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About Seattle.Gov

Seattle.Gov is the City of Seattle's public website, a 24-hour City Hall for the citizens of Seattle. The Mayor's Office, the City Council, and most City Departments, Offices, Agencies and Boards are represented on the Seattle.Gov website.

Seattle.Gov is also a web portal. Our website allows you to find City information and services by different methods - a search engine, a site index, a department directory, or by topic. The topical pages also include links outside of the City of Seattle - to the region, state, country and world.

Seattle's Community Technology Program provides free public Internet terminals in city buildings, a directory of computer learning centers and grants to organizations for digital literacy and access.

My Neighborhood is a map-based feature that helps you find information and services in your neighborhood geographically.

Seattle is one of the few cities worldwide that have a dedicated electronic democracy initiative. Our E-Democracy initiative created the Seattle Channel, the City of Seattle's government access TV channel and website.


Seattle 101 - A Guide for Travelers and Tourists
Our guide is designed to give travelers and tourists necessary information they will need to travel to Seattle and the United States.

Points of Interest
Seattle highlights -- the Space Needle, Pike Place Market, Seattle Center, and more.

History of Seattle
A snapshot of Seattle's people and culture, with links to other history sites about Seattle. Services | Departments | Staff Directory | Mayor | City Council
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