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Photograph of a white mother holding a baby and talking on the phone Chrome 2001 .
Baby Shots Help Adults

A vaccine given to babies is helping to protect everyone from one form of meningitis, a study finds. Read a Harvard news review and the latest on recommended vaccines for children and adults.
Harvard Commentary
2009 Immunization Schedule

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News Review From Harvard Medical School
Trusted Harvard Medical School experts put today's health news stories in perspective and explain how issues affect you.

Kids' Shots Reduce Adult Meningitis, Too

Checking List Saves Lives
Following a checklist to help avoid errors can reduce deaths from surgery by almost half, a study finds. Learn how you also can play a role in preparing for surgery and preventing errors.

Safe and Well in Winter
Cold weather doesn't have to be a health disaster. Find advice on eating well, staying active, protecting your kids, coping with the weather, and more in our Winter Health Insight.

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Staying Well
In Flu Season

Influenza causes about 36,000 U.S. deaths each year. Check our flu tracker and find out more about the flu.

Ask Our Experts
Harvard Medical School doctors, pharmacists and other health professionals answer readers' questions about health, illness and medicines.
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Chrome 2001