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Awards Program Criteria

The awards program of the Agricultural & Applied Economics Association recognizes and enhances professional excellence in agricultural, applied and resource economics. Students, young professionals, and experienced members are selected on the basis of their achievements in research, teaching and extension activities. No member of the executive board-elected, appointed, or ex-officio-is eligible to participate as a principal recipient in competition for awards. The exclusion does not preclude participation if he/she is a junior in the participation with respect to other(s) to whom exclusion from participation clearly would work a handicap.

Recipients of awards are presented at the awards ceremony of the association at the Annual Meeting. Winners for all categories are identified in the Awards Ceremony Program and in the Exchange.

Awards Selection
The selection of each award is administered by a subcommittee. The chair of each subcommittee is expected to organize the evaluation process to ensure that subcommittee members do not directly evaluate entries in which the members are potential award recipients or, for the theses awards, in which members have served as major advisor of a potential award winner. Subcommittee chairs are ineligible for an award from the program category they are administering. All nomination materials should be submitted to that particular award's subcommittee chair.

Submitting an Award
Nominations for awards must be submitted in two parts. First, a nomination package must be submitted. The material in this package is specific to the award, and can be found below. Second, contact information for both the submitter and nominee must be provided. Please submit a completed version of the Contact Information Form (below) with all materials. Complete nominations should be submitted directly to the appropriate subcommittee chair. The postmark deadline for nominations is February 2, 2009.

All written material in each nomination packet, thesis or publication should be bound prior to submission in order to prevent inadvertent loss. Except for the Publication of Enduring Quality Award, only one AAEA award can be received for essentially the same work. It is the nominator's responsibility to assure that no AAEA award (other than Outstanding Master's Thesis or Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation) has already been received for the nominated work. Should a nomination be selected for more than one award in the same year, the winner(s) will be permitted to choose which award is received.

Submission Criteria

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