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Distributors of videos, films and other multimedia resources on environmental topics.

HippoWorks Helps Teach Kids about Global Warming has just produced a new 12-part cartoon series "One by One, Ton by Ton, Let's Stop Global Warming!" to help teach kids about this important environmental issue and what they can do to stop it. A new episode will air every week.

As an educational tool for teachers, each episode concludes with questions and a glossary for a follow-up classroom discussion. Previous cartoons from Hippo Works have promoted energy conservation, awareness about animal extinction, and green living. The weekly cartoonlets are a free offering, for subscribers or for your Web site!
The URL is:

Grand Canyon Adventure    
This new film Grand Canyon Adventure: River at Risk, combines exhilarating river-rafting action on America's most iconic river, family fun, and the grandeur of the Grand Canyon to tell an engaging story of how ordinary people can make a difference for our parched planet- one that is running out of clean, fresh water so fast that the U.N. estimates that 40% of the world could face-life-threatening shortages by the year 2050. Taking audiences on this illuminating rafting trip are two environmental heroes: world-renowned river advocate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and author/anthropologist/explorer Wade Davis, accompanied by their daughters. They are guided by Shana Watahomigie, a member of the Havasupai tribe and first Native American to become a National Park Ranger and river guide. A stirring score featuring songs and music from the Grammy Award winning Dave Matthews Band sets the mood for this adventure that explores the spiritual, artistic, and life-sustaining powers of water- and makes crystal clear that each of us must do our part to better manage this crucial resource for the future.
The URL is:

Project Learning Tree and Earth & Sky Radio Show Presents: 2008 Forest Series    
September - December 2008

Listen to the Earth & Sky Radio Show online or find a radio broadcast in your area to hear from scientific experts about issues including climate change, habitat loss, clean water, and forest sustainability. The Earth & Sky Radio shows and podcasts have been correlated to Project Learning Tree (PLT) activities and provide educators with access to accurate, reliable, and understandable scientific research and data.
The URL is:

"Clear Cut" Documentary Release    
Clear Cut tells the story of Philomath, Oregon, a rural logging town that becomes harshly divided by changing environmental and educational beliefs. The conflict hinges upon a local foundation that, in protest to cultural changes, threatens to withdraw its traditional college scholarship program for high school graduates. Clear Cut illustrates the challenges faced by foundations and the communities they serve when ideological differences come to the forefront.
The URL is:

Environmental Countdown    
Environmental Countdown is a nonprofit video community that allows environmental organizations and activist individuals to create profiles and upload and highlight their videos. With easy to use download technology and tools to create a profile page with information about your group, Environmental Countdown offers ways people can donate and volunteer and add your video to your own Web site with a simple code (known as a widget).
The URL is:

Green Matters: What in the world is going on?    
This 9-part DVD series, offers viewers a look into what's being done around the world and what we can also do to help reduce our carbon footprint. Each program brings hopeful information that teachers and students alike can use.
The URL is:

Kids in the Garden DVD    
Kids in the Garden, a 15 part DVD series, encourages environmental stewardship while kids enjoy discovering the science of our natural world. Each program includes hands on activities with project lists. Examples of the title include Soil, Seeds, Fruits, Vegetables, etc.
The URL is:

Instructional Videos on Demand (VOD)    
Annenburg Media Web site offers The Power of Place instructional video series for high school and college classrooms. Visitors can watch any of the VODs after completing a free online registration form, and further explore Web content on each program.
The URL is:

Rare Earthtones    
The Center for Biological Diversity is offering free downloadable wildlife ringtones for your cell phones. Visit the Web site to listen to wildlife ringtones and send directly to your phone, and download photos, wallpaper, and facts for each of the featured wildlife species.
The URL is:

The DNA Files III Now on NPR    
The DNA Files III documentaries and features explore the science of genetics and its ethical, social, and legal implications, and National Public Radio is now broadcasting this series nationwide. The Web site offers background information as well as podcasts in MP3 format.
The URL is:

New Film Has an Activist Edge    
Ever wonder what it would be like to live with your own garbage? In Garbage! The Revolution Starts at Home, director Andrew Nisker takes an average urban family, the McDonalds, and asks them to keep every scrap of garbage that they create for three months. He then takes them on a journey to find out where it all goes and what it's doing to the world.
The URL is:

PBS Environmental Series for Grades 6-12    
The Journey to Planet Earth video series has been re-edited for grades 6-12 to help teachers explain to students the science behind some of the alarming world headlines. Receive a 30-day free preview of the entire 10-episode series or individual episodes, by emailing -- with your name, institutional mailing address, and phone number.
The URL is:

Free Green Videos on the Web    
Green Energy TV will air videos of green energy projects from around the world. The videos are designed to show viewers about energy alternatives that are already available and encourage making an educated switch to clean energy.
The URL is:

The 11th Hour Film Debuts    
The 11th Hour describes the last moment when change is possible. The film explores how we we impact the earth’s ecosystems and what we can do to change our course. The film features dialogues with experts from all over the world, including former Soviet Prime Minister Mikhail Gorbachev, renowned scientist Stephen Hawking, former head of the CIA R. James Woolsey, and sustainable design experts William McDonough and Bruce Mau in addition to over 50 leading scientists, thinkers, and leaders who present the facts and discuss the most important issues that face our planet.

