Geothermal Heat Pump Consortium
The Geothermal Heat Pump Consortium Champions GeoExchange Technology

For more than a decade, the Geothermal Heat Pump Consortium has been working to increase the awareness and use of geoexchange technology throughout the United States and the world.

We believe that environmental stewardship and the responsible use of energy resources are crucial to the nation's economy and our quality of life. Toward that end, increasing the use of geoexchange technology will not only dramatically reduce our national energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, but also will also slash its users' energy costs, and our nation's dependence on fossil fuels.

As a cooperative venture, the Consortium counts among its partners electric utilities, equipment manufacturers, architects, designers, engineers, contractors, builders, drillers, energy service companies, and other private sector companies that operate in the geoexchange market as well as national, state and local organizations and public agencies.

The Geothermal Heat Pump Consortium acts as a resource for anyone wishing to know more about geoexchange technology. Its full time staff and industry allies can provide technical expertise, marketing research data and insight, and current industry activity status.
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