Initiative" inception in 2002, four State PTA Boards, 13 states, and 235 schools have implemented the initiative and are reporting remarkable results in waste diversion. The cumulative results can be interpreted in terms of real environmental impact.
The URL is:

Why Saving the Environment is Suddenly "Hot"    
The July 17, 2006, issue of Newsweek magazine has a cover story called "The New Greening of America: From Politics to Lifestyle, why saving the environment is suddenly hot." In a 10-page review of everything from green energy to green building, agriculture to shopping, the issue features some of the ways our lives are changing to incorporate sustainable practices. The story reports data that EE providers will find effective in their teaching, as well as stories about what motivated people and companies to adopt environmentally friendly practices. The issue is on newsstands now:
The URL is:

One Year Later - Results from SC Middle Schools Using EIC For Learning      
South Carolina middle school students are engaged in real-world, community-based, and standards-aligned environmental investigative and service-learning projects that improve their behavior, attitudes and grades. Teachers of all disciplines, together with parents, local businesses, universities, and federal, state, county and non-profit environmental groups are helping students stay in class and improve their learning. First year quantitative and qualitative data collected from an outside evaluator from ten South Carolina pilot middle schools indicate adolescents are responding very favorably to these new instructional strategies.

Teacher confidence and classroom management skills improved as students responded. The Environment as an Integrating Context (EIC) model is based on national research conducted by the State Education and Environment Roundtable (SEER). Visit the SEER© website at for information.

View the complete report: "Education Using the Environment" by Edward H. Falco online.
The URL is: is the website associated with ecotoxicology-l a premier listserv for discussions surrounding the fields of environmental toxicology.
The URL is:

Internet NewsBrief    
A weekly news service from the EPA Headquarters Library that provides new and useful Internet resources for environmental professionals.
The URL is:

Global Partnership for Sustainable Development    
Discusses integration of environment and development concerns on a global level. A publication from EETAP Resource Library. In pdf format.
The URL is:

NAAEE Environmental Communicator Fall 2002 [pdf]    
A publication of the North American Association for EE (NAAEE). Feature articles, Association news, Affiliate news, Op-Ed pieces, announcements on new EE resources, available jobs, and future events and opportunities.
The URL is:

NAAEE Environmental Communicator Spring 2003 [pdf]    
A publication of the North American Association for EE (NAAEE). Feature articles, Association news, Affiliate news, Op-Ed pieces, announcements on new EE resources, available jobs, and future events and opportunities.
The URL is:

Energy Bill    
The Senate passed the Energy Policy Act of 2002 (S. 517) on April 25th after rejecting S.AMDT.3132, introduced by Sen. Murkowski (R-AK), and S.AMDT.3133, introduced by Sen. Stevens (R-AK), to open the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil drilling by votes of 46-54 and 36-64, respectively.
The URL is:

Center for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global Change    
A weekly review and repository of scientific research findings pertaining to carbon dioxide and global change. Website also includes a section on experiments that can be conducted by students in the classroom, or as science fair projects.
The URL is:

This site is designed to bring environmental news, press releases and events together in one convenient location. Stay connected to local and global environmental issues and events by visiting Greenspace Environmental News daily.
The URL is:

International Resources Available to Environmental Educators    
Identifies some of the journals and periodicals available on the database of ERIC and CSMEE, with focus, availability, and cost. A publication from the EETAP Resource Library. In pdf format.
The URL is:

NSF "Complex Environmental Systems"    
Advisory Committee for Environmental Research and Education (AC-ERE), report with recommendations for NSF's next decade of environmental research & education programs.

