EE Activities - Rainforests

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Links on this page are for activities and materials dealing with conservation of rainforest species and habitat.

Rainforest Flora & Fauna    
Learn about the different plants and animals of rainforests.

The URL is:

Enchanted Learning    
Site for young children (K-5), featuring educational web sites such as "Animal Printouts" with hundreds of animal labels and information, games, "Zoom School", "Zoom Rainforest", "Zoom Sharks", projects, and "What's New This Week".
The URL is: is a website for Kids the Earth Can Count On. Under the online canopy, kids of all ages can visit the Kid’s Action center to find out how they can get involved, play on the ‘Jungle Gym’, or watch animated characters Sappy and Grandpa from the award-winning video Forest Family Forever! come to life on their screen. There is also a Teacher’s Lounge with resources for educators.
The URL is:

Rainforest Alliance Learning Site    
The Rainforest Alliance Learning Site is filled with free lesson plans, stories, presentations, posters and species profiles for K-6th grade. This standards-based multidisciplinary curriculum teaches science, math, language arts and social studies skills, and presents information on biodiversity and local communities while giving students opportunities for action. All resources are free of charge.
The URL is:

Rainforest Education      
An overview of life in the rainforest, with interactive and multimedia pages for the sights and sounds of the rainforest. Some information about the peoples of the rainforests, past and present.
The URL is:

Rainforest Audio-Visuals    
A-V materials from the Rainforest Action Network and other sources. Includes ordering information.
The URL is:

Resources for Teachers and Students    
Curricula, Teaching Aids, and Resource Guides from the Rainforest Action Network.
The URL is:

Children of the Amazon      
Learn about the children of the Amazon and their environment. Games, projects and information for students and teachers.
The URL is:

Amazon River Elementary School Project    
The Amazon River Elementary School (ARES) Project will directly link K-6 classrooms to children in the Amazon rain forest through art and technology in the 2000/2001 school year. The project is supported by COICA (The Coordinating Body for the Indigenous Organizations of the Amazon Basin), WorldTeach and The Peace Studies Department at Siena College.
The URL is:

Gander Academy's Tropical Rainforest Theme Page    
This site lists web resources on tropical rainforests. It also includes student activity sheets linked to specific Web sites for an on-line study of the rainforest.
The URL is:

New Frontier in Brazil: People, Progress and the Environment    
This case study describes the situation in the Amazon and discusses some of the advantages and disadvantages of developing the region. Students evaluate the concept of "progress" related to growth and to the preservation (or destruction) of the environment and indigenous culture. Downloadable lesson plan (grades 10-12) from the Forum for Global Education.
The URL is:

Amazon Interactive    
"Explore the geography of the Ecuadorian Amazon through online games and activities. Learn about the rainforest and the Quichua people who call it home."
The URL is:

Families For The Rainforest    
Founded in 1997, Families for the Rainforest is a 501(c)(3)organization dedicated to providing unique and interactive educational programs for grades k-12 about the importance of the worlds tropical rainforests and how they will impact on their lives.
The URL is:

The Goals of solcomhouse are to provide the people of the world housing that is in sync and in harmony with the environment. Site provides information on numerous environmental issues, such as solar energy, rainforests, coral reefs, ozone, global warming, endangered species, recycling, and things you can do to save the environment.
The URL is:

Bruce Segal Assemblies    
Environmental and Rainforest Presentations for Grades Preschool Through Graduate School
The URL is:

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