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Formosan Subterranean Termite Identification & Biology
Formosan Subterranean Termite Identification & Biology

One important key for successful management of a pest is to identify it. This publication can help you differentiate between ants and the dry-wood and subterranean termites that are pests in Louisiana. It also contains specific information on Formosan subterranean termites.

New Technologies Developed to Combat Formosan Subterranean Termites

A grassy plant used worldwide for erosion control and a new pop-up termite indicator may provide new, environmentally safe weapons in the arsenal to combat subterranean termites.

A Guide for Integrated Pest Management of Termites
Image of guide cover

There are about 2,500 species of termites worldwide. Although only about 2% are frequent invaders of wood structures used by humans, termites must be managed because they can and will cause great damage. This publication includes information on how to manage them. Only available in pdf format.

Formosan Subterranean Termite Damage and Detection
Formosan Subterranean Temite Damage and Detection

Most people are aware of the damage fire and severe weather can do to their homes, but many overlook the threat of termites. Photos of termite damage and signs of termite infestation are included in this publication, which covers Formosan subterranean termites and other subterranean termites.

Formosan Termite Treatment In French Quarter Expanding
The expansion is part of a federally funded test program dubbed Operation Full Stop, which is looking for ways to control the destructive creatures.
Formosan Termites Found Near Alexandria
Checking For Termites
(Distributed 04/29/04) LSU AgCenter entomologists confirmed that termites found the week of April 18 at a home in Pineville were Formosan subterranean termites. This is the first sighting of the pests in the Alexandria area. These termites pose a greater threat than the native species because they form larger colonies, are more aggressive and form carton nests above ground.