The URL is:

TREK Research and News    
Training Resources for the Environmental Community - 2004 Salary & Benefits Survey of Environmental Groups.
The URL is:

A Child's Place    
Demos Group and Green Alliance paper on children and their environments through a series of interviews in February and March 2004, with children in order to better understand their attitudes towards their environment and how it

affects them. Some findings include the observation that access to high quality natural environments for urban children is not nearly as open as it is to those in rural settings. The report recommends that new ways be found to facilitate EE through out-of-school learning and children's needs should be considered on the design of public space.
The URL is:

Nature in Fragments: The Legacy of Urban Sprawl    
Abstract by William Honachefsky, New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.
The URL is:

California Wilderness Bill    
Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA) announced on May 11th her plan to introduce the California Wild Heritage Wilderness Act of 2002 in the Senate, which will protect approximately 2.5 million acres of public lands in 77 different areas across the state, as well as the free-flowing portions of 22 rivers.
The URL is:

ENDS Environment Daily    
Get briefed on policy, legislation and other news matters concerning Europe's environment at ENDS environment Daily, the intelligent news source or professionals worldwide with an interest in EU environmental affairs. This intelligence serves government, education, not-for-profit and private sector readers. (subscription required)
The URL is:

USDA Forest Service Publications    
Provides web links to a vast array of research publications, as well as entry-level science topics written by staff of the USDA Forest Service
The URL is:

Green Nature    
An interactive environment and nature news, information and photography destination.
The URL is:

3RCentre World Environmental Current Affairs    
An education resource that uses the major news organisations from the USA, Europe, UK, Asia Australia and Africa to provide up to date and archived environmental news, all categorised for easy and timely access. See more general info, as well as samples on the site
The URL is:

Integrating Curriculum:The Cesar Chavez Garden    
Publication in Ecoliteracy News discussing program using a garden to practice progressive educational theory at Cesar Chavez Elementary School in San Francisco. Designed to help students better understand the thematic-based curriculum introduced in their science, reading and English lessons.
The URL is:

Environmental and Ecosystems in the News    
Provided by the NSTA WebNews Service.

"Tomorrow's environmental protectors are in today's classroom. Help them learn about the Earth's environment and its ecosystems with these timely news stories."
The URL is:

National Project for Excellence in Environmental Education          
A multi-year program of NAAEE designed to identify and provide examples of high quality environmental education practice. Resources include Guidelines for Excellence for EE Materials, Guidelines for the Initial Preparation of Environmental Educators, and K-12 Guidelines for Learning.
The URL is:

Protecting Water Systems Resources Guide    
From National Drinking Water Clearinghouse Emergency Response Guide can help with disaster planning. National Safety Council Booklet provides step-by-step action plans.
The URL is:

Inclusive Environmental Education    
"How do K-12 educators in the classroom address the issue of making environmental education activities accessible to all students...." A publication from the EETAP Resource Library. In pdf format.
The URL is:

Living Planet Report 2000    
"This report has two principal objectives: the first is to quantify changes in the state of the Earth's natural ecosystems over time; the second is to measure the human pressures on the natural environment arising from the consumption of renewable resources and pollution, and analyse the geographic patterns in those pressures." From the World Wildlife Fund.
The URL is:

Publications - North American Association for Environmental Education        
Directories, research, curricula, and discussion of professional issues in publications from North America's primary EE professional organization. Selected resources have been reviewed by the National Project for Excellence in EE.
The URL is:

Issues in Ecology      
"Reports and brochures on pressing environmental issues prepared by panels of distinguished scientists with the help of a science writer." The reports are available in two versions:long (about 20 pages)and short (about 4 pages), both available through Adobe Acrobat (PDF format). From the Ecological Society of America.
The URL is:

NAAEE Environmental Communicator Summer 2001      
A publication of the North American Association for EE (NAAEE). Feature articles, Association news, Affiliate news, Op-Ed pieces, announcements on new EE resources, available jobs, and future events and opportunities.
The URL is:

Earth Report    
Earth Report provides weekly coverage of the state of the world environment such as the effects of global climate change and oil exploration in Alaska. Background materials and information and video clips are available online.
The URL is:

USDA Organic Label    
USDA new Organic labels: "100 percent organic" describe products that are entirely organic; "organic" are at least 95 percent organic; "contains organic ingredients" or "made with organic ingredients" are foods that are 70 percent organic or less.
The URL is:

NAAEE Environmental Communicator Summer 2002      
A publication of the North American Association for EE (NAAEE). Feature articles, Association news, Affiliate news, Op-Ed pieces, announcements on new EE resources, available jobs, and future events and opportunities.
The URL is:

Healthy Forests: An Initiative for Wildfire Prevention and Stronger Communities    
The Wilderness Society and Sierra Club proposed forest management plan which emphasizes an increase in prescribed burns, community protection and forest restoration.

