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    Year Date Type Location Title Primary
    2009 Mar 25-27 Workshop Hangzhou, China 3rd Argo Science Workshop: "The future of Argo" Argo, PICES
    2009 Apr 7-8 Workshop Juneau, U.S.A. 11th Salmon Ecology Workshop (related to the development of the North Pacific Ecosystem Status Report for the Alaska Current, California Current and the Bering Sea) NOAA, PICES, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Douglas Island Pink and Chum Inc.
    2009 Apr 21-22 Workshop Busan, Korea North Pacific Ecosystem Status Report Workshop on “Status and Trends in East Asian Marginal Seas”, in conjunction with the 15th Pacific-Asian Marginal Seas (PAMS) meeting “Observations, Understanding, and Prediction of Climate Variability in PAMS”, April 23–25 PICES, NFRDI,
    Seoul National University, KORDI, Chonnam National University, Korea Maritime University
    2009 Apr 26-29 Workshop Qingdao, China Workshop to develop an Implementation Plan for the new PICES integrative scientific program, FUTURE (by invitation only) and Inter-sessional Science Board and Governing Council meetings PICES
    2009 Jun 22-26 International Symposium Victoria, Canada 3rd GLOBEC Open Science Meeting
    2009 Aug 24-27 International Symposium Portland, OR, USA 6th International Conference on Marine bioinvasions PICES, ICES and the U.S. National Sea Grant College Program
    2009 Aug 25–28 Summer School Busan, Korea 3rd PICES Summer School on “Satellite Oceanography” PICES
    2009 Sep 3-11 International Symposium Vigo, Spain “The Effects of Environmental Variability on Cephalopod Populations”, (CIAC’09) ICES, PICES
    2009 Sep 21-25 International Symposium Venice, Italy OceanObs’09 Conference "Ocean information for society: Sustaining benefits, realizing the potential"  
    2009 Sep 21-25 Theme
    Berlin, Germany Theme Sessions on “Climate Impacts on Marine Fishes: Discovering Centennial Patterns and Disentangling Current Processes” and “Global Ocean Observing Systems” at the ICES Annual Science Conference ICES, PICES
    2009 Oct. 23 -
    Nov. 1
    Annual Meeting Jeju, Korea PICES Eighteenth Annual Meeting "Understanding ecosystem dynamics and pursuing ecosystem approaches to management" PICES
    2009 Nov 3-6 International Symposium Warnemünde, Germany International Symposium on “Rebuilding depleted fish stocks: Biology, ecology, social science and management strategies”
    Announcement [pdf, 0.7 Mb]
    2009 Dec 1-3 Workshop Honolulu, U.S.A. North Pacific Ecosystem Status Report Synthesis Workshop (by invitation only) PICES
    2010 Apr 26-29 International Symposium Sendai, Japan “Forecasting Climate Change Impacts on Fish and Shellfish” ICES, PICES
    2010 spring or fall International Symposium Anchorage, U.S.A. 26th Lowell Wakefield Symposium on “Ecosystems 2010: Global Progress on Ecosystem-based Fisheries Management”  
    2010 Oct Annual Meeting Portland, U.S.A. TBA  
    2010 TBA International Symposium Lisbon, Portugal “Carrying Capacity: What does it mean in a Changing Ocean?” ICES, PICES
    2011 Mar International Symposium Pucon, Chile 5th International Zooplankton Production Symposium ICES, PICES
    2011 Oct Annual Meeting Russia TBA PICES
    PAST Annual Meetings
    PAST International Symposia
    PAST Inter-sessional Workshops
    PAST Special Sessions
    PAST Summer Schools
    PAST Meetings of Interest
    Year Date  Location Title Primary
    Past Annual Meetings (back to top)
    2008 Oct 24 -
    Nov 2
    Dalian, China PICES Seventeenth Annual Meeting on "Beyond observations to achieving understanding and forecasting in a changing North Pacific: Forward to the FUTURE" PICES  
    2007 Oct 26 -
    Nov 5
    Victoria, BC, Canada PICES Sixteenth Annual Meeting on The changing North Pacific: Previous patterns, future projections, and ecosystem impacts PICES  
    2006 Oct 13-22 Yokohama,
    PICES Fifteenth Annual Meeting on Boundary current ecosystems PICES  
