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Soil Reaction (pH)

What it is: pH is a measure of the soil's acidity.

Why it is important: Soil pH is an important indicator because a soil's acidity regulates nutrient availability, toxicities, and soil permeability.

Specific problems that might be caused by (too little, too much etc.) are:
Too acidic: Al toxicity, Mn toxicity, Ca deficiency, and poor plant growth due to acidity itself

What you can do: You can improve the pH of your soil by applying lime or gypsum (calcium sulfate) to raise pH. Reduced use of ammonium-releasing fertilizers will slow the rate of acidification.

For more information go to Soil Management Practices.

Ways that you can measure soil pH include:

Method How Performed Comments
Lab test    
In-field test    

The different methods have different levels of accuracy and precision.