EE Organizations and Projects - Consumption

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Links on this page include organizations and projects primarily concerned with education on sustainable consumption, lifestyles, and resource distribution.

IBM Computer Recycling Program    
Consumers and small businesses can use this service to recycle ANY PCs, including system units, monitors, printers and optional attachments for $29.99(incl. shipping). Equipment will be recycled in an environmentally responsible manner or, refurbished and donated to Gifts in Kind International for donation to other nonprofits.
The URL is:

Center for Ecoliteracy    
"The Center is a public non-profit foundation that supports a network of Northern California grantees, many of which are schools and educational organizations engaged in habitat restoration and agriculturally-related programs, such as school gardens and food systems."
The URL is:

Redefining Progress    
"Working both within and beyond the traditional economic framework, RP generates and refines innovative policies and ideas that balance economic well-being, the environment, and social equity." Programs include the National and Community indicators projects.
The URL is:

A Critical Decision    
The Critical Decision Foundation is an educational organization that encourages citizens around the world to study and question the influences large corporations have obtained over democracy, technology, religion, families, society, population growth, and the environment (our life-support system). Please enjoy our award-winning nature gallery and thought-provoking prose.
The URL is:

Center for the Advancement of the Steady State Economy    
C.A.S.S.E.'s mission is to help educate the public about economic growth hurting the environment. The best way to teach economics while helping our environment is through the idea of a steady state economy.
The URL is:

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