    2005 Sep 29 -
    Oct 9
    PICES Fourteenth Annual Meeting on
    Mechanisms of climate and human impacts on ecosystems in marginal seas and shelf regions
    2004 Oct 14-24 Honolulu,
    HI, USA
    PICES Thirteenth Annual Meeting on
    Beyond the continental slope - complexity and variability in the open North Pacific Ocean
    2003 Oct 10-18 Seoul,
    PICES Twelfth Annual Meeting on Human dimensions of ecosystem variability PICES  
    2002 Oct 18-26 Qingdao,
    PICES Eleventh Annual Meeting on
    Technological advances in marine scientific research
    2001 Oct 5-13 Victoria, BC, Canada PICES Tenth Annual Meeting on
    Ten years of PICES science:  Decadal-scale scientific progress and prognosis for a regime shift in scientific approach
    Past International Symposia (back to top)
    2008 Aug 26-29 Galway, Ireland International Symposium on Herring: linking biology, ecology and population in the context of changing environments ICES, PICES and GLOBEC  
    2008 July 8-11 Rome, Italy International Symposium on Coping with global change in marine social-ecological systems GLOBEC, OCEANS and FAO  
    2008 May 19-23 Gijón, Spain International Symposium on Effects of climate change on the world's oceans ICES, PICES, IOC  
    2007 Oct 1-3 Lisbon, Portugal International Symposium on Reproductive and recruitment processes in exploited marine fish stocks NAFO, ICES and PICES  
    2007 June 26-29 Maritime Institute, Baltimore, Maryland, USA Conference for Early Career Scientists: New Frontiers in Marine Science ICES and PICES  
    2007 May 28 -
    June 1
    Hiroshima, Japan 4th International Zooplankton Production Symposium on Human and climate forcing of zooplankton populations ICES, PICES and GLOBEC  
    2007 May 21-24 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA Fifth International Conference on Marine Bioinvasions ICES, PICES, the US National Sea Grant College Program and NOAA  
    2006 Nov 27 -
    Dec 1
    International Conference on The Humboldt Current system: Climate, ocean dynamics, ecosystem processes and fisheries IMARPE, IRD, NASA, FAO, GLOBEC, ICES, PICES and IMBER  
    2006 July 5-8 Victoria,
    BC, Canada
    Time series of the northeast Pacific: A symposium to mark 50th anniversary of
    2006 Apr 19-21 Honolulu,
    HI, USA
    Climate variability and ecosystem impacts on the North Pacific: A basin-scale synthesis PICES and GLOBEC  
    2005 Oct 30 -
    Nov 1
    Jeju, Korea The status of Pacific salmon and their role in North Pacific marine ecosystems. [Report] NPAFC and PICES  
    2005 May 16-20 Victoria,
    BC, Canada
    Climate variability and sub-Arctic
    marine ecosystems
    2004 Mar 31 -
    Apr 3
    Quantitative Ecosystem Indicators for Fisheries Management    
    2003 May 20-23 Gijon,
    3rd International Zooplankton Symposium on Role of zooplankton in global ecosystem dynamics: Comparative studies from the
    world oceans
    2002 Aug 22-24 Seoul,
    Recent progress in studies of physical processes and their impact to the Japan/East Sea ecosystem IOC, SCOR, FAO, ICES, PICES, GLOBEC, NOAA, IRD, IFREMER, IFB and "Sea around us" project  
    2002 Apr 23-25 La Paz,
    North Pacific transitional areas PICES, CIBNOR and CICIMAR  
    Past Intersessional Workshops (top)
    2008 Nov 3-7 Kiel, Germany Changes in distribution and abundance of clupeiform small pelagic fish in relation to climate variability and global change (background and supporting information) ICES/PICES/GLOBEC-SPACC  
    2008 Sep 15-19 Halifax, Canada ESSAS/PICES Workshops at the ESSAS Annual Meeting ESSAS and PICES  
    2008 Aug 27-29 Abashiri, Japan Fourth PICES Workshop on The Okhotsk Sea and adjacent areas PICES  
    2008 Apr 23-24 Seattle, USA Workshop to develop an Implementation Plan for the new PICES integrative scientific program, FUTURE PICES  