See the trailer at
The URL is:

New PBS Documentary: Libby, Montana    
P.O.V. (Point of View), PBS' acclaimed independent non-fiction film series presents:

August 28, 2007, 10 p.m.

by Drury Gunn Carr and Doug Hawes-Davis

Nestled below the rugged peaks of the Northern Rockies in Montana - as iconic a representation of America's "purple mountain majesties" as one can find - lies the worst case of community-wide exposure to a toxic substance in U.S. history. In the small town of Libby, many hundreds of people are sick or have already died from asbestos exposure. "Libby, Montana" takes a long working day's journey into a blue-collar community, and finds a different reality - one where the American Dream exacts a terrible price.

(Check for local listings at
The URL is:

New PBS Documentary: Arctic Son    
P.O.V. (Point of View), PBS' acclaimed independent non-fiction film series presents:

August 21, 2007, 10 p.m.

by Andrew Walton

In "Arctic Son," the clash of tradition and modernity puts a Native father and son at odds in the remote village of Old Crow, 80 miles above the Arctic Circle. Stanley Jr., raised in Seattle, is drifting deeper into drinking and partying. Stanley Sr., a distant, philosophical figure to his son, keeps the ways of his Gwitchin ancestors alive by hunting, fishing and living by his wits in the harsh arctic environment. After a lifetime apart, the two are reunited in the raw, quiet beauty of the Canadian Yukon in a story that captures the dialogue between a father and son from vastly different worlds.

(Check for local listings at
The URL is:

New PBS Documentary: The Chances of the World Changing    
P.O.V. (Point of View), PBS' acclaimed independent non-fiction film series presents:

July 17, 2007, 10 p.m.

by Eric Daniel Metzgar and Nell Carden Grey

A decade ago, after an epiphany at a New York restaurant, Richard Ogust began dedicating his time and resources to rescuing endangered turtles -- confiscating hundreds bound for Southeast Asian food markets. When the filmmakers catch up with the 50-year-old writer, he is sharing his Manhattan loft with 1,200 turtles, including five species extinct in the wild. But his growing "ark" and preservation efforts are threatening to exhaust him, both mentally and financially.

With luminous images and a haunting musical score, the award-winning "The Chances of the World Changing" documents two years in the life of a man who finds himself struggling to save hundreds of lives, including his own.

(Check for local listings at
The URL is:

Videos of Blue Waters    
Free videos of marine animals such as dolphins, whales, turtles, crocodile, dugongs, fishes, rays, planktons, etc. New videos are added daily.
The URL is:

Sanctuary Sam is Now on MySpace    
NOAA has teamed up with SeaWorld to bring education about the marine sanctuaries to kids by using,, and etc.
The URL is:

PLT and Earth & Sky    
Combine the power of radio, the internet, and Project Learning Tree activities to enhance learning in the classroom. Earth & Sky produces short daily radio shows on a range of environmental topics. These 90-second shows can also be downloaded for free from the internet and many are correlated to Project Learning Tree (PLT) activities.

Both Web sites provide a wealth of additional resources for educators and students for each radio show and PLT activity.

Access on Earth & Sky >>

Access on PLT Web site >>

The URL is:

Where the Buffalo Roam Podcast    
Produced by students of the Teton Science Schools’ Graduate Program, "Where the Buffalo Roam" podcasts explore Jackson Hole, Grand Teton National Park, and the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. The shows are free and intended for students, educators, and anyone interested in learning more about the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem.

Contact: Rob Beranek at
The URL is:

The Real Dirt on Farmer John    
Release Date: June 22, 2007

This new film "The Real Dirt on Farmer John," documents over five decades, the demise of

one man's farm and its resurrection through organic and Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) farming. CAVU Pictures, Inc., an independent film production and distribution company is releasing the film nationwide on June 22nd in New York with dates to follow in Seattle,

Arlington, Houston, Dallas, Los Angeles, and other theaters throughout the country.
The URL is:

TeacherTube is an online community for sharing instructional videos. Teachers can post videos designed for students or professional development videos for teacher-to-teacher instruction.
The URL is:

Bullfrog Films Presents Two Environmental Documentaries    
Edens Lost & Found highlights practical solutions and models for urban transformation that go beyond pollution prevention to tackle the challenge of improving the quality of life in cities for ourselves and future generations.

Entire series is 228 minutes, Grade Level 7-12, College, Adult, US Released 2006-2007, Directed by Harry Wiland

Black Diamonds: Mountaintop Removal & The Fight For Coalfield Justice charts the escalating drama in Appalachia over the alarming increase in large mountaintop coal mines.

72 minutes, Grade Level 7-12, College, Adult, US Release 2006
The URL is:

Earth & Sky    
The Web site of the internationally syndicated Earth & Sky radio series, with hosts Deborah Byrd and Joel Block. Interviews with scientists, commentary, video picks, photo galleries, and night sky charts.
The URL is:

Envirovet Releases New Webumentary    
Envirovet, an organization that brings veterinary medicine to wildlife health issues, released this new video clip of a Chimpanzee Sanctuary in Ngamba, Uganda, for orphan chimpanzees rescued and brought to the sanctuary for long-term care.
The URL is:

Free EE Video    
The "Easy Breathers" high school student produced video investigates air pollution problems and teaches new teen drivers the importance of making wise, eco-friendly driving choices. It's a great springboard for science, driver's education, or environmental lessons. The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources is in the process of distributing as many as possible to the EE community at no charge. For single, multiple, or bulk orders, please contact Elisabeth Olson at or (608) 264-9258.
The URL is:

New PBS Journey to Planet Earth Episode: State of the Ocean's Animals    
Premieres March 28, 2007, 8 p.m. on PBS

State of the Ocean's Animals is the 10th installment of PBS' award-winning Journey to Planet Earth series, taking a look at why nearly half the world's marine animals may face extinction over the next 25 years. This one-hour episode also features inspiring stories of hope and courage celebrating the beauty and diversity of the natural world. Educational materials available on the Web site.
The URL is:

Meet the Greens is a new kids' guide to looking after the planet. Kids can watch "The Greens'" cartoon adventures and discover related green games, news, downloads, a blog, action tips, links, and much more. This innovative, Web-only project comes from WGBH in Boston, the producer of shows like ZOOM, ARTHUR, Frontline & NOVA.
The URL is:

Discover Channel Presents - Planet Earth    
Debuts: March 25, 2007 at 8pm ET on the Discovery Channel

Prepare to see it as never before! "Planet Earth" showcases global habitats from deep oceans to mountains in unparalleled detail. The 11-part series will air Sunday nights, March 25 through April 22, and concludes with an 11-hour Earth Day marathon showing each episode.
The URL is:

The Water Haulers    
Thirty-minute KNME-TV video about the plight of the Navajo Nation of 70,000, who have been waiting decades for running water and safe drinking water. Utah, Colorado, Arizona, and New Mexico surround the Navajo Nation and are most impacted by the Navajo Water Rights Settlement presented to the U.S. Congress in 2006.
The URL is:

The Great Warming    
This new climate change film on DVD is a visually-stunning look at the science and impacts of climate change. The Great Warming also examines solutions adopted by communities, individuals and schools. Suitable for ages 11 up. The film’s website offers free copies (in class quantities) of "Our Changing Climate," an illustrated 24 page booklet about climate change developed by NOAA, with chapters about Earth's dynamic climate system, how and why climate changes, the greenhouse effect, how climate models work and what the future holds.
The URL is:

Life, A Journey Through Time    
By Fran Lanting. The Life Project depicts the journey through time with the birth of the universe and chronicles life through the present. View the slideshow by clicking on "Start the Journey."

The URL is:

New Movie Takes a Look Back    
"Climate: A Crisis Averted" looks back from 2056 and recounts how ordinary citizens in 2006 – realizing that global warming was a scientific fact and not a climatic theory -- take action to demand clean energy and other planet-friendly options. The movie describes how a movement called RenewUS effected real change with an action plan on global warming.

Want to download the movie to show others? Send your request to, explaining how you plan to use it.
The URL is:

PBS Series: Edens Lost & Found    
PBS Series examines how cutting edge sustainability strategies are used to revitalize the urban landscapes and improve city life in Los Angeles, Chicago, Philadelphia and Seattle. Check your local listings for broadcast times.

January 4, 2006 - Seattle, The Future is Now

January 11, 2006 - Los Angeles, Dream a Different City

DVDs can be ordered beginning in mid-December for delivery in January.

Please spread the word! Download and print the Edens brochure to include as background with your letter:
The URL is:

Journey to Planet Earth    
10th episode broadcast date: March 28, 2007 on PBS

PBS series "Journey to Planet Earth" explores critical environmental, political, economic, and social issues of the 21st century.
The URL is:

NEETF Introduces Earth Gauge    
Earth Gauge is a weekly environmental information service from National Environmental Education and Training Foundation (NEETF) being provided to TV meteorologists in 7 pilot-tested states (GA, OH, MI, FL, RI, CA, and DC). Earth Gauge is designed to increase the amount of environmental information used on-air and make it easy to explain the environmental implications of weather events.
The URL is:

Rocky Mountain National Park Photo Gallery    
William C. Gladish, of A Critical Decision, and author of "Saving Our Life-Support System:

Understanding One's Decision Footprint" delivers another gorgeous photo gallery of his recent trip to Rocky Mountain National Park.
The URL is:

The Power of Community: How Cuba Survived Peak Oil    
This Green Planet Films DVD focuses on Cuba's transition from an industrial petroleum-based society to a sustainable society, as a result of their loss of petroleum when their source, the Soviet Union, collapsed.
The URL is:

An Inconvenient Truth - Web site for Fans    
Maui Media, LLC fan-based Web site of the acclaimed film about the climate crisis "An Inconvenient Truth." Provides fellow fans with resources on global warming, a personal impact checklist, blog, and information on the movie's DVD-release date.
The URL is:

Documentary: Who Killed the Electric Car?    
Sony Presents

Who Killed the Electric Car?

Documentary chronicles the GM EV1, its cultural and economic ripple effects. Web site provides an in-depth look into the timeline and background of this important issue. Check the site for release cities and dates.
The URL is:

Environmental Programming on TV!    
PBS presents "Jean-Michel Cousteau’s Ocean Adventures"

The son of famed ocean explorer Jacques-Yves Cousteau, Jean-Michel is exploring a variety of locations around the world.

The Discovery Channel features "Global Warming: What You Need to Know, with Tom Brokaw" with 6 airdates between July 16 and July 30.
The URL is:

Nature Stories Podcasts    
Each week, these Nature Stories podcasts such as "Farming the Desert, Drought in Southern Utah" and "A Piece of Paradise" bring unexpected tales of people's connections with the natural world. Podcasts are curated by Atlantic Public Media, sponsored by The Nature Conservancy and the Public Radio Exchange.
The URL is:

Cave Biota: Bats, Cavefish, Salamander    
Sponsored by the Hoosier National Forest & Indiana Karst Conservancy, Cave Biota offers video clips of various cave-dwellers and interviews with scientists about cave issues and conservation.
The URL is:

Great Lakes Fishes    
Video clip of spawning lake sturgeon and interview with Wisconsin DNR official about the status of the lake sturgeon.
The URL is:

New PBS Series: Edens Lost & Found    
New PBS Series examines how cutting edge sustainability strategies are used to revitalize the urban landscapes and improve city life in Los Angeles, Chicago, Philadelphia and Seattle. Series scheduled to air in spring and fall, 2006, on PBS stations nationwide.
The URL is:

