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Parish Credit Scores
Parish credit scores

LSU AgCenter personnel surveyed parish-specific credit scores using Experian National Score Index of Feb. 2008. Louisiana consumers have an average credit score of 672. At 20 points below the national average of 692, Louisiana ranks near the bottom nationally, with 48 states having higher average credit scores.

Spouse’s poor credit score could lower yours
(Distributed 01/15/08) You’ve taken good care all your adult life to pay bills on time and maintain a high credit score. You expect your high rating to continue after marriage, but it could drop if your new spouse has a low credit score.

Tips to Help You Get Out of Debt

If your bills are piling up, you can't make all of your payments on time and you're thinking about paying one credit card balance with a cash advance from another, LSU AgCenter family economist Dr. Jeanette Tucker says it's time to organize your credit payments and develop a plan for reducing your bills.

Myths And Realities About FICO Scores Examined
Many consumers are under the impression that federal legislation allows them to learn their credit scores. This is one of the myths circulating among the public about obtaining credit histories, according to LSU AgCenter family economics professor Dr. Jeanette Tucker.

Credit Card Use by College Students
LSU students
Credit card use has grown dramatically among college students. This has generated concern that these students are overextended and unaware of the long-term consequences associated with severe indebtedness.
Some Hurricane Survivors Face Tough Mortgage Decisions
Recent hurricanes may have obliterated your house, your job and likely even the property values in your area – leaving you with the feeling that the only things still intact are your mortgage and other debts.
Youth Should Know 12 Principles
Family economics specialist Dr. Jeanette Tucker shares 12 principles every young person should know.
Strategies for Coping with Job Loss
If you or a loved one are facing the loss of a job, it's important to keep a variety of factors in mind as you attempt to cope.
Credit Card Usage of College Students: Evidence from Louisiana State University (September 2003)
Credit Card Usage of College Students: Evidence from Louisiana State University (September 2003)
In recent years, there has been a dramatic growth in credit card usage among college students. How are Louisiana State University undergraduates using credit cards? Are LSU students managing credit card debt wisely? What can Louisiana State University do to offer the appropriate kinds of help to enable students to be financially literate? These are the issues addressed is this publication.
Children in the Middle Series: Separating Your Finances
Children in the Middle Series
Marriage is a financial partnership. Divorce means more than separating a family physically. It also means separating a family financially. Suggestions for preparing for financial separation, dividing property, dealing with debt and dividing assets and property are included.
Downsizing Debt
More than one billion credit cards are in use in America today. Used wisely, they can be valuable tools for consumers, but their use represents a substantial portion of Americans' consumer debt problems. Taking control of one=s debt with a systematic plan for debt reduction is the key to success.
Power Pay
The LSU Agricultural Center offers a computer debt reduction analysis called "PowerPay" that will calculate the fastest way to repay your creditors while paying the least amount of interest.