    2008 Apr 15-17 Honolulu, USA Workshop of PICES Climate Forcing and Marine Ecosystem Response (CFAME) Task Team on “Linking and visualizing climate forcing and marine ecosystem changes: A comparative approach” PICES  
    2008 Apr 14-18 Victoria, Canada ICES/PICES meeting on “Environmental interactions of mariculture” ICES, PICES  
    2008 Mar 3-5 Busan, Korea Inter-sessional meeting of PICES Working Group on Non-indigenous aquatic species (WG 21) to evaluate the protocols and reach final agreement on standards, data elements and data entry templates for the MIS (Marine/Estuarine Invasive Species) Database for the project on “Development of the prevention systems for harmful organisms’ expansion in the Pacific Rim” PICES  
    2008 Feb 21–22 Seattle, U.S.A Inter-sessional meeting of PICES Working Group on Ecosystem-based management science and its application to the North Pacific (WG 19) PICES  
    2006 Aug 21-25 Busan,
    International Workshop on "MODEL/Data intercomparison for the Japan/East Sea" CREAMS and PICES  
    2006 Jun 12-14 St. Petersburg,
    Workshop to develop comparative studies of the sub-Arctic seas
    [Purpose, Approach, and Agenda: doc, pdf]
    PICES and ESSAS  
    2006 Jun 1-3 Seattle,
    WA, USA
    Integration of ecological indicators for the North Pacific with emphasis on the Bering Sea PICES and NPRB  
    2006 Feb 8 Seattle,
    WA, USA
    A panel discussion at the meeting of the North Pacific Fisheries Management Council to involve the Bering Sea and international communities in development of a set of operational objectives (Summary)    
    2006 Jan 25 Anchorage,
    A panel discussion at the "Marine Science in Alaska" Symposium (continued from Feb.8)    
    2006 Jan 12-13 Tokyo,
    A comparison of regional mechanisms for fish production: Ecosystem perspectives CCCC/CFAME  
    2005 Nov 14-17 Tokyo,
    MODEL workshop to build up a multi-species model especially including anchovy and sardine, extending NEMURO.FISH APN, FRA, IAI and PICES  
    2005 Nov 14-16 Shonan Village,
    International Repeat Hydrography Workshop JAMSTEC, CLIVAR and IOCCP  
    2005 Nov 14-16 Shonan Village,
    A meeting of the PICES Carbon and Climate Section    
    2005 Oct 17-18 Tokyo,
    Workshop to synthesize results from the second in situ iron enrichment experiments in the western subarctic North Pacific (SEEDS-II)
    ORI and PICES  
    2005 May 23-24 Corvallis,
    OR, USA
    Study of lower trophic level pelagic ecology in the subarctic Pacific Ocean
    Final Draft Report (Feb. 9, 2006)
    2005 May 14-15 Victoria,
    BC, Canada
    CCCC/CFAME workshop to develop a workplan for future CFAME Task Team activities and hypothesis for CCCC synthesis    
    2005 Apr 21-22 Seoul,
    Workshop on East Asian Seas Time-series (EAST-I) as part of the CREAMS/PICES project CREAMS and PICES  
    2004 Aug 20-23 Seattle,
    WA, USA
    MODEL Workshop on Development of a model on coupled responses of lower and higher trophic levels for climate variability in the North Pacific    
    2004 Jun 14-16 Seattle,
    WA, USA
    Second meeting on Fisheries and Ecosystem Responses to Recent Regime Shifts    
    2004 Jun 2-4 Seattle,
    WA, USA
    Understanding North Pacific carbon cycle change: Data synthesis and modeling NOAA, GCP and PICES  
    2004 May 6-8 Jeju Island,
    Interim PICES Science Board meeting    
    2004 Feb 17-18 Honolulu,
    HI, USA
    Canadian-SOLAS/PICES-IFEP session on Response of the upper ocean to mesoscale iron enrichment    
    2004 Feb 11-13 Victoria,
    BC, Canada
    PICES-IFEP workshop on In-situ iron enrichment experiments in the eastern and western subarctic Pacific    
    2004 Feb 9-10 Victoria,
    BC, Canada
    Planning Meeting of Study Group on Fisheries and Ecosystem Responses
    to Recent Regime Shifts
    2004 Jan 14-17 Tsukuba,
    Ocean Surface pCO2, Data Integration and Database Development IOCCP, NIES and PICES  
    2003 Dec 14-18 Yokohama,
