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Transportation Indicators Report - October 2001

Transportation Indicators Report - October 2001 Author: Bureau of Transportation Statistics
Format:  Print (Soft Cover, 108 pages)
Availability: Out-of-print / Immediate download
Price: Free

Publisher: Bureau of Transportation Statistics
Publication Date: October 2001
Publication Number: N/A

This report presents information on more than 70 trends in the areas of safety, mobility, economic growth, environment, and national security. Compiled monthly from multiple sources, the indicators fall under two broad categories, those that provide context about the economy and society in which transportation functions, and those that convey information about an aspect of transportation. To the extent possible, these latter indicators are transportation-wide in scope; however, some apply to only part of the transportation system. Reference tables at the beginning of the document provide key statistics about U.S. social and economic characteristics, and about the extent of the transportation system.

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