EstuaryLive ~ Online    
September 29, 2006 ~ Online

Take your students on an EstuaryLive telecast! EstuaryLive kicks off National Estuaries Day celebrations on Friday, September 29, 2006 by bringing free, live Internet field trips in four different estuaries around the country, right to your classroom. These online field trips are the next best thing to an actual trip to an estuary, providing students with an exciting and new way to learn about unique estuarine ecosystems.
The URL is:

Edens Lost & Found    
Premiers May 18, 2006

EDENS LOST & FOUND issues a wake-up call for greener, more sustainable

cities with first two programs of new PBS series premiering May 18th at 10 pm and new book from Chelsea Green Publishing. The four-hour PBS series showcases extraordinary stories of environmental rebirth in very different American cities and the visionary leaders transforming the urban landscape. Each one-hour program examines the environmental, economic, and social issues that confront one of the country's great cities and the innovative solutions developed to help solve problems that all America's cities face.

One of the four shows in the EDENS LOST AND FOUND series will be screened on Friday, October 13, at the NAAEE conference in St. Paul with co-producer Harry Wiland attending for a Q&A session with the audience.
The URL is:

Last Journey of the Leatherback    
New documentary from The Sea Turtle Restoration Project, about the plight of ancient sea turtles is available to teachers and non-profit educational organizations with a free teacher's kit. It is appropriate for ages 12 and up and the DVD version is available in English and Spanish.
The URL is:

Nat'l Geographic Strange Days PBS Broadcast    
Invasive Species and Global Climate Change premieres April 20th and Loss of Predators and Toxins in our Water premieres April 27th, 2005, 9pm to 11pm on PBS. National Geographic's Strange Days on Planet Earth explores the transformations sweeping the earth. Drawing upon research being generated by Earth System Science (ESS), the series aims to create an innovative type of environmental awareness and reveal the cause and effect relationship between what humans do to the earth and what effects are on the environment. Free accompanying activity guide downloadable from:
The URL is:

New DVD on Organic Farming Practices    
Arnold Creek Productions' new DVD "Good Food, Good Business" captures insights from leaders in the food industry with a behind the scenes glimpse at issues at the core of the exploding local and organic food market.
The URL is:

Enviro DVDS from Green Planet    
Green Planet Films is a non-profit distributor of eco-related films seeking to "preserve and protect our planet by educating the public about the science, beauty, and fragility of the natural world." DVDs are from around the globe, covering topics such as recycling, urban sprawl, wildlife, endangered species, pollution, and more.

The URL is:

Videos about Class V Wells    
A video about drinking water sources (rivers and ground water) contaminated by disposal of commercial/industrial wastewater into shallow drainage wells. "The Problem with Shallow Disposal Systems..." is appropriate for 4th grade through adults (15 minutes). In English and Spanish--video cassette and DVD
The URL is:

Coming Soon: The Great Warming    
Filmed in eight countries on four continents, "The Great Warming" is a three-hour television series about climate change and the affects on people in a variety of places around the world. The Web site includes a trailer, links to books, and background information.
The URL is:

The Pine Barrens: Up Close And Natural    
The Pine Barrens: up close and natural is an exploration of the plants and animals that live in the extraordinary ecosystem of the New Jersey Pine Barrens. Pinelands Preservation Alliance is now offering an accompanying free 52-page teacher's guide to this film on CD-ROM.

To obtain a copy of the Teachers’ Guide or film, contact Diana Byrd at, or (609)859-8860.
The URL is:

New Movie: Hoot    
The National Wildlife Federation, Walden Media, and New Line Cinema film "Hoot" is based on the Newbery Honor-winning book by Carl Hiaasen. In this funny, fast-paced new movie, three Florida middle school students fight to save a group of endangered burrowing owls nesting on the property where a brand new Mother Paula's All-American Pancake House is about to be built. Web site offers teaching tools, materials, and discussion forum.
The URL is:

NASA Educational Television: Having a Solar Blast!    
NASA Television provides through television to their aeronautics and space program. Real-time and video-taped television pictures and images of NASA's activities, and the results of those activities.
The URL is:

ABC of Ecology, The    
"This informative [book on] video shows how we can preserve nature through love and awareness, and learn to spell with rhymes. Verse and illustrations by Frances Wosmek." Sample audio file available. Developed by Kids Core.
The URL is:

Aquarium Web Site Video Library    
Monterey Bay Aquarium Web Site Video Library includes over 30 videos about animals, exhibits and conservation research programs at the aquarium. Requires QuickTime or Windows Media Player. Site also offers activities, materials for the classroom materials, and marine science career information
The URL is:

Beyond Organic: The Vision of Fairview Gardens    
Film produced by John de Graaf, based on Michael Ableman's, From The Good Earth and On Good Land about "a model of community supported agriculture in the midst of suburban sprawl." Grade Level: 7-12, College, Adult.
The URL is:

Bill Moyers Reports: Earth On Edge    
Journalist Bill Moyers travels the globe to report on the impact of the human species on Earth, probing two of the most critical questions of the new century: What is happening to Earth's capacity to support the human species and civilization? And, what can we do about it? A related education and outreach program is being directed by WRI.
The URL is:

Explore the lives of whirling animals, examine the surface of a sea star, or discover the microscopic larva of marine animals. BioMEDIA's biology education website includes dramatic photographs and animations of organisms. Try the Creature Feature contest or browse a collection of downloadable teaching resources and an on-line catalog of BioMEDIA's instructional videos and CD-ROMs.
The URL is:

Brooms: Managing Invasive Species Video    
"Once popular garden ornamentals, brooms have become reviled wildland weeds covering millions of acres in the west. Outcompeting native species, altering succession and costing our economy millions of dollars a year, brooms pose real challenges for land managers."
The URL is:

Bullfrog Films    
Over 200 titles on the environment, ecology, sustainable development, indigenous people, and cultural diversity (searchable index).

