Senator Biden Farewell Address

Product ID: 283385-2
Format: Senate Highlight
Last Airing: 01/15/2009
Event Date: 01/15/2009
Length: 40 minutes
Location: Washington, District of Columbia

Senator Biden spoke from the well of the Senate and bid his former colleagues farewell as he prepared to assume the title of vice president on January 20, 2009.

U.S. Senate
Begin Time End Time Network
01/17/2009 12:14:32 01/17/2009 12:54:52 C-SPAN 1
01/17/2009 12:14:10 01/17/2009 12:54:30 C-SPAN 1
01/17/2009 10:54:32 01/17/2009 11:34:52 C-SPAN 1
01/15/2009 23:38:01 01/16/2009 00:18:21 C-SPAN 1
01/15/2009 20:39:15 01/15/2009 21:19:35 C-SPAN 2

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