The URL is:

AASHE Digest 2005    
This Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE) publication is a review of campus sustainability news stories and resources from the past year collected from AASHE's weekly newsletter, AASHE Bulletin.
The URL is:

NAAEE Environmental Communicator Fall 2001        
A publication of the North American Association for EE (NAAEE). Feature articles, Association news, Affiliate news, Op-Ed pieces, announcements on new EE resources, available jobs, and future events and opportunities.
The URL is:

National Environmental Education Act of 1990    
Full text available in PDF format.The Act authorized: An Office of Environmental Education in the US EPA; An environmental education and training program; Environmental education grants; Student fellowships; The President's Environmental Youth Awards;

The Federal Task Force and National Advisory Council; The National Environmental Education and Training Foundation (NEETF).
The URL is:

Western Center for EE: Polluted Stream Lists    
Official 303d polluted stream lists submitted to the EPA under the provisions of the Clean Water Act. Index shows GIS Maps, news articles reports, photos, graphs, Geophysical maps, Satellite maps, and articles which ARE NOT included in the congressional report. Data still being added to site.
The URL is:

Cartoonist helps Grassroots efforts in saving Salmon Campaign    
Cartoonist Denis Thomopoulos ( created this cartoon from the perspective of several talking salmon to help with the efforts in saving the imperiled Northwest Salmon. Thomopoulos teamed up with Wildlife Works and Save Our Wild Salmon Coalition to create an online petition addressed to Congress and to sell t-shirts to raise money for wild salmon recovery efforts.
The URL is:

Forest Landowner's Guide to Internet Resources    
The Guide is a web based clearing-house for more than 1100 brochures, pamphlets, and fact sheets on a wide variety of forest management related subjects. The searchable guide categorizes links by subject matter and state, and provides a brief annotation for each link. The guide is also downloadable as a hard copy PDF.
The URL is:

Guide to Understanding a Sense of Place    
The Guide explores the concepts of community and culture and provides tools for identifying, assessing, and working cooperatively within the social dynamics and local values connected to environmental protection. To request a FREE copy of the Guide refer to EPA publication number 842B01003.
The URL is:

The Outdoor Classroom    
A Canadian Newsletter on School Ground

Naturalization. A project of the Evergreen Foundation. Available in PDF format. Adobe Acrobat Reader required.
The URL is:    
Purchase essential publications on sustainable development and the enviroment from the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and key

international organisations. Benefit from our easy to search catalogue, streamlined online ordering system and up-to-date website. Earthprint

customers span NGO's, commercial organisations, institutions, trade and individuals, who all use our titles as essential research and policy making

The URL is:

A Questioning Framework for Shaping Environmental Literacy    
A curriculum-building device based on the premise that questions lead to, and provide the context for, basic concepts about the environment and our relationships with it. Developed in cooperation with the Dunn Foundation and Antioch New England's Center for environmental education.
The URL is:

Science and Nature (CNN)    
Major news stories on environmental issues from Cable News Network. Articles are supported with photos, sound clips, quick time video, and

links to related information on the Internet.
The URL is:

Using a Logic Model to Review and Analyze an EE Program    
By Thomas C. Marcinkowski. This paper reviews and analyzes a long-standing and well-documented program in environmental education, Hungerford et al.'s issue-and-action instruction program (1973- ). Logic models provide conceptual guidance and visual support for this review and analysis. These models were adapted from work in Aquatic Resource Education by Peyton, and the literature on logic modeling in program evaluation. 2004, 72 pp. ISBN 1-884008-86-0. $19.95 nonmember/ $15.95 NAAEE member.
The URL is:

Materiales Didácticos    
"Reseñas de las principales novedades publicadas en el campo de la didáctica ambiental." Del Centro Nacional de Educación Ambiental en España.