The URL is:

Captain Ozone features a downloadable documentary about the ecologist, Captain Ozone.

Captain Ozone is famous among environmental groups for being the most radical ecologist in America.
The URL is:

Chip Taylor Communications    
Chip Taylor Communications produces and distributes award winning films, videos and multimedia. A search for "environment" reveals over a hundred titles, many available in Spanish.
The URL is:

An audio series about Earth's atmosphere, climate change and global warming.
The URL is:

CreekFarm Ecological Field Techniques Materials    
For grades 6-12, the field studies materials on CD-ROM contains 40 seasonal ecological field study lessons. Each lesson contains an instructional video, teachers' manual and student worksheets. Videos are in MPEG format, range from 5-8 minutes in length and focus on real teachers and students completing field studies in nature.
The URL is:

D&A Productions    
D&A Productions is a not-for-profit filmmaking team that provides video production services and video programs to support environmental education. Current films include: Children of the Tide - microscopic life in the plankton and Wildlife in Seattle Parks
The URL is:

Diversified Information & Assistance NEtwork (DIANE)    
DIANE "uses digital public telephone network and interactive video/multimedia computer technologies to support cooperative electronic alliances in education, community service and economic development." See Radnor Lake State Natural Area's project page for applications of DIANE in EE.
The URL is:

Docuseek Film & Video Search    
DocuSeek is a search site that simultaneously searches the combined collections of seven leading distributors: Bullfrog Films, Direct Cinema, Fanlight Productions, First Run/Icarus Films, Frameline, New Day Films, and Women Make Movies. The titles included cover every discipline ranging from Anthropology to Zoology.
The URL is:

Dr. Wilderness Show    
America's #1 touring science magic show. A 501(c)3 nonprofit company dedicated to planet Earth--and every kid on it! "Featuring “everything you ever wanted to know about science”, the programs explore a variety of science subjects with astounding stage magic, songs and computer operated audio-animatronic robots..."
The URL is:

Earth & Sky Radio Series Protecting Native Fish    
This Earth & Sky Radio broadcast for Grades 6-12, discusses efforts to improve stream habitat for the Spikedace, a threatened species in the upper Verde River of Arizona. The show illustrates how ecosystems are easily perturbed by change, how population fluctuations due to floods may be natural, and how introduced species prey on native fish.
The URL is:

Earth & Sky Radio Series Water Cycle    
This Earth & Sky Radio Series explains why all the oceans on Earth are salty, while inland water is typically fresh. The process of ocean water becoming salty is explained by using the analogy of what happens to water in a tea kettle, and by considering evaporation, precipitation and water flow. The clip lasts 1 minute, 34 seconds for grades 6-12.
The URL is:

Educational Material for All Ages    
Provides a list of materials available from the Natural History Survey with ordering information.

The URL is:

Environmental Education Video Catalog      
Video catalog from US EPA Region 4 (Atlanta, GA).Indexed by topic and grade level. Items in this PDF file are available for free loan.
The URL is:

Environmental Education Video Program    
FREE videos from the EPA that highlight real-world environmental clean-up efforts. For high school/college level, the videos document clean-up and remediation of pesticide spills, tire fires, and other events.
The URL is:

Environmental Media Corporation    
Environmental Media designs, produces and distributes media to support environmental education for the classroom and community. Since 1989, 400 programs have been produced for broadcast, non-broadcast and for use in museums and visitor center exhibits. Educational resources for all ages, many of the videos are curriculum-based and come with teaching guides.
The URL is:

EPA Presents "After the Storm"    
The Environmental Protection Agency is airing a half-hour television special about watersheds and stormwater runoff on The Weather Channel. "After the Storm" explores how polluted runoff threatens the nation's waters. Check website for updated schedule of showings.

VHS copies are available free for educational purposes by calling 800-490-9198 or emailing:
The URL is:

Field Notes Nature Documentaries    
"Videos and information on sensitive habitats and species in California. Many of these videos are being used in public schools and resource agencies such as US Fish and Wildlife and California Dept. of Fish & Game. Links are provided to California conservation groups, parks and reserves." Videos can be ordered by phone.
The URL is:

Film Ideas: Educational Videos, CDs, DVDs    
Leading distributor and producer of educational videos which address a wide variety of environmental issues.
The URL is:

Films for the Humanities and Sciences    
Over 200 reviewed Environmental Science videos and CD-Rom. Online ordering available.
The URL is:

First Run / Icarus Films -- Films on Environmental Studies    
Documentary films and videos on environmental topics. Films can ordered or rented online.
The URL is:

Flora Delaterre - The Plant Detective    
This is the website for a public radio show called "The Plant Detective" about medicinal plants, produced by the University of Montana and Montana Public Radio. The character Flora Delaterre introduces and voices the show, which students can listen to on the site. Text on the site educates visitors about medicinal plants, and further links are provided.
The URL is:

Frog Calls    
Video clips of calling frogs, short interviews with scientists about frog issues.
The URL is:

From Sea to Summit    
The video traces the entire hydrological cycle, using a mix of computer generated graphics and filmed footage to illustrate the process as water falls to earth in the form of precipitation, before filtering down through watersheds into urban and agricultural areas and finally flows out to sea, where it is eventually evaporated into the atmosphere to start the entire process over again.
The URL is:

