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Diet History Questionnaire: Diet*Calc Software

Diet*Calc version 1.4.3 is now available (November 2005). A revision history describing changes made for this release is provided in readme.txt.

Diet*Calc is PC software that can be used to analyze Diet History Questionnaire (DHQ) data (see Steps for Using the DHQ). Diet*Calc generates nutrient and food group intake estimates for the standard versions of the DHQ distributed by the NCI, as well as modified versions of the DHQ. The software consists of three main components:

  1. The Diet*Calc Analysis generates nutrient estimates based on the food frequency data collected on the DHQ forms. The DHQ data must be coded and stored in an ASCII text file. Typically, this text file is created by scanning paper forms, but other methods can be used (see Questionnaire Forms).
  2. The Data Dictionary Editor is accessed through the Edit menu of the Diet*Calc Analysis program. Diet*Calc interprets DHQ data files using information stored in Questionnaire Data Dictionary files (*.qdd). These dictionary files contain the column locations and coding information for the variables in a questionnaire data file. You must edit the data dictionary when analyzing a modified version of the DHQ.
  3. The Database Utility, a separate program installed with the Diet*Calc software, allows you to import nutrient data into the Diet*Calc food database. The Database Utility converts nutrient values expressed as nutrient per 100 grams into the nutrient per serving size format required by Diet*Calc.

Download the Diet*Calc software to analyze the DHQ or to verify that Diet*Calc can analyze a modified version of the questionnaire.

Last modified:
02 Apr 2007
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