AgEcon Search

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AgEcon Search FAQ

What is AgEcon Search?
What types of materials are included in AgEcon Search?
How can I contact AgEcon Search?
Are there any costs involved in searching AgEcon Search? In submitting papers?
How do I sign up to receive weekly e-mail updates listing selected new papers?
Are papers in AgEcon Search peer-reviewed?
Do you accept only English language working papers?
If my working paper or conference paper later evolves into a journal article, will the publisher be OK with having an earlier version on AgEcon Search?
What should I do to get my department or organization started submitting papers to AgEcon Search?
How do I suggest other working paper series, conferences, or journals that might be included in AgEcon Search?
What formats do you accept?
What institutions have their papers on AgEcon Search?
What software does AgEcon Search use?
What journals are included in AgEcon Search -- and how can I link directly to them?
What is AgNIC?
How can I read the papers in AgEcon Search?
I've downloaded Adobe Reader software, but I still can't open the PDF files. Help?

What is AgEcon Search?
AgEcon Search is a free-to-user Web site that contains the full text of working papers, conference papers and journal articles in applied economics, including the subtopics of agricultural, consumer, energy, environmental, and resource economics. Contributors include academic institutions, government agencies, professional associations, and non-government organizations.

AgEcon Search is maintained at the University of Minnesota by the Dept. of Applied Economics and University Libraries, and the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association is also a main sponsor.
What types of materials are included in AgEcon Search?
The great majority of items in AgEcon Search are of working papers, conference papers and journal articles, although it does include book chapters, books, theses, dissertations, reports, government documents, Plan B Masters papers, and appendices to journal articles. Other types of documents will also be considered. All are in PDF format.
How can I contact AgEcon Search?
Our e-mail address is Our mailing address is AgEcon Search, Waite Library, Dept. of Applied Economics, University of Minnesota, 1994 Buford Ave, St. Paul MN 55108-6040, USA. The phone number of Waite Library is 612-625-1705.
Are there any costs involved in searching AgEcon Search? In submitting papers?
There are no costs involved in searching, viewing, or downloading material from AgEcon Search.

There are no costs for posting papers for groups who designate one person to fill out the submission forms and upload papers. There are small charges per paper for groups that have each author submit their own papers, or have staff at the University of Minnesota do the input. For more information contact the coordinators at

If your group has papers that need to be digitized, the coordinators can help you with that process, or arrange to have it done for a fee.
How do I sign up to receive weekly e-mail updates listing selected new papers?
E-mail updates are sent out about once a week. Anyone can sign up for this free service.
Are papers in AgEcon Search peer-reviewed?
All papers in AgEcon Search are part of a series or conference or journal sponsored by one of the participating organizations, and each group has a review mechanism. The procedures vary, and details can be obtained by contacting the sponsoring organization.
Do you accept only English language working papers?
We happily take papers in languages other than English. We do ask that you include an English title and abstract.
If my working paper or conference paper later evolves into a journal article, will the publisher be OK with having an earlier version on AgEcon Search?
With rare exception, publishers of journals in the fields covered in AgEcon Search are fine with having earlier reports of a project in the form of a working paper or conference paper available on the Web. To prevent confusion, you might consider changing the title of the paper before submitting it to a journal.
What should I do to get my department or organization started submitting papers to AgEcon Search?
Just write the coordinators at We will set up a section for your group, and give you instructions about how to begin submitting papers. If you would like us to do any of the submitting for you, we can discuss the options and costs.
How do I suggest other working paper series, conferences, or journals that might be included in AgEcon Search?
Drop us a note at
What formats do you accept?
Currently, all papers in AgEcon Search are in PDF format.
What institutions have their papers on AgEcon Search?
Check the list of institutions.
What software does AgEcon Search use?
AgEcon Search runs on DSpace software, which is open source, and was jointly developed by MIT Libraries and Hewlett-Packard Labs
What journals are included in AgEcon Search -- and how can I link directly to them?
Check the list of journals , which includes URLs for directly linking to each journal.
What is AgNIC?
AgNIC,, is the Agriculture Network Information Center -- a voluntary alliance working to offer reliable access to quality agricultural information and sources. The University of Minnesota is responsible for the agricultural economics portion of AgNIC. To suggest resources to be included in AgNIC, send a note to
How can I read the papers in AgEcon Search?
All papers in AgEcon Search are in Adobe Acrobat Portable Document Format (PDF). You can download the free Adobe Reader software at: If you have trouble opening a particular PDF file, try switching to a different Web browser (i.e. Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox).
I've downloaded Adobe Reader software, but I still can't open the PDF files. Help?
Check another PDF file from another source to see if you are able to open it. If not, then you may need to check that your browser is set to recognize PDF files.

Advice from one Internet Explorer user: "...the Acrobat Helper Object got removed from the list of Internet Explorer Add-Ons, so it was not recognising .pdf files. As it happened, I was trying to download such a file from your site, but actually it affected all .pdf files. The solution was simply to re-install Acrobat Reader and that re-installed the missing Helper Object."
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Brought to you by the University of Minnesota Department of Applied Economics and the University of Minnesota Libraries with cooperation from the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association.

All papers are in Acrobat (.pdf) format. Get Adobe Reader

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