EE Organizations and Projects - Multicultural

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Links on this page include organizations and projects primarily concerned with education about environmental concerns with a multicultural focus, for both urban and rural audiences.

International Institute for Indigenous Resource Management    
IIIRM is a non-profit established to assist indigenous peoples in the sustainable utilization, development and conservation of their natural resources. The site includes articles and reports on tribal perspectives of environmental protection, restoration and risk.

Also includes briefing documents on complex environmental issues that can be incorporated into environmental curriculum.
The URL is:

EcoJustice Network    
The EcoJustice Network addresses environmental issues facing communities of color in the United States. The EcoJustice Network provides links to government resources, reports and articles, and organizations dealing with environmental justice issues.
The URL is:

ESRI Conservation Program    
"The goal of the ESRI Conservation Program (ECP) is to support conservation groups and related non-profit local, international, and indigenous

organizations in acquiring, learning, and

using geographic information system (GIS) tools and methods." Includes information on free GIS data, software, and tutorials. Offers grants of complete GIS centers to grass-roots orgs active in conservation.
The URL is:

Mott Foundation    
Facilitates effective planning, networking, organizing and communication among individuals and groups fighting for environmental, economic and social justice. Lists more than 400 people of color, grant opportunities, resource and legal groups from 40 states, Washington D.C., Puerto Rico, Canada and Mexico.
The URL is:

Inner City Outings    
A volunteer community outreach program of the Sierra Club that provides outdoor experiences for groups of individuals who might not otherwise have them. Such groups include: inner city youth of diverse ethnic and cultural backgrounds, disabled persons, and children with HIV.
The URL is:

American Indian Environmental Office    
"The American Indian Environmental Office (AIEO) coordinates the Agency-wide effort to strengthen public health and environmental protection in Indian Country, with a special emphasis on building Tribal capacity to administer their own environmental programs."
The URL is:

AntiRacism Net Directory    
Search for environmental justice groups in a particular geographic area.
The URL is:

Minority Environmental Leadership Development Initiative (MELDI)    
A project of The University of Michigan School of Natural Resources & Environment, designed to enhance the status of minorities in the environmental field. Activities will include publicizing environmental diversity initiatives & professionals, jobs & career information database, research, and more.
The URL is:

Arctic Circle Homepage    
Extensively researched articles investigating the Arctic from three perspectives: natural resources, history and culture; social equity and environmental justice. Virtual classroom activities examine each of these themes, and GIS maps and fact sheets are available for each region of the arctic circle. Developed by Norman Chance.
The URL is:

Environmental Education Outreach Program    
"The Environmental Education Outreach Program is part of the Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals at Northern Arizona University. The purpose of the EEOP is to interest Native American students in environmental careers and to assist schools in improving environmental science literacy."
The URL is:

Arab Community Center for Economic and Social Services (ACCESS)    
"ACCESS is dedicated to creating greater awareness among Arab Americans in Southeastern Michigan about environmental issues that affect the community’s health and quality of life." Resources include research, a youth leadership program, and bilingual environmental information.
The URL is:

Quest Scholars Program    
"Quest is a five-year long educational/ leadership program for exceptionally gifted low-income, at-risk, predominantly minority, high school juniors and seniors who are concerned with the environment." Application deadline: March 22.
The URL is:

Greater Washington Urban League    
"Founded in 1938 and one of the 115 affiliates of the National Urban League, the Greater Washington Urban League is a major civil rights and social services organization located in the District of Columbia."
The URL is:

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