    MODEL Workshop on Summary and synthesis of contributions from NEMURO and NEMURO.FISH funded by the grant from the Japan Fisheries Research Agency  
    2003 Nov 20-22 Victoria,
    BC, Canada
    Development of pilot coastal monitoring program(s) in the NE Pacific EVOS/GEM, NMFS/SWFSC and AOOS  
    2003 Nov 17-19 Victoria,
    BC, Canada
    Regional marine life expert PICES and CoML  
    2003 Aug 25-27 Victoria,
    BC, Canada
    North Pacific Ecosystem Status Report    
    2003 Jun 4-6 Vladivostok,
    Third PICES Workshop on Okhotsk Sea and adjacent areas PICES, TINRO-Center and CoML  
    2003 Mar 10-14 Hazaki,
    International inter-comparison on Underway/drifting/mooring pCO2
    measurement systems
    several Japanese agencies/institutes  
    2003 Mar 3-6 Yokohama,
    MODEL Workshop to Embed NEMURO and NEMURO.FISH into a 3-D circulation model Nakajima Foundation  
    2003 Feb 11-12 Newport,
    Fifth Annual Workshop on Coastal ocean ecosystem    
    2003 Feb 9-10   Meeting of WG on "Political" implications of recent regime shifts in the North Pacific for fisheries    
    2002 Apr 21-22 La Paz,
    BASS/MODEL Workshop on Using models to test hypothesis on effects of climate change on the North Pacific subarctic gyre system    
    2002 Apr 4-5 Seattle,
    WA, USA
    MONITOR Workshop on Voluntary Observing Systems    
    2002 Jan 25-29 Nemuro/
    MODEL/REX Workshop to build an NPZF (nutrient-phytoplankton-zooplankton-fish) version of the PICES NEMURO model    
    Past Special Sessions (top)
    2008 Oct 6-8 Monaco PICES/ICES Theme Session on “The effects of ocean acidification on fisheries and ecosystems” at the International Symposium on “The Ocean in a High CO2 World – II” SCOR, IOC, IAEA and IGBP  
    2008 Sept 22–26 Halifax, Canada ICES/PICES Theme Sessions on Coupled physical and biological models: parameterization, validation, and applications,
    Marine spatial planning in support of integrated management – tools, methods, and approaches
    New methodology for tracking fish, mammals and seabird migrations and behaviour.
    ICES and PICES  
    Sept. 17-21 Helsinki, Finland

    Theme Session B:
    Integrating observations and models to improve predictions of ecosystem response to physical variability

    Convenors: Elizabeth W. North (USA), N. Penny Holliday (UK), Sarah Hughes (UK) and Skip McKinnell (PICES)

    Theme Session D:
    Comparative marine ecosystem structure and function: Descriptors and Characteristics
    Convenors: Bernard A. Megrey (USA), Jason Link (USA), Webjoern Melle (Norway), and Ian Perry (Canada)

    Theme Session R:
    The ecosystem approach: What is the impact on marine science, science based advice and management of marine ecosystems
    Convenors: Dave Reid (UK), Mark Tasker (UK), Martin Pastoors (ICES), Einar Svendsen (Norway) and Glen Jamieson (Canada)

    ICES and PICES  
    2006 Sep 23 Maastricht,
    Session on Large-scale changes in the migration of small pelagic fish and the factors modulating such changes and an Operational Oceanography at the ICES Annual Science Conference ICES and PICES  
    2005 Sep 20-24 Aberdeen,
    Multidisciplinary approaches to the identification of stock structure of small pelagics: Implications for assessment and sustainable management ICES and PICES  
    2005 Sep 20-24 Aberdeen,
    Regional Ecosystem Pilot Projects, Ecosystem Forecasting, and Operational Oceanography: Comparing and Contrasting Scientific Tools, Strategies, Outputs, and Applications ICES and PICES  
    Past Summer Schools (top)    
    2008 Aug 22-25 Hakodate, Japan Second PICES Summer School on Biomass-based management PICES  
    2006 Aug 21-25 Busan,
    Summer school for students
    on "Ocean circulation and ecosystem modeling"
    CREAMS and PICES  
    Past Meetings of Interest (top)
    2006 Oct 24-26 Concepción,
    Oxygen minimum systems in the ocean: Distribution, diversity and dynamics    
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