Reviews of environmental education publications, primarily from Spain.
The URL is:

What's Fair Got To Do With It: Diversity Cases from Environmental Educators    
Edited by Tania J. Madfes. Educators will find these cases a powerful tool for professional development. Each case is a candid, dramatic, and highly readable first-person account that makes concrete the challenges of fairness, expectations, respect, and communication when people who share goals, perhaps, but not cultures, interact. 2004, 119pp. ISBN 0-914409-20-4. $21.50 nonmember/ $19.35 NAAEE Member.
The URL is:

The State of the Nation's Ecosystems - Draft    
"This prototype report lays the foundation for what we hope will evolve into a comprehensive, credible series of periodic reports on the state of America's ecosystems." A project of The Heinz Center.
The URL is:

The Vancouver Aquarium's aquatic news network. Keep up-to-date on breaking news, follow weekly updates from field research expeditions and dive in-depth into aquatic conservation issues.
The URL is:

Interaction with Nature during the Middle Years    
"Interaction with Nature during the Middle Years: It's Importance to Children's Development"

Article by Randy White, discussing the importance of the greening of schoolyards as natural schoolyards where children can interact with nature and as a result develop positive environmental values.
The URL is:

Environmental Education in New Zealand Schools Report    
Report on current practice in environmental education in New Zealand schools using a range of methods – a literature review of national and international practice, a national survey of schools, and eight case studies looking at schools/kura where environmental education is a strong focus, and key findings from each research component.
The URL is:

EPA Budget Proposal For FY 2003 - Update    
Rep. George Miller (D-CA), circulated letter in support of EPA's EE Program urging House Members to send a letter of support for maintaining funding and responsibilities for environmental education within the EPA to the House VA, HUD and Independent Agencies Appropriations Subcommittee.
The URL is:

Arctic Drilling Plan Fails in Senate    
Washington Post, April 18, 2002, The Senate rejected, by a vote of 57-42, an amendment by Sen. Carper (D-DE) and Sen. Specter (R-PA) that would have directed the Department of Transportation to cut the amount of oil passenger cars and light trucks consume by one million barrels per day by 2015.
The URL is:

Environmental Education Research 8 (3), August 2002    
Focuses on critical analyses of attempts to model the gap between pro-environmental behavior and environmental knowledge and awareness. All articles can be accessed online for a fee - some

abstracts are available.
The URL is:

Reaching Non-Science Teachers    
The results of a focus group study released by EETAP confirm the challenge that environmental educators face when trying to reach non-science middle and secondary school teachers. A publication of the EETAP Resource Library. In pdf format.
The URL is:

U.S. News Classroom    
Provided by US News and World Report, site offers resources to help teachers integrate current events into their classrooms. Among these resources are a library of lesson plans and interactive activities, organized by subject.
The URL is:

Reuters World Environmental News    
Daily environmental news from Reuters wire service - searchable by topic area or keyword. Also available as a daily email. Provided by Planet Ark, Australia.
The URL is:

School Students' Ideas and Misconceptions: How can we best reduce global warming?    
Article published by Taylor & Francis, International Journal of Environmental Studies. Issue: Volume 61, Number 2/April 2004. This questionnaire-based study explored school students' ideas, both scientific and idiosyncratic, about the extent to which various actions might contribute towards reducing global warming. Requires Subscription
The URL is:

Western Governors' Wildfire Strategy    
Western Governors' 10-year Comprehensive Wildfire Strategy. Goals of strategy are to improve fire prevention & suppression; reduce hazardous fuels; restore fire adapted ecosystems; & promote community assistance.
The URL is:

Why Environmental Education is Important?    
Carol Browner, US EPA, argues that EE is "critical to maintaining our quality of life." Includes an overview of the EPA's Environmental Education Program. Full text
The URL is:

WaterTech Online    
Current news articles on water and the environment (full text online).
The URL is:

Blue Gills and Sniffers Guarding Our Water    
An electronic sniffer, developed by the US Department of Energy's Sandia National Laboratories, can be put underground or in water to detect toxic chemicals in real time may be a useful tool in protecting the nation's water supply.
The URL is:

Minnesota Report Card on Environmental Literacy    
Over 80% of Minnesota adults consider the environment when voting. The Second Minnesota Report Card 2004, documents the results of the second statewide survey concerning environmental literacy of adults in Minnesota. This report card examines changes in the intervening period since the 2002 Minnesota Report Card, with results also compared to the national and Pennsylvania report cards. The Second Report Card addresses adults' knowledge about, attitudes toward, and behaviors related to the environment, with an emphasis on water issues.
The URL is:

