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Entomology Courses

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ENT 1905. Freshman Seminar
(2.0 cr)

Fall 2006: Evaluating Water Quality: What do Aquatic Insects Tell Us?

ENT 3005. Insect Biology. Offered Every Fall Semester
(3.0 cr; A-F or Audit)
Biodiversity/natural history of insects. Insect behaviors/functional roles in natural/managed environments. Lecture/lab. Meets in weeks 5-15 of semester. Required overnight field trip on week 2 weekend. See instructor for details.
ENT 3925. Insects, Aquatic Habitats & Pollution. Offered Every Fall Semester
(3.0 cr: Reqs: [3005, Biol 3407, FW 2001, EEB 4601] or #; A-F or Audit)
Taught with ENT 5081. Effects of pollutants on biology, ecology and community structure of aquatic insects. Life-cycle, trophic guilds, community structure in lotic/lentic habitats. Organic pollution/eutrophication, heavy metal pollution, runoff/siltation, acidification, thermal pollution. Changes in aquatic insect community structure according to original literature sources for each class of pollutant. Biological monitoring networks.
ENT 4015. Ornamentals and Turf Entomolgy. Offered Every Spring Semester
(3.0 cr; Reqs: 1xxx course in biol or hort or forest resources; A-F or S-N or Audit)
Diagnosis and management of insect pests in landscape plants. Emphasis on the principles of biological control, biorational pesticides, and integrated pest management.
ENT 4021. Honey Bees and Insect Societies. Offered Spring Semester, Alt Years
(3.0 cr; Reqs: Biol 1009 or #; A-F or S-N or Audit)
Natural history, identification, and behavior of honey bees and other social insects. Evolution of social behavior, pheromones and communication, organization and division of labor, social parasitism. Lab with honey bee management and maintenance of other social bees for pollination.
ENT 4022. Honey Bee Management. Offered Every Intersession
(1.0 cr; Reqs: Biol 1009 or #; A-F or S-N or Audit)
Field course for students interested in honey bee management and the conservation and maintenance of other bee pollinators. Work with live bee colonies and participate in field research problems related to honey bee behavior and management.
ENT 4096. Professional Experience Program: Internship.
(1.0-3.0 cr; Reqs: CFANS jr or sr, #, complete internship contract available in CFANS Career Services before registering; UC only; S-N or Audit)
Professional experience in entomology firms or government agencies through supervised practical experience; evaluative reports and consultations with faculty advisers and employers.
ENT 4231. Insect Behavior Offered Spring Semester, Alt Years
( 3.0 cr; Reqs: Biol 1009 or equiv or #; [3005 or EEB 3111] recommended; A-F or Audit)
Diversity of behavior in insects. Modes of perception, ways in which stimuli are translated into behavior. Genetic basis of behavior. Behavioral traits with Mendelian and more complex modes of inheritance. Natural history of insect behavior. Emphasizes how evolution has shaped diversity of behaviors. Movement/dispersal, feeding, defense/escape, mating/reproduction, sociality. Case studies.
ENT 4251. Forest and Shade Tree Entomology. Offered Every Fall Semester
(3.0 cr; QP-[1005, 3005] or #; A-F or S-N or Audit)
Ecology/population management of forest/shade tree insects. Emphasizes predisposing factors/integrated management. Lecture/lab.
ENT 4281. Veterinary Entomology. Offered Every Fall Semester
(2.0 cr; Reqs: 3005 or # or #; A-F or Audit)
Biology and management of insects, mites, and ticks that affect livestock, poultry, and companion animals. Emphasizes identification and solution of problems. Lecture/lab.
ENT 5011. Insect Structure & Function. Offered Fall Semester, Alt Years
(4.0 cr; Reqs: 3005 or #; A-F or Audit)
Comparative study of insect structures/functions from evolutionary perspective. Introduction to physiology of digestion, respiration, and other organ systems.
ENT 5021. Insect Taxonomy and Phylogeny. Offered Every Spring Semester
(4.0 cr; Reqs: SP-3005 or equiv; A-F or Audit)
Identification of families of adult insects; evolution and classification of insects; techniques of collecting and curating insects; principles of phylogeny reconstruction.
ENT 5041. Insect Ecology. Offered Fall Semester Alt Years
(3.0 cr; Reqs: 3005 or 5900 or #; A-F or S-N or Audit)
Synthetic analysis of the causes of insect diversity and of fluctuations in insect abundance. Focus on abiotic, biotic, and evolutionary mechanisms influencing insect populations and communities.
