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NCI Cancer Bulletin: A Trusted Source for Cancer Research News
NCI Cancer Bulletin: A Trusted Source for Cancer Research News
January 16, 2007 • Volume 4 / Number 3 E-Mail This Document  |  View PDF Version  |  Bulletin Archive/Search  |  Subscribe


Dr. Christopher J. Michejda NCI Remembers Christopher Michejda
Dr. Christopher J. Michejda, 69, senior investigator and head of the Molecular Aspects of Drug Design Section, Structural Biophysics Laboratory in NCI's CCR, died suddenly on January 9 while participating in the Intramural Scientific Retreat.

Dr. Michejda was a professor of chemistry at the University of Nebraska in Lincoln before coming to NCI-Frederick in 1978. He received his Ph.D. in physical-organic chemistry at the University of Rochester and then went on to a postdoctoral fellowship at Harvard University. At CCR, his initial focus on chemical carcinogenesis evolved into drug development; he used his talent in chemistry to find new drugs against cancer and viral diseases.

"Chris was a valuable collaborator who provided unselfish and thoughtful leadership for numerous intramural initiatives, including the Director's Innovation Award review panel, the Chemistry and Structural Biology Faculty, and several other faculties and committees," said Dr. Bob Wiltrout, CCR director. "Our thoughts and prayers are with his family, friends, and colleagues."

DCLG Applications Now Being Accepted
NCI's Office of Liaison Activities is now accepting applications from cancer advocates, consumers, and survivors for four vacancies on the NCI Director's Consumer Liaison Group (DCLG). DCLG is a federal advisory committee of 16 consumer members who are appointed by the NCI director. DCLG members make broad-based recommendations to the NCI director and serve as a forum for feedback and discussion among all areas of the cancer advocacy community.

Application instructions can be found at Information about DCLG is available at Applications must be postmarked by March 30. DCLG members can serve up to 4 years and terms of office will begin in July.

Cancer Survivorship Publications Available
The NCI booklet, Facing Forward: Life After Cancer Treatment, has been revised and updated and is available at

The Institute of Medicine recently published proceedings from a workshop held in May 2006: Implementing Cancer Survivorship Care Planning: Workshop Summary. Information about the report is available at

New Cancer Information Pages Added to Web Site
The NCI Web site has launched two new cancer information gateway pages. Go to Oral Cancer 1 and Throat (Laryngeal and Pharyngeal) Cancer 2 pages for links to NCI information resources on these cancers. Gateway pages for many other cancer types can be accessed through the site's A to Z List of Cancers 3.

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