Study Bolsters Research that EE Helps Students with ADHD    
"A Potential Natural Treatment for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity

Disorder: Evidence from a National Study" by Frances Kuo, PhD, and Andrea Faber Taylor, PhD, of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign shows that hands-on structured outdoor activities improve behavior and produces positive results for students with ADHD. The complete report is available in the American Journal of Public Health, September 2004, vol 94, No. 9. Other articles on study:

Nature Helps Fight ADHD

Great Outdoors May Ease ADHD Symptoms
The URL is:

Information Technology: a channel to integrate environmental awareness and education    
Explores educational technology. A publication from the EETAP Resource Library. In pdf format.
The URL is:

Instructional Technology: Where Does Environmental Education Fit In?    
" introduction to the dialogue of instructional technology." A publication from the EETAP Resource Library. In pdf format.
The URL is:

Columbia, Irvine, and The Woodlands    
Columbia, Irvine, and The Woodlands: Planning Lessons from Three US New Towns of the 1960s and 1970s [.pdf] Published as part of the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy's Working Paper series, this paper by Professor Ann Forsyth of the University of Minnesota examines three communities in the United States developed during the 1960s as responses to critics of urban sprawl.
The URL is:

EETAP Capacity Building Evaluation      
The EETAP study, that identifies 24 recommendations for improving efforts to strengthen state level capacity in EE. The recommendations are divided into four thematic areas including: Legitimization of environmental education, Leadership training & professional development, Planning and overall capacity building, and Research and evaluation. In pdf format.
The URL is:

EnviroFacts Information Sheets    
West Virginia Division of Environmental Protection - fact sheets on environmental issues relevant to WV and an "Enviro-Quiz."
The URL is:

Whitman Announces Water Protection Task Force    
From the EPA Environmental News Press Release October 5, 2001. "EPA Administrator Christie Whitman today announced the establishment of a water protection task force at the Agency that will be charged with helping federal, state and local partners to expand their tools to safeguard the nation's drinking water supply from terrorist attack."
The URL is:

Earth News Wire    
The source for online news on the environment, conservation, ecology, science, and nature from around the world.
The URL is:

WWF Global 200: The Focal 25    
WWF has identified more than 200 of the world's most outstanding and essential habitats. Of these, 25 ecoregions have been selected as areas of immediate concern. The Focal 25 site outlines the biodiversity, threats and conservation projects in these ecoregions.
The URL is:

EWG Report: Conventional vs. Organic    
Environmental Working Group report showing government tests reveal that organic is a healthier food source. Make a virtual salad and see the difference in pesticides contained in conventional vs. organic produce.
The URL is:

GEO Yearbook 2006: An Overview of Our Changing Environment    
The GEO Year Book 2006 is the third annual survey of the changing global environment produced by the United Nations Environment Programme, in collaboration with many world experts in environmental research and action.
The URL is:

CAP Public Info Press Release: Water is a poor conduit for terrorism    
Discussion with Dr. Kent Campbell, Professor at U of Arizona teaches a course on infectious diseases and bioterrorism. From Central Arizona Project (CAP).
The URL is:

America's Low Energy IQ: A Risk to our Energy Future    
The tenth NEETF/Roper Report Card on Americans basic energy knowledge. The report recommends a significant national education effort --

a major refresher course on energy basics -- as a way to help address significant energy needs in the next three to five years. In pdf format.
The URL is:

Education About and For Sustainability    
To address the role of Business Schools in progressing the sustainability agenda, a study was commissioned by the Australian Government Department of the Environment and Heritage. Australian Research Institute in Education for Sustainability (ARIES) conducted this study into the mainstreaming of sustainability education.

Electronic copies can be downloaded from the ARIES website.
The URL is:

Headwaters News    
An online news service that offers a daily synopsis of news and commentary for the Rocky Mountain West. Summaries of stories that impact the region from 40+ online newspapers and magazines providing a daily update of the region's environmental, community, political, and economic news.
The URL is:

NAAEE Environmental Communicator Winter 2001      
A publication of the North American Association for EE (NAAEE). Feature articles, Association news, Affiliate news, Op-Ed pieces, announcements on new EE resources, available jobs, and future events and opportunities.
The URL is:

ARIES Review of Whole-School Sustainability ~ Australia    
Australian Research Institute in Education for Sustainability (ARIES) releases study: Whole-school Approaches to Sustainability: An international review of whole-school sustainability programs, commissioned by the Australian Government. The study documents the experiences, achievements and lessons learned from nationwide, whole-school initiatives developing around the world. International initiatives such as Enviroschools, Eco-schools, Learnscapes and Green Schools were reviewed to assist in identifying key features and critical success factors which characterise a Sustainable School.

