US Forest Service
Coconino National Forest  



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Coconino National Forest
1824 S. Thompson St.
Flagstaff, AZ 86001


[graphic] US Forest Service Logo

[graphic] Link to website



Wet Weather Travel Restrictions

The Kaibab and Coconino National Forests implemented a wet weather travel policy and restrictions beginning the fall of 2006 and spring of 2007.

The wet weather travel restrictions are resulting in the temporary closure of many roads and the prohibition of cross-country motor vehicle travel including ATVs when soils are saturated due to precipitation.

The purpose of the new travel policy is to provide reasonable motorized access while also protecting forest roads and resources and providing for public safety.

The backbone system of roads that remain open are the most suitable for travel during wet conditions and are stratigically located to provide reasonable access to the forest.

Signs reading, “Entering wheeled motorized restriction area. Use only roads and trails on official map,” along with a second sign displayng a map showing open routes in the area are posted at strategic access points on the forest.

The new travel policy is a proactive step to protect roads and soils during the times when they are most susceptible to damage. 

Travel restrictions will be put into place only when soils are saturated and on an temporary basis. Restrictions will be lifted as soon as conditions allow.

The two forests developed the wet weather travel policy in coordination with the Arizona Game and Fish Department due to the large numbers of hunters in the woods during the times when very wet weather is most likely to occur.  [News Release]


Official open/closed area map for the COCONINO - see also the Color map with hunt units and location of informational signs (736kb .pdf file)

Approved open/closed area map for the KAIBAB





U.S. Forest Service - Coconino National Forest
Last Modified: Monday, 29 December 2008