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Land Management and Mapping
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Helping rural communities effectively deal with current land issues and to prevent future land management problems are the primary missions. The Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development (Commerce) resolves land title issues which hinder economic and community development in both the private and public sectors.

Land Management ProgramPicture of woman pointing at community map

The following are specific components of the program:

  • ANCSA 14(c) Planning helps municipalities, unincorporated villages, and Native village corporations complete the planning and map of boundaries provisions required by the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act.
  • Municipal Land Trustee (MLT) staff carry out the Department's statutory trust responsibilities to unincorporated ANCSA villages.
  • Site Control Activities protect state and local government investment in buildings and facilities by assuring proper ownership interests for publicly funded projects.
  • Municipal Land Entitlement reviews municipal land entitlements and recommends approval or disapproval.
  • Land Management Assistance and Training to Communities.

The ANCSA 14(c) planning effort is a high priority activity in the Land Management Program. The settling of 14(c) claims and survey of the land will allow Native village corporations to convey land to individuals, businesses, non-profit organizations, cities, and the State. These conveyances will provide 14(c) land claimants with the land interest needed to secure funding for development projects. Many villages are now at the point of addressing and completing the 14(c) process. The pie chart below shows the overall statewide progress on ANCSA 14(c) conveyances.

chart of 14(c) process status chart of 14(c) process status

Mapping Program

Initiative for Accelerated Infrastructure Development

ANCSA 14(c) Survey Plats

Community Profile Maps

Provides mapping services that assist Department staff and communities in accomplishing the goals of increasing economic development and strengthening local governments in rural Alaska. Map users may include federal, State, and local governmental agencies as well as private sector contractors, developers, and Native Corporations. Maps are produced to display land use, land suitability, land ownership, and the boundaries set out in ANCSA 14(c) land settlements.

The following are examples of types of maps produced:

  • ANCSA 14(c) Maps of Boundaries: These maps are used by the Bureau of Land Management as the basis for formal survey of the ANCSA 14(c) claims.
  • Municipal Lands Trustee Program: Property plans used for the acquisition and disposal of municipal trust lands. Land status plat record system displaying the Trustee's title interest in 65 communities.
  • Local Boundary Commission: Municipal boundary descriptions and maps created for annexations and incorporations. Mapping support for report publications.
  • Arc/Info Mapping: Using Arc/info software and data provided by the Department of Revenue, determine distribution of tax revenue to fish management areas.
  • Update and Maintain Community Profiles Mapping: Several Division programs worked together to design a computer based community profile. The design was used in a contract for mapping 13 Lower Yukon communities. Using the new profile design and AutoCAD software, the Division can update and produce the new profiles in several different formats.

For more information about Commerce's land management and mapping programs, contact:

Keith Jost
Division of Community and Regional Affairs
Department of Commerce, Community and Economic Development
550 West 7th Ave., Suite 670
Anchorage, AK 99501
Phone: 269-4548 Fax: 269-4525