AgEcon Search

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Registration in the New AgEcon Search:
A new process for submitters

As of May 12, 2008, with the move to the new AgEcon Search software, each person submitting papers must register, which involves providing your e-mail address and selecting a password.

  1. Go to
  2. Click on New user? Click here to register.

    Screenshot of Log In to AgEcon Search page
  3. Enter your e-mail address and click on Register

    Screenshot of User Registration page
  4. The next screen will indicate that you have been sent an e-mail with a special URL. It might take a few minutes for the e-mail message to arrive.

  5. The e-mail will contain a link to a site where you can complete your registration. You will be asked to provide your name, phone number, and a password that you will use to enter the submission area of AgEcon Search.

    Screenshot of User Registration page
  6. This completes your portion of the registration. Within a day or so, the AgEcon Search coordinators will be in contact with you and will then assign you rights to submit to the appropriate sections.

If you have any questions or comments, please contact Louise Letnes or Julie Kelly, AgEcon Search coordinators, at


Go to the AgEcon Search home page



Brought to you by the University of Minnesota Department of Applied Economics and the University of Minnesota Libraries with cooperation from the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association.

All papers are in Acrobat (.pdf) format. Get Adobe Reader

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