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   Recreational Ponds
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Alternate Uses for Ponds
image from the first page of the document

This document discusses uses for ponds other than fishing. These include livestock watering, fire control, wildlife habitat and swimming. Includes figures.

2008 Fingerling Producer List
An up-do-date list of fingerling producers in Louisiana and surrounding states. The list provides contact information and names of the fish types produced.

Pond Building: A Guide to Planning, Constructing and Maintaining Recreational Ponds
Pond Building document image

The purpose of this publication is to provide prospective pond owners with the basic information needed to understand the process involved in establishing and maintaining a quality pond.

Management of Recreational and Farm Ponds in Louisiana
Cover image

A farm pond or recreational pond can serve many purposes. This publication reviews planning considerations and management recommendations relating to a number of potential uses for small ponds in Louisiana.

Managing Bass and Bream Populations
This document discusses the importance of managing bass and bream populations in your recreational pond and provides management recommendations.
Design and Construction
image from the first page of the document
This document discusses important aspects of designing and constructing a recreational pond, along with illustrations of pond layouts and drainage options.
Diseases in Pond Fishes
image from the first page of the document
When fish are stressed, they are more susceptible to disease. This document discusses stress and diseases that fish can contract.
Publication cover
Description:Proper use of fertilizer can increase fish yields two to five times. Fish are easier to catch in fertilized ponds because plankton turbidity limits their vision, causing them to be less wary. Plankton blooms also reduce light penetration to pond bottoms, preventing growth of troublesome aquatic weeds.
Aquatic Weed Control
Aquatic weeds are a common problem in recreational ponds. This document discusses aquatic weeds and ways of controling them.
Pond Nuisances and Predators
This document discusses common nuisances and predators found in and around recreational ponds and gives suggestions on reducing their numbers.
Water Quality
This document discusses the importance of water quality to a recreational pond and water quality characteristics.
Turbidity - Muddy Water
This document discusses causes of muddy pond water and ways to prevent and control it.
Stocking Procedures
This article discusses the procedures that should be taken to maximize the health of fingerlings when stocking your recreational pond.
Liming Ponds
This document provides information about when liming might be necessary and lime application methods.