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Links on this page are for resources and information on campus "greening" and ecology clubs.

Second Nature        
A Boston-based national organization working to help higher education in preparing future professionals for the increasingly complex environmental challenges. The organization offers colleges and universities a range of programs, training sessions, one-on-one consulting and online resources to make the integration of environmental sustainability thinking "second nature" to higher education.
The URL is: http://www.secondnature.org/

New Site Helps Educational Institutions Maintain Safe Environment    
The Campus ERC (Environmental Resource Center) for Higher Education Web site makes it easier for school officials to learn more about applicable environmental regulations and ensure a safe and sustainable environment on campus. The center was developed by the National Association of Colleges and University Business Officials with support and funding from the EPA. Some topics include waste management, air and water resources, and public safety.
The URL is: http://www.campuserc.org/Pages/default.aspx

A Call for Responsible Paper In Textbooks    
The Green Textbook Initiative is coordinated by the National Wildlife Federation and the Green Press Initiative and aims to reduce the environmental impacts of textbooks. By going to the link below, teachers and other educational stakeholders can sign a statement calling on publishers of educational materials to minimize their environmental impacts by using environmentally responsible paper.
The URL is: http://www.greenpressinitiative.org/textbook-signa...

Power Shift 2007 Youth Climate Summit ~ Maryland    
November 2-5, 2007 ~ College Park, Maryland

Power Shift 2007 will be the first-ever national youth summit on global warming. Thousands of young people from across the country will hear from leaders and experts in the global warming movement. In workshops such as "Leadership Development" and "Working with the Media" students will also learn skills of organizing and activism from top organizers from across the country. The summit culminates on Monday with a rally on Capitol Hill.

To volunteer to become a recruiter or your campus call Mary at 877-328-1633, or email
The URL is: http://powershift07.org/

Green Campus Developments    
Learn about green campus activities at colleges and universities across North America from the Arnold Creek Productions, Inc. Web site. Video and text presentations provided feature recycling programs, buildings and grounds design, curriculum, energy, food, and more.
The URL is: http://www.arnoldcreekproductions.com/Sustainabili...

The People Speak Global Debate    
United Nations Foundation project called The People Speak (TPS) encourages young people to be actively engaged on global issues and to understand the value of global cooperation. The People Speak Global Debate will begin in October 2007 with the topic of climate change and involves high school students researching the debate topic and preparing clear, persuasive arguments for both sides of the issue. Students will present their arguments and coordinate the entire student body to vote on the topic. TPS will tally national and international results, with approximately 20 countries involved, that will show where students stand on important global issues.
The URL is: http://www.thepeoplespeak.org/

Campus Climate Challenge - Truth on Campus    
January 29 - February 3, 2007

Up to 1,000 colleges and universities will be screening An Inconvenient Truth to anchor the Campus Climate Challenge's week of climate and energy action.

Get involved!

Check out the complete list of who, what, where, and when things are happening.

Add your voice via video camera or cell phone about what you are doing and why to help prevent global warming and upload to the user-generated video project.
The URL is: http://climatechallenge.org/index.php?module=pagem...

Generation Earth Action Kits    
These action kits are step-by-step resources designed to help students, teachers and youth organizations begin hands-on environmental programs. Includes downloadable student campus waste stream audit and environmental action project workbooks. From the LA County Department of Public Works.

The URL is: http://www.generationearth.com/action/index.htm

Getting an 'A' at Lunch    
This report by David Saphire (1998)"describes simple steps to prevent the millions of pounds of food and food-related waste generated each day at colleges and universities. Provides case studies of campuses around the country." Available in PDF format. Published by INFORM, Inc.
The URL is: http://www.informinc.org/getatlunch.php

Blueprint for a Green Campus    
State-by-state directory of campus environmental groups. "Network the student environmental community by entering your campus group's contact, website, and listserv info."
The URL is: http://www.envirocitizen.org/region/

Sustainable Development on Campus    
Tools for Campus Decision Makers at universities to learn more about sustainable development and greening campuses. Site provides learning modules, case studies, action plans, environmental policies, resources, forums and contacts intended to help implement sustainable development (SD) campus projects.
The URL is: http://www.iisd.org/educate/

Environmental Information Resources (EIR)    
Environmental Education Programs & Campus Ecology Initiatives, a service provided by The George Washington University Institute in partnership with the U.S. EPA. The site provides access to information and resources relating to environmental topics throughout the globe.
The URL is: http://www.gwu.edu/~greenu/edu.html

Center for Environmental Citizenship    
Founded by young activists, CEC is dedicated to educating, training, and organizing a diverse, national network of young leaders to protect the environment.

The URL is: http://www.envirocitizen.org/

Earth Tomorrow      
An innovative environmental education and leadership program for high school educators and students across the country. This program is designed to create an awareness for conserving natural resources, to provide opportunities for action at the individual and community level, and to introduce students to environmental careers. A project of the National Wildlife Federation.
The URL is: http://www.nwf.org/kidzone/kzPage.cfm?siteId=4

Full text of the Campus Earth Summit initiatives for Higher Education, a guide for students, faculty, and administrators in creating a green campus (Rich Text format). This covers everything from institutionalizing recycling programs to procurement to curriculum to careers. A Project of The Heinz Family Foundation (January, 1995).
The URL is: http://www.envirocitizen.org/enet/environation/ind...

Green Roof Research Program    
Vegetative Green Roof Research program at Michigan State University. Green roofs require little maintenance; reduce airborne pollution; reduce storm water runoff by greater than 60 percent; moderate temperatures for the building and those around it; reduce noise; and increase roof longevity. MSU advised Ford Motor Co., in 2000, on installing a 10.6 acre green roof - on a new assembly plant in Dearborn, MI, which is being closely monitored.
The URL is: http://www.hrt.msu.edu/greenroof/

North American Alliance for Green Education    
"A non-profit consortium founded & guided by students. Membership is comprised of varied educational institutions and organizations from diverse bioregions...Our mission is to combine the strengths of our membership into an innovative, voluntary association of educators diversifying student learning opportunities." Information on Campus greening, web links and "Ecoversity."
The URL is: http://www.naage.org/

Campus Ecology    
Campus Ecology aims to assist students and faculty in transforming colleges and universities into learning and teaching models of environmental sustainability, by assisting with the design and implementation of practical conservation projects, providing training and incentives, and helping to document and share lessons learned nation wide.

A project of the National Wildlife Federation.
The URL is: http://www.nwf.org/campusecology/

National Wildlife Federation's Campus Ecology Action Resources    
NWF site offering publications, resource packets, web links, and training clinics in support of campus greening projects.
The URL is: http://www.nwf.org/campusEcology/dspResources.cfm

National Wildlife Federation's Education Programs    
National Wildlife Federation offers an exciting array of resources and programs perfect for K-12 educators and students. In addition, NWF's Campus Ecology program assists students, faculty and administrators in transforming colleges and universities into models of environmental sustainability.
The URL is: http://www.nwf.org/education/

Sustainability on Campus: Stories and Strategies for Change    
Co-edited by Geoffrey W. Chase and Peggy F. Barlett. Highlights innovative programs and projects implemented at large, small, urban and rural campuses nationwide, focusing on creative approaches institutions can implement to make themselves more ecologically friendly. To request a copy of the book, contact Jennifer Zwiebel at 619-594-4298 or jzwiebel@mail.sdsu.edu, or Jason Foster at 619-594-2585 or foster@mail.sdsu.edu.
The URL is: http://advancement.sdsu.edu/marcomm/news/releases/...

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