From Sidewalks to Treetops Video and Booklet    
Girl Scout's "From Sidewalks to Treetops—The Amateur's Guide to Exploring Nature in Your Neighborhood" video and booklet let you guide a group in exploring wildlife in any neighborhood – even in a city. Learn how to promote problem solving, develop scientific inquiry skills, and use questions to guide participants through their own discoveries. For youth group leaders, camp directors, teachers. Closed-captioned. English and Spanish versions. VHS tape approximately 15 minutes. 20-page companion guide. Item# 26418.
The URL is:

Go Out! Environmental Education Centers    
"Environmental learning doesn't have to stop at the classroom door. There are hundreds of public environmental education centers throughout the country where you can both enjoy nature and learn how to protect it." GreenWorks profiles four EE Centers in Pennsylvania in streaming video.
The URL is:

Green Fire Productions    
Features video clips on conservation issues and information on environmental campaigns. "Video programs are used as organizing tools in specific grassroots campaigns and outreach efforts." (RealPlayer required to view video clips)
The URL is: is an interactive multimedia network of environmental programming. Through streaming videos, audio files, and a network of links to help users explore issues further by illustrating the different ways people are working to preserve and protect the environment. A project of the Environmental Fund for Pennsylvania.
The URL is: offers educational videos from National Geographic, A&E Biography, and other history and wildlife videos for secure purchase online in association with!
The URL is:

Journey in the History of Water    
A four-part video series divided in four programmes of 45 minutes exploring different themes pertaining to the importance of water. Based on a critically acclaimed television series, the series is made for educational purposes and to broaden general information about water.
The URL is:

Journey of the Loggerhead: Interactive DVD on Marine Turtles    
Available September 2004

Environmental Media has produced media to support the work of environmental and education organizations for more than fifteen years, yet until we began working on Journey of the Loggerhead, we had not come in contact with so many people with such passion for one goal: the worldwide conservation of marine turtles. We designed and filmed this interactive DVD in the company of countless staff and volunteers of local nesting beach monitoring programs, domestic and international agencies, colleges and universities, aquaria, nature centers, and rehabilitation programs. The sum of our work is this interactive DVD containing GIS data, satellite tracking information, still photographs, extensive interviews, and a 26-minute video about the loggerhead and other marine turtle species.

For more information or to order: Contact Katy Garland at, or 800-368-3382, ext. 12.
The URL is:

Journey to Planet Earth    
"Journey To Planet Earth" explores the delicate balance between people and the world they inhabit. The PBS program is the only primetime television series that deals exclusively with the most critical environmental, political, economic and social issues of the 21st century.
The URL is:

Living on Earth    
Living on Earth is National Public Radio's journal of the environment. It is a weekly, one-hour show airing in over 240 stations in the U.S. The site includes RealAudio files of the program every week, in addition to archives of transcripts.
The URL is:

Mission Science    
Follow Dr. Marcus Eriksen and his science adventures down the Mississippi River on his raft made from recycled materials. MISSION: SCIENCE is an educational video series that explores science topics and issues through action-packed challenges. Directed at 3rd through 8th graders.
The URL is:

Music & Environmental Studies    
Music and Environmental Studies in The Journal of Environmental Education 36(1): 45-52.

This paper by Kate Turner and Bill Freedman is a publication of the Canadian Environmental Literacy Network (CELP). It analyses historical and contemporary connections between music and nature, and examines how music can be harnessed to teach about the natural world and inspire conservation values. A corresponding teaching module, including an interactive PowerPoint presentation, can be accessed by educators on the website. Requires Registration.

From go to: Educators/Presentation Modules/Music and Nature
The URL is:

National Wildlife Federation    
NWF one-hour on-demand Webcast covering green purchasing at higher education institutions focusing specifically on recycled paper, shade-grown coffee, green energy and sustainably harvested wood.
The URL is:

NatureFlix Productions    
INSECT DEFENSE (grades 1-6) explores strategies insects use to keep from being eaten. Insects use camouflage to disappear into the environment. They use bright colors and bold patterns to warn

enemies that they are dangerous. Harmless insects are protected by mimicking harmful insects. Large eyespots fool birds into thinking insects are larger and fiercer than they really are.
The URL is:

Nature Galleries    
FREE use of Nature Photographs? We would be delighted to consider any request from a non-profit organization or individual wanting to use our award-winning nature photography for educational purposes. Revenue-generation projects are also considered. Just contact us with the details and we'll be happy to consider your request. Please enjoy the Nature Galleries, an offering of The Critical Decision Foundation educational organization.
The URL is:

Nesting Eagles Video Cam    
Presented by the American Eagle Foundation. Live video on "Liberty" and "Justice" and their three eggs hatched in April 2001.
The URL is:

Oates Ocean Images    
Site features streaming videos and still photography of the underwater world, with intention to educate, and foster respect and conservation of the marine environment.
The URL is:

Ocean Explorer - CD-ROM    
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Ocean Explorer CD sets feature a series ocean expeditions. CDs of the 2001-2003 ocean expedition seasons can be downloaded or viewed from the NOAA website. 2004 explorations are now available to explore online.
The URL is:

Oceans Alive! and Oceanos Vivos!        
"Programs show life from all of the world's oceans. Topics explore aspects of sea animal and plant life, the structure of natural sea communities, and the relationship of humans to the sea." 4 videocassettes and teaching guide. Spanish version available for Parts 1 and 2 (out of 4). Grade Level: 5 & up NPEEE Review
The URL is:

