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Find links on this page for projects and resources in this region.

Ecological Center Los Cuartos    
Our mission is to encourage love for nature, protection of natural resources and care for the environment through values that form habits and attitudes in children, youth, and the society in general, through camps, guided tours, excursions, conferences, courses and workshops.
The URL is:

Eco-Volunteer UP    
Eco-Volunteer UP has a range of a volunteer programs located in Ecuador, South America. It provides volunteer work placements in Quito, the capital of Ecuador and disappearing Cloud Forest. Eco-Volunteer UP has voluntary work with orphanages, disabled children institutes, day care centers and is also involved in conservation of "mother-earth" (pacha-mama).
The URL is:

Jungle Trekker    
Follow expeditions to the Brazilian rain forest with daily news, journals, and a web cast.

A production of DTVisions in partnership with the Amazonia Association for sustainable development projects. (Available in English and Portuguese)
The URL is:

Agua Online    
Revista da agua, do saneamento e do ambiente do Brasil. En Portuguese.
The URL is:

Shorebird Sister Schools Program    
An online education program that tracks the annual migration of shorebirds. Resources include: K-12 curricula, a listerv, maps and photos. Sponsored by the US Fish and Wildlife Service. Also available in Portuguese, Spanish, Russian, and Japanese.
The URL is:

Ecuador Volunteer    
Ecuador Volunteer, an international nonprofit organization that is committed to providing volunteer opportunities in social, educational and environmental development in Ecuador. We offer experiences of cultural exchanges, help children and educating people in the social and community programs. The environmental area involves working in nature services on a wide variety of projects.
The URL is:

Operation RubyThroat: A Hummingbird Education and Research Project    
Operation RubyThroat is a cross-disciplinary international project in North and Central America, in which students, teachers and others collaborate to study the behavior and distribution of the Ruby-throated Hummingbird. An International initiative of Hilton Pond Center for Piedmont Natural History, a non-profit organization in York, S.Carolina.
The URL is:

Organizacion para la Educacion y Proteccion Ambiental (OpEPA)    
OpEPA is a non profit organization in Colombia specializing in environmental and wilderness education (In Spanish).
The URL is:

The Institute for Tropical Marine Ecology    
A Marine Biology/Ecology field station which works in the areas of conservation and monitoring the coral reefs of Dominica (Lesser Antilles).
The URL is:

Children of the Amazon      
Learn about the children of the Amazon and their environment. Games, projects and information for students and teachers.
The URL is:

Amazon River Elementary School Project    
The Amazon River Elementary School (ARES) Project will directly link K-6 classrooms to children in the Amazon rain forest through art and technology in the 2000/2001 school year. The project is supported by COICA (The Coordinating Body for the Indigenous Organizations of the Amazon Basin), WorldTeach and The Peace Studies Department at Siena College.
The URL is:

Casa de la Paz      
Casa de la Paz es una institución que nace en 1983 en torno a la temática de la paz, para luego evolucionar a la ambiental. Actualmente su misión es producir cambio cultural en la sociedad civil, empresarios y gobernantes, para hacer posible el desarrollo sustentable a través de la educación, la participación, la gestión ambiental local y el diálogo permanente entre todos los actores sociales.
The URL is:

EcoLogic Development Fund    
Provides a demonstration for using nonformal education and training for conservation and community development in Latin America. Useful site for student groups exploring international environmental issues, overseas volunteer opportunities for teachers and students and other useful links for Latin American environmental issues.
The URL is:

Fundacion Antisana    
Teachers, students and researchers will find in the Fundación Antisana web page detailed information on environmental issues in the Napo river high basin (Condor Biorreserve) in Ecuador, South America. The page also features tourism information, cultural details on the communities living in this area and extracts from the managing plans designed by Fundación Antisana.
The URL is:

Volunteer Latin America    
Volunteer Latin America is a small and independent organisation committed to helping protect Latin America’s flora and fauna, its biodiversity, and to offering the most cost effective way to become an environmental volunteer in Mexico, Central and South America.
The URL is:

New Frontier in Brazil: People, Progress and the Environment    
This case study describes the situation in the Amazon and discusses some of the advantages and disadvantages of developing the region. Students evaluate the concept of "progress" related to growth and to the preservation (or destruction) of the environment and indigenous culture. Downloadable lesson plan (grades 10-12) from the Forum for Global Education.
The URL is:

Alinahui Eco Lodge    
Alinahui an eco lodge situated on the upper Napo River region at the Ecuadorian Amazon. Place is home to more than 750 species of butterflies, many birds species and a huge variety of bromeliads and heliconias.
The URL is:

Planeta Vivo Foundation    
A non-profit organization located in Chile engaged in active naturalistic scientific research as a primary source for Educative Content focused in Environmental Education.
The URL is:

Programa Ambiental: A Última Arca de Noé (The Last Noah's Ark)    
A Brazilian site about ecology, environment, biodiversity, environmental education, animals, birding etc. In Portuguese and English.
The URL is:

Meio Ambiente '99    
O primeiro encontro ambiental virtual no Brasil,que intenciona congregar cientistas, professores,executivos, administradores, funcionarios publicos, alunos e o publico em geral, na maior iniciativa de informacao ambiental a nivel nacional e a nivel

de America Latina.
The URL is:

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