Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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The Bureau of Transportation Statistics: Priorities for the Future

The Bureau of Transportation Statistics: Priorities for the Future Author: National Research Council
Format:  Print (Soft Cover, 160 pages)
Availability: Out-of-print / Immediate download
Price: Free

Publisher: National Academy Press
Publication Date: 1997
Publication Number: ISBN 0-309-06404-X

This book examines how BTS can provide statistical leadership for USDOT, define and maintain quality standards for transportation data, and improve data documentation. It considers BTS's role in developing national transportation indicators, coordinating data collection throughout USDOT, filling gaps, identifying user needs, and developing analysis programs for transportation data. BTS was authorized in 1991 by the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA) in recognition of the need for more and better data for transportation officials at local, state, and federal levels. While the USDOT has many long-standing data collection programs for particular transportation modes (highways, rail, air, etc.), it has never had a statistical agency with a mandate to improve the quality and relevance of transportation data for important system-wide, cross-modal analyses of the nation's transportation system.

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