Oregon State University Publications & Videos    
"Explores the importance of water, the pressures our cities are placing on this precious resource, and ways that individuals can protect local drinking water supplies." Ordering information on "After the Rain" and other videos on environmental topics - produced by the Oregon State University Extension Service.
The URL is:

Our Urban Environment - Video Series    
The videos focus on water quality and solid waste disposal issues in urban communities. Topics include wastewater collection and treatment, industrial discharge, storm water management, recycling, composting and waste minimization. Produced by the University of New Orleans' Urban Waste Management & Research Center. Ordering information provided.
The URL is:

PBS American Field Guide    
Website features over 1,400 video clips from public television broadcasts highlighting the American wilderness and related topics (Animals, Earth and Space, Ecosystems, Human History, Livelihoods, Plants, Public Policy, and Recreation) for middle and high school life science classes.
The URL is:

Pulse of the Planet    
Each weekday, Pulse of the Planet provides its listeners with a two-minute sound portrait of Planet Earth, tracking the rhythms of nature, culture and science worldwide and blending interviews and extraordinary natural sound.
The URL is:

Rainforest Audio-Visuals    
A-V materials from the Rainforest Action Network and other sources. Includes ordering information.
The URL is:

Recycling Goes to School (video)    
Learn how several Pennsylvania school districts and a university are helping the environment by reducing the amount of waste they send to landfills while at the same time cutting their disposal costs (Real Video software required). Weblinks are included with the video with more information on recycling. Sponsored by the PA Dept of Environmental Protection.
The URL is:

Rethinking the American Dream Video    
Video and companion study guide, is designed to raise awareness about our nation’s consumptive ways, help viewers evaluate their current lifestyles, and introduce choices that can improve our natural environment and quality of life. The video should prove useful to anyone who teaches about sustainability issues, as well as individuals who want to learn how they can lead more sustainable lives.
The URL is:

Salt Lake Valley Watershed and You Video    
As part of its efforts to host the "Greenest Games Ever," the Salt Lake Organizing Committee (SLOC) for the 2002 Winter Olympic Games enlisted the help of Bill Nye, The Science Guy to produce this video explaining a desert watershed, air

pollution, and recycling to K-12 students.
The URL is:

Saving a Species Video    
This Emmy-award winning series, honored as "Outstanding Children's Programming" for grades 4-8 focuses on the plight of three endangered species in "The Rhino Story," "The Manatee Story" and "The Sea Turtle Story". A teacher's guide accompanies the series. From SeaWorld/Busch Gardens.
The URL is:

Science in Action for Conservation Video    
Designed for grades 10-12, it explores how scientists and communities work together to conserve biodiversity in urban ecosystems, as well as in remote South American rainforests. The video is accompanied by print materials. From the Field Museum.
The URL is:

"..a new PBS series that dramatizes new ways of looking at the delicate relationship between people and the world they inhabit."
The URL is:

Screenscope Films    
Screenscope Inc. is the distributor of "Journey To Planet Earth," a highly acclaimed environmental PBS series, and other award-winning documentaries and feature films.
The URL is:

Sea to Shining Sea - Partners in Conservation    
Webcast is global in nature, covering topics & issues from Alaska to Texas, intended as a guide for educators for further classroom

activities & exploration. Topics, guiding questions, curriculum standards, Internet resources & activity ideas are included.
The URL is:

Simple Things You Can Do to Save Energy (video)      
The video "follows the wacky adventures of 12-year old Sarah, as she takes viewers on a tour through an unusual home which teaches lessons about energy use and conservation." Created by the Kids at NoodleHead videos. Grade Level: 3-6 NPEEE Review
The URL is:

The Last Refuge    
Images, films and research about endangered cultures and environments around the world by Adrian Warren. Ordering information available online.
The URL is:

The Video Project    
Award-winning educational videos on the environment, science, and social studies. Topics include consumerism, conservation, eco-systems, energy, sustainability, and more. Many videos come with study guides.
The URL is:

Treasuring Our Natural Heritage    
Three-part documentary series on biological diversity. "...takes viewers on an eye-opening journey of discovery, revealing the astonishing patterns of interdependence that characterize the natural world." Funded by the National Science Foundation.
The URL is:

Understanding Earth (Laserdisc/CD_ROM)      
"Offers thousands of images and nearly an hour of full-motion video to support geology and earth science courses," as well as 12 lesson plans for grades 9-12. Extensions and teacher resources are also available. Can be ordered online. Developed by Video Discovery. NPEEE Review
The URL is:

Under The Waves Video Series    
Award winning marine educational series for children ages 3-10 yrs. 1992 Olympic Gold Medallist, Mike Barrowman produced the series in a fun, zany format that keeps children entertained, while at the same time teaching and

getting them excited about life under the waves. Currently a 4 part series, with the introduction of 3 more episodes, summer of 2003. Under The Waves will, upon completion be a
The URL is: http://www.UnderTheWaves.TV

Video Placement Worldwide (VPW)    
VPW distributes sponsored educational videos and other materials absolutely FREE to teachers. To keep teachers up to date on available materials, we publish a newsletter that is placed on our Web site with a portion also printed and mailed.
The URL is:

Video Project    
A non-profit organization specializing in the distribution of videos and multimedia programs on the environment, hands-on science, human rights, and related concerns. Several titles in Spanish and Close Captioned.
The URL is:

View Video - Nature and Environment Series    
Award winning Nature and The Environment Videos endorsed by the Dove Foundation, Parents' Choice, and The Coalition for Quality Kids Media.
The URL is:

What's Up in the Environment?    
Companion Web site to the public television program, What's Up in the Environment?, aimed at promoting environmental literacy among young people. Learn about land, air, water and energy; profiles of environmental pros; classroom projects; teacher’s guide; video clips; mentoring project, and how to order the video.

