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Planning and Land Management Section
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The mission of the Division of Community Advocacy is to help Alaska’s communities achieve the maximum degree of local self-government (as reflected in Article X of the Alaska Constitution) through the promotion of strong communities and healthy economies.

The Planning and Land Management Section furthers the Division’s mission by providing assistance to Alaska communities on regional and local land issues. The Planning and Land Management Section’s primary areas of assistance are technical advice, training and funding opportunities for community and regional planning and land management efforts including:

Alaska Coastal Management Program (ACMP): The ACMP strives to sustain the long-term economic and environmental productivity of Alaska’s coast through a networked program of balanced stewardship

Regional Land Managers
Participants at Regional Land Manager's Forum
in Nome. Photo by: Ruth St. Amour
Golovin Local Residents
Local residents in Golovin review a draft map.
Photo by: Ronna Engstrom
that addresses all interests, coastal resources, and coastal uses. The Planning and Land Management Section fulfills the Department’s statutory requirement (AS 44.33.781) to conduct a program of research, training, and technical assistance to Alaska Coastal Resource Districts necessary for the development, implementation, and maintenance of District Coastal Management Plans.

Community Profile Maps: The Initiative for Accelerated Infrastructure Development (IAID) is a partnership providing matching funds for community profile maps.   IAID brings together state, federal, and local resources to produce standardized, computer-based community profile maps that can be shared, and are suitable for a variety of uses. Community profile maps are valuable planning tools that have been used for a variety of community planning efforts, including ANCSA 14(c) planning, siting of facilities, and community comprehensive plans.

Floodplain Management Programs: The Floodplain Management Programs seek to reduce public and private sector losses and damage from flooding and erosion by providing coordination, funding, and technical assistance to National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) communities. Under Administrative Order No. 175, the Division serves as the Governor's appointed state coordinating agency for the National Flood Insurance Program and the Flood Mitigation Assistance Program. Modernization of Alaska community flood hazard
maps is a major program effort managed by Division staff underway since 2003 with funding
anticipated through fiscal year 2009.

Municipal Land Trustee (MLT) Program: The responsibility for accepting and administering municipal trust land has been assigned to the DCCED by State law (AS 44.33.755). The Municipal Lands Trustee (MLT) Program, carried out by DCA Planning and Land Management staff, performs the functions required by federal and State law. The MLT Program consults local residents to identify ANCSA 14(c)(3) land.  DCA Planning and Land Management staff provide ANCSA 14(c) planning assistance to help municipalities, unincorporated villages, and Native village corporations complete the planning and map of boundaries provisions required by the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act.


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