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Bay Area DTV Questions And Answers

Thursday, October 9, 2008 – updated: 6:43 am PST December 4, 2008


Why am I having trouble getting KTVU’s digital signal?
KTVU-DT is transmitting at 1000 kW, one million watts, the highest power allowed by the FCC for Digital TV. However, some viewers have trouble receiving KTVU-DT because we transmit on a higher channel than most of the other stations at Sutro Tower in San Francisco. Some antennas, especially combination VHF-UHF antennas, do not perform as well on the higher UHF channels as they do on the lower UHF channels.

Your digital receiver shows our signal on “Virtual Channel” 2.1, KTVU-DT actually transmits on the frequency corresponding to UHF channel 56. KRON-DT (4.1), UHF channel 57, is the only other Digital TV station transmitting at that high a frequency from Sutro Tower.

For example:
  • KGO-DT (7.1) ABC transmits on UHF channel 24.
  • KPIX-DT (5.1) CBS transmits on UHF channel 29.
  • KQED-DT (9.1) PBS transmits on UHF channel 30.
Some receive antennas do not perform as well at the higher UHF channels as they do at the lower UHF channels, especially combination VHF-UHF antennas.

What kind of DTV antenna should I use to get KTVU’s digital signal?
Many viewers have had good luck receiving KTVU’s digital transmission using a Channel Master 4228. It is a UHF-only antenna and is relatively small, about 3 feet by 3 feet. Its baby brother, the Channel Master model 4221 antenna also works well at our frequency but does not have as much gain as the 4228 antenna (in other words, it is of slightly lower quality).

The downside of a UHF-only antenna is that you might not be able to receive stations that transmit on VHF channels. KNTV-DT currently transmits on VHF channel 12, and KGO-DT will be moving from UHF channel 24 to VHF channel 7 at some point in 2009. Some viewers have found that they need to combine two antennas, one for VHF and one for UHF.

In some cases an Antenna Pre-Amplifier is required Many prefer the Channel Master 7777 because it works for both VHF and UHF signals. A rotor is sometimes needed too. Although the stations at Sutro Tower are all in the same place, sometimes one has to jog the antenna a few degrees one way or the other to get all signals.

Will all the stations be on the same channels after the transition?
The FCC requires that several Bay Area stations change digital channels on February 18, 2009. Because of this mandated change, viewers will have to “re-scan” their receivers to pick up the new channels for these stations. Please plan on re-scanning all of your channels on February 18, 2009 sometime after noon.

KTVU-DT is currently transmitting on channel 56 but will be moving to channel 44 after KBCW turns their analog channel off. Throughout this time, KTVU-DT will show up on your DTV receiver as Virtual Channel 2.1. If you have good reception of Analog channel 44 (a strong signal with no "snow" or ghosting), you will likely have good reception of KTVU-DT when we change channels. Also, if you are able to receive KBCW-DT, Digital channel 45, Virtual Channel 44.1 you will likely be able to receive us with your current setup when we change channels after the transition.

KICU-DT is currently transmitting its DTV signal on channel 52 but will be moving to channel 36 after it stops using that channel for analog. KICU-DT will be on Virtual Channel 36.1 before and after the transition.

KRON-DT will move from channel 57 to channel 38. KRON-DT will continue to appear on Virtual Channel 4.1 before and after the transition.

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