The URL is:

Wild About Life!      
"A docu-drama about four teenagers who discover the value of the variety of life on earth­ from wolves to plants and wetlands to deserts ­and are inspired by positive actions to safeguard it. It is divided into four parts so that each unit can be viewed separately, supplemented by classroom-friendly activities in the guide." Free, and can be ordered online. Grade Level: 4-12 NPEEE Review
The URL is:

Windows Into Wonderland    
Yellowstone National Park series of free electronic field trips for middle school students. Educators can register online. Field trips are 30 minutes and accompanied by extensive lesson plans. A student question and answer message board will be available immediately following the broadcast.
The URL is:

Windows on the Wild - Educational Resources        
Educational materials (videos, lesson plans and teacher guides) on biodiversity and related topics, from the WWFund ("Biodiversity Basics" reviewed by the National Project for Excellence in EE). Some materials correlated to National Learning Standards. Online ordering available.
The URL is:

World Population Film/Video Festival    
"International competition for college and secondary students to encourage critical thought

and self-expression regarding population growth, resource consumption, the environment." Best-of-Festival videos from previous competitions are available.
The URL is:

World Population Video    
In just seven minutes, the animation illustrates population growth from 1 A.D. to 2030 by showing dots on a map. Viewers can select English or Spanish narration or select historical icons to jump to

different points in history. The DVD includes a 12-page guide with

discussion questions & hands-on activities. Recommended for grades 6 - Adult.
The URL is:

Yellow Starthistle Video    
This video covers history, ecology, and prevention of this infamous invader.
The URL is:

Landmarks in Conservation DVD    
The Oregon State University Extension Service announces their new DVD "Landmarks in Conservation," to help in the development of sustainable natural resources for rural landowners, farmers, ranchers and foresters. The DVD is designed to help educators customize classroom, workshop or field instruction.
The URL is:

Environmental Media Online Catalog        
"Each of the thirteen subject areas has curriculum-based books, videos, CD-ROM's, and gear to support formal and informal environmental education." Free teaching guides available for download. Selected resources have been reviewed by the National Project for Excellence in EE.
The URL is:

Architecture to Zuccini Sustainability Video    
"Architecture to Zucchini: The people, companies and organizations pioneering sustainability" is a two-hour educational DVD on sustainability created for higher education, sustainability related organizations, government and business leaders. This video provides practical information about sustainability and addresses issues related to socially responsible business. These case studies are international models for sustainability.
The URL is:

Water's Journey: The River Returns    
New environmental web documentary "Water's Journey: The River Returns" is an in-depth exploration of the St. John's watershed, threats to the river and efforts to clean it up. A companion to the television documentary to be released later this year through Jacksonville public television station WJCT and the National Educational Telecommunications Association, “Water’s Journey: The River Returns” is part of the award-winning “Water’s Journey” series directed by Wes Skiles of Karst Productions based in High Springs, Florida.
The URL is:

Live E-Field Trip    
October 14, 2005

Video introduction session on September 30.

Live Electronic Field Trip from the U.S. Forest Service for Grades 5-8 on America's rainforests. Join experts on location in the tropical and temperate rain forests to learn about rain forest ecosystems, current research, human needs and management challenges. Sign up to participate.
The URL is:

New Animal Planet Program: Backyard Habitat    
New Discovery Channel Animal Planet program called "Backyard Habitat" premiered on August 15th and is showing weekdays through September 2005. This half-hour show builds on the 30-year long, ongoing National Wildlife Federation Backyard Wildlife Habitat program that teaches people to "make the planet a better place for animals — one back yard at a time."
The URL is:

T and T Productions - Soo Locks Videos    
Site provides information on the dewater and rewater of the Mac Lock at the Soo Locks. T & T Productions produces videos showing the dewater and rewater process that the general public is never able to see. Videos available on CD or DVD and a portion of the sales are donated to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Visitor Center at the Soo Locks. Currently available: "The Bottom of the Lock", "Take Down the Mac", and "The Mac Lock Rewater."
The URL is:

Environmental Ethics Video Series    
New video series "Environmental Ethics: Examining Your Connection to the Environment and Your Community" focuses on environmental topics (wildlife, forests, water, air, minerals) and related ethical debates. Curriculum is aligned to national standards of education for grades 9-12 and includes teachers’ guides and student workbooks.
The URL is:

Exploratorium Eclipse Webcasts    
Check out the next Exploratorium Solar Eclipse Webcast from Turkey on March 29, 2006. Includes information on what to watch for during an eclipse, how to view, and more. Other Exploratorium Webcasts available:
The URL is:

Planet H2O Airs in April to Mark Earth Day    
PLANET H2O, a two-part special from Thirteen/WNET New York will premier on public television in April to mark Earth Day. Both episodes, "The Secret Life of Water" and "Water World," focus on fresh water systems around the world and their impact on land, air, and living things.
The URL is:

Chopping Down the Hillside    
An animated music video "Choping Down the Hillside" created to help raise awareness about our fragile enviornment and Earth Day 2006 (April 22nd) Please unlitter!
The URL is:

Frog Calls Videos    
Frog calls and documentary video clips of scientists discussing frog issues, including declining amphibians and malformed frogs.
The URL is:

State of the Planet    
State of the Planet Web pages covers issues such as population, global warming, wetlands, and ecosystems based on the PBS video series "Journey to Planet Earth." Some other fascinating programs include "Land of Plenty, Land of Want" and "On the Brink."
The URL is:

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