Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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Bicycle and Pedestrian Data: Sources, Needs, & Gaps

Bicycle and Pedestrian Data: Sources, Needs, & Gaps Author: Bureau of Transportation Statistics
Format:  Print (Soft Cover, 77 pages)
Availability: Out-of-print / Immediate download
Price: Free

Publisher: Bureau of Transportation Statistics
Publication Date: 2000
Publication Number: BTS00-02

This report presents a review of existing sources of bicycle- and pedestrian-related information, including their uses, quality, and limitations of these methods of transportation. It also includes information from a broad range of decisionmakers, researchers, planners, and other users, identifying and prioritizing areas in which additional or improved data are needed. By recommending opportunities for improving the quality and relevancy of bicycle and pedestrian data, this report will help determine what actions to take to overcome the deficiencies and limitations of existing data sources.

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