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Meet Our President: Tom Kiernan

Hi-Res photos of Tom are available here for download > >

Tom Kiernan is a member of NPCA's Speaker's Bureau. To invite him to speak to your group, please contact NPCA Media Relations Coordinator Perry Wheeler.

Tom Kiernan joined NPCA as president in January 1998 for what has become his dream job: Heading up an independent organization that defends and protects America’s national parks.

Previously, Tom served as president of the Audubon Society of New Hampshire. He was a senior-level official in the Environmental Protection Agency’s Office of Air and Radiation under George H.W. Bush, where he won the Gold Medal for his role in achieving consensus with businesses and environmentalists on a $450-million pollution-control project at Grand Canyon National Park. He has also held positions with the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality and Arthur Andersen & Company.

Under his leadership, NPCA has launched several programs targeted to making specific, lasting improvements in the National Park System. These include the Center for Park Management, which provides parks with the tools needed to make efficient and effective business decisions, and the Center for State of the Parks, which has developed and applied scientific methodology to the assessment of the health of the natural and cultural resources within the national parks.

Tom grew up in Virginia, kayaking in Mather Gorge, which is part of the C&O Canal National Historical Park. He was co-founder of the Rocky Mountain Outdoor Center in Colorado, and has tested the white waters throughout the United States and Africa, achieving top-ten status in the U.S. in slalom kayaking. He has kayaked through Canyonlands and Grand Canyon national parks, and Dinosaur National Monument, and climbed the Grand Tetons.

Tom holds an M.B.A. from Stanford and a B.A. from Dartmouth College.

Hi-Res photos of Tom are available here for download > >

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