GRC Memberships

The Geothermal Resources Council (GRC) Members represent a broad spectrum of geothermal professionals and scores of geothermal companies from around the world. With the experience and dedication of this diverse membership base bolstering its more than 30-year track record, the GRC has built a solid reputation as the world's premier professional geothermal association. Indeed, the GRC serves as the focal point of continuing professional development for its members through our many outreach, information and technology transfer, and educational services. GRC Membership is open to any person, company, organization or agency. Scroll to the bottom of page to access a GRC Membership Application.

GRC Membership Advantages

GRC Bylaws    The Geothermal Resources Council a California Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation. Download information on the GRC Article I: GRC Offices, Artilces II: GRC Memberships and Article III: GRC Directors - GRC Bylaws

GRC Membership Roster & Registry of Geothermal Services and Equipment  Is availabe in the Members only area of the Online Library System as a viewable PDF for your convenience.

Annual Meetings    GRC Annual Meetings convene a forum where hundreds of members, as well as corporate and government representatives, interact about important issues facing the industry, and learn about the latest advances in geothermal technologies. GRC Annual Meetings offer interactive Industry Work Shops about a number of topics that are vital to continued and enhanced geothermal energy development. In addition, Annual Meeting Field Trips provide the opportunity to see geothermal operations and geology "on the ground." GRC Members receive a special discount rate to attend the annual meeting.

Workshops    The GRC regularly convenes workshops on a variety of topics that are crucial to geothermal development. In addition, the GRC can create comprehensive special educational functions to fulfill specific industry and agency needs.

GRC Bulletin    GRC members receive our bi-monthly Bulletin, a magazine that provides news, commentary and articles about important geothermal technologies, developments and issues.

GRC Publications    Hardbound Transactions provide most research papers presented during the GRC's Annual Meetings. In addition, the GRC regularly publishes Special Reports and educational materials.

GRC Library    The GRC maintains the most comprehensive geothermal library in the world at its offices in Davis, California. Over 30,000 bibliographic citations for articles and other technical works from GRC and other geothermal publications are available to the public online through simple keyword search, with hard copy available for a nominal fee. GRC members have free access to downloadable PDFs of over 3,000 technical articles published in our publications (above) during the past 30 years. Visit: Online Library System

IGA Membership    Through the GRC's affiliation with the International Geothermal Association (IGA), all GRC Members are automatically members of the IGA, which offers discount registration to its World Geothermal Congress events (every 5 years), and a special discount rate for the international publication, Geothermics.

Types of Memberships

Individual   Includes Regular, Student and Benefactor.
Corporate   Includes Company, Supporting, Sustaining and Patron Memberships.
Group   Minimum of 20 people @ $75 each. Please call for details.
Retired   65 years of age and older, retired.
Student   Individuals with current ID card from accredited institution.
Subscription   Public and private libraries, booksellers.


GRC Membership Application

Current GRC Members Renew Membership online using your Member ID and Password:
Renew Membership - If you need assistance call the GRC Office.

New Members Register online here: New Member Registration

Download: GRC Membership Application (PDF)

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Comments & Questions to: GRC Web Master | P.O. Box 1350, Davis, CA 95617 | Tel (530) 758-2360 Fax (530) 758-2839