ENT 5045. Insect Population Dynamics. Offered Fall Semester, Alt Years
(3.0 cr; Reqs: 3005 or #; A-F or Audit)
Analytical/experimental approaches to study of insect abundance. Path/loop diagrams, time series analyses. Life tables and demography. Single-/multiple-species models for population growth/interactions with competitors. Predators/pathogens in time/space.
ENT 5051. Scientific Illustration of Insects. Offered Fall Semester Alt Years
(3.0 cr; ;A-F or S-N or Audit)
Traditional/computer-assisted techniques of scientific illustration. Emphasizes insects. Pencil, pen/ink, color (water color, acrylics, colored pencil). Vector/raster illustration using Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop. Digital photography, microscopy, photomontage, traditional/electronic publication.
ENT 5081. Insects, Aquatic Habitats & Pollution. Offered Every Fall Semester
(3.0 cr: Reqs: [3005, Biol 3407, FW 2001, EEB 4601] or #; A-F or Audit)
Effects of pollutants on biology, ecology and community structure of aquatic insects. Life-cycle, trophic guilds, community structure in lotic/lentic habitats. Organic pollution/eutrophication, heavy metal pollution, runoff/siltation, acidification, thermal pollution. Changes in aquatic insect community structure according to original literature sources for each class of pollutant. Biological monitoring networks. Taught with ENT 3925.
ENT 5121 Applied Experimental Design. Offered Every Spring Semester
(4.0 cr; Reqs: Stat 5021 or equiv or # ; A-F or S-N or Audit)
Principles of sampling methodologies, experimental design, and statistical analyses. Methods/procedures in generating scientific hypotheses. Organizing, initiating, conducting, and analyzing scientific experiments using experimental designs and statistical procedures. Offered with AGRO 5121.
ENT 5241. Ecological Risk Assessment. Offered Every Spring Semester
(3.0 cr; Reqs: Instructor consent; A-F or S-N or Audit)
This course introduces students to major components of the risk assessment process: identifying ecological stressors, assessing the level of exposure, measuring ecological responses, and communicating and managing risks.
ENT 5275. Medical Entomology. Offered Fall Semester, Alt Years
(3.0 cr; Reqs: 3005 or #; offered 1998 and alt yrs; A-F or S-N or Audit)
Biology of arthropod vectors of human disease. Emphasis on disease transmission and host, vector, and pathogen interactions.
ENT 5311. Sampling Biological Populations. Offered Fall Semester, Alt Years
(3.0 cr; Reqs: Stat 5021 or equiv ; A-F or S-N or Audit)
Sampling plans for study of field and lab populations. Statistical distributions, and techniques for detecting and coping with aggregation. Randomization, required sample size, optimal allocations for common probability design. Sequential plans for making decisions.
ENT 5321. Ecology of Agriculture. Offered Every Fall Semester
(3.0 cr; Reqs: 3xxx or above course in Agro or Hort or AnSc, 3xxx or above course in Ent or PlPa or Soil or #; A-F or Audit)
Ecological perspective on post-industrial agriculture; origins of agriculture, social functions, and ecology of contemporary and extinct agricultural systems. Soils, plant development, pest ecology, forage quality, animal production, and food quality as an interactive network of factors. Offered concurrently with Agro 8205.
ENT 5341. Biological Control of Insects and Weeds. Offered Spring Semester, Alt Years
(3.0 cr; Reqs: 3001, Biol 1009, EEB 3001 or grad; A-F or Audit)
Biological control of arthropod pests and weeds. Analysis of relevant ecological theory and case studies; biological control agents. Lab includes natural enemy identification, short experiments, and computer exercises.
ENT 5351. Insect Pathology. Offered Fall Semester, Alt Years
(2.0 cr; Reqs: 5011; A-F or S-N or Audit)
Major pathogenic microorganisms that cause diseases in insects. Routes of infection of insects. Lab propagation of disease agents. Factors in application of disease to pest insect control with safety considerations.
ENT 5361. Aquatic Insects. Offered Every Spring Semester
(3.0 cr; Reqs: 3001 or #; A-F or Audit)
Taxonomy and natural history of aquatic insects including their importance in aquatic ecology, water resource management, recreation, and conservation. Emphasis on family-level identification of immatures and adults. Field trips scheduled to local aquatic habitats. A collection is required.
ENT 5371. Principles of Systematics. Offered Spring Semester, Alt Years
(3.0 cr; Reqs: #; A-F or S-N