Price: $29.95
Media Format:

Inauguration Ceremony and Parade Rehearsal

Product ID: 283316-1
Format: Vignette
Last Airing: 01/12/2009
Event Date: 01/11/2009
Length: 6 minutes
Location: Washington, District of Columbia

The Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies held a Sunday morning rehearsal of the 2009 presidential inaugural ceremony and parade.

Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies
Begin Time End Time Network
01/16/2009 18:53:42 01/16/2009 19:00:04 C-SPAN 2
01/16/2009 15:20:36 01/16/2009 15:26:58 C-SPAN 1
01/14/2009 03:37:12 01/14/2009 03:43:34 C-SPAN 1
01/14/2009 03:37:08 01/14/2009 03:43:30 C-SPAN 1
01/13/2009 18:38:34 01/13/2009 18:44:56 C-SPAN 3
01/13/2009 12:17:32 01/13/2009 12:23:44 C-SPAN 3
01/13/2009 04:24:40 01/13/2009 04:31:02 C-SPAN 1
01/13/2009 00:45:20 01/13/2009 00:51:42 C-SPAN 1
01/12/2009 20:56:56 01/12/2009 21:03:14 C-SPAN 1
01/12/2009 20:56:54 01/12/2009 21:03:16 C-SPAN 1
01/12/2009 19:38:44 01/12/2009 19:45:02 C-SPAN 2

 indicates a live airing  indicates a future airing
Washington Politics        Executive Branch        Inauguration       

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