E-copies are downloadable from the website. To obtain a hardcopy, please contact:

ARIES Coordinator, Graduate School of the Environment, Macquarie University, Sydney North Ryde NSW 2109 Australia;
The URL is:

National Environmental Employment Report    
Environmental Career Center's Comprehensive environmental jobs listings and student internships in EE, natural resources, advocacy, wildlife, ecology, environmental sciences/engineering, and related areas. Monthly subscription newspaper with career articles and over 500 jobs.
The URL is:

Status of FY2004 Appropriations Bills - Update    
The Senate Appropriations committee passed the VA-HUD Appropriations bill (HR 2861) on November 18th and sent it into conference to resolve differences between the Senate and House versions of the bill. The final version is expected to be included in an omnibus spending measure, which is expected to include a total of seven appropriations bills.
The URL is:

Using GIS to Support Sustainable Development Education    
This article by Noah Fields, The Concord Consortium (Winter 1999), describes how "students are using GIS tools to better understand sustainable development."
The URL is:    
Environmentally friendly products, services and news - updated daily.
The URL is:

Little Green Schoolhouse Report    
Report from the Green Schools Initiative, The Little Green Schoolhouse: Thinking Big About Ecological Sustainability, Children's Environmental Health and K-12 Education in the USA. This report establishes a framework that brings together a variety of school-related environmental health and sustainability issues under one conceptual and strategic roof. Report presents a vision of green and healthy schools and offers policy recommendations.
The URL is:

Youth Sourcebook on Sustainable Development    
"..contains information on youth's concerns with sustainable development issues, case studies of youth action, together with advice on how to organize for action, useful resource lists, and finally a Directory of international and regional youth organizations."
The URL is:

Nonprofit Lobbying Guide      
"Demonstrates the many ways nonprofits can use lobbying to advance their causes in federal, state and local legislatures. Gives jargon-free explanations of the laws governing lobbying limits, lobbying with private foundation and corporate grants, reporting to the IRS, and education efforts during a political campaign." Online ordering.
The URL is:

Conserve School - Wisconsin    
Audubon International Press Release - 6/28/04

Conserve School recently became the first school in the world to become designated as an Audubon International Signature Sanctuary. Signature certification is awarded only to new developments that are designed, constructed and maintained according to Audubon International’s precise planning standards and environmental disciplines. Conserve School, located in northeastern Wisconsin near the town of Land O’ Lakes, is a private, non-sectarian college preparatory boarding school for grades 9-12. Where typical schools are built as a way to live apart from the natural environment, Conserve School was designed to keep the natural environment as a prominent feature in the lives of the students where they live and attend classes as a reminder of the importance of stewardship. See Website for program information.
The URL is:

Global Cooperation: need for partnerships in environmental education    
Resources on historical background and current information on international treatise available to educators. A publication from EETAP Resource Library. In pdf format.
The URL is:

Global Environmental Change: A Case for Environmental and Science Education    
"Basic to the Earth Systems Education approach is to give a more comprehensive understanding of the nature of science and its intellectual processes including the historical descriptive approaches commonly used by the earth and biological sciences." A publication from EETAP Resource Library. In pdf format.
The URL is:

Manitoba Wildlands    
Manitoba Wildlands is a non-profit environmental organization supporting the establishment of protected areas in Manitoba, with a special focus on boreal forest regions. Site provides information about Manitoba land and waters; decisions and technical information about use of crown lands and water; hard to find government information, or documents that are no longer posted; and a news service.
The URL is:

Senderos E Bulletin from Border-Wide EE Coalition      
Senderos, the electronic bulletin from the Border-Wide EE Coalition features stories and news from the border region’s environmental educators, and information about programs and events taking place in all of the ten US-Mexico Border States. The Border-Wide EE Coalition is a collaboration of many individual and group environmental educators across the region doing EE in conjunction with the Border 2012 program.

Subscribe by sending an email
The URL is:

Environmental Education Evolves: Developing Citizens, Furthering Education Reform    
Article by Karen Rasmussen, Education Update (Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development), Vol.42, No.1, January 2000. "As an interdisciplinary curriculum framework, environmental education can help teachers, schools, and districts reach teaching and learning goals..."
The URL is:

Education for a Sustainable & Secure Future Report    
National Conference on Science, Policy & the Environment. Draft recommendations developed by participants for educational reform for the U.S. & the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (2005-2015) can now be read online. Address topics such as sustainability & security curricula for K-12 & undergraduates, community education, & planetary health.
The URL is:

Planet Friendly    
Planet-Friendly, a nonprofit service in Canada "bringing people together over ideas that matter" with focus on themes such as peace, environment, sustainable living, food, community, communication, democracy, human rights, and activism. Hosts the GoodWorks Canada and Planet Friendly websites. Provides an extensive calendar of events as well as a wealth of resources for the curious or enviro-conscious info seekers.
The URL is:

Education for Sustainability: An Agenda for Action    
"The Agenda lays out a number of recommendations as to how we can build concepts of sustainability into our educational programs." A report of the "National Forum on Partnerships Supporting Education about the Environment," a demonstration project of the President's Council on Sustainable Development (1994).
The URL is:

New Factbook of economic, environmental & social indicators    
Online version of new Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Factbook of economic, environmental and social indicators for the world's core economies. "The OECD Factbook will become a key reference for anyone interested to know 'where we are' and 'where we are going' in terms of social, economic and environmental development."
The URL is:

Responsive Mgmt Surveys Public Attitudes on Natural Resources    
Responsive Management specializes in opinion and attitude research on natural resource and outdoor

recreation issues. The 2004 e-reports are on how the public values natural resources; what the participation and attitudes are toward specific issues such as the management of wildlife, endangered species issues; and many more. To view reports visit the website and click on Natural Resources & Outdoor Recreation Research link.
The URL is:

EE in Kentucky: "Color Us Green"    
Superintendent of the Kentucky Jefferson County Public Schools (JCPS) Stephen Daeschner, discusses how JCPS is working to make the community and school environment 'greener' by implementing the initiatives: environmental education, environmental management, and environmental health. The JCPS destrict is the 28th largest school district in the United States and Superintendent Daeschner describes how implementing these programs can educate, influence and benefit the wider community.
The URL is:

Manuscript Letters of John Muir    
The Wisconsin Historical Society website has posted 30 letters from legendary naturalist John Muir to five correspondents on a wide range of topics from his student days at Madison throughout his wilderness travels spanning over 50 years, 1861 to 1914. View the typed letters next to hand-written originals (over 100 pages).
The URL is:

Article Examines Computers Effects on Children    
Article in September 2005 Orion Magazine "Charlotte's Webpage" by professor

and teacher-educator Lowell Monke. Monke's 17 years in the field have led him to the realization that educational computing may give children the world at their fingertips, but does so at the cost of their internal growth. He argues that increasing computer use can lead children to "deadened" and "manipulative" relationships with the world, "jeopardizing their ability to belong fully to human and biological communities."
The URL is:

Growing Green High-Performance Charter Schools    
Wisconsin Charter Schools Association article discusses the growing trend of Charter Schools offering environment-focused programs. Provides a list of "green" public charter schools and environmental education resources
The URL is:

New NEETF Study: Environmental Literacy in America    
NEETF publication, "Environmental Literacy in America: What Ten Years of NEETF/Roper Research and Related Studies Say About Environmental Literacy in the U.S." This report is available to download from the Web site and hard copies can be ordered for $20 by calling (202) 833-2933 x 0.
The URL is:

SCR Report "I will if you will"    
This Sustainable Consumption Roundtable (SCR) report based on dialogue (September 2004 - March 2006) with businesses, NGOs, and other stakeholders across Britain on possible solutions and preferable approaches to sustainable consumption advises "the sustainable choice the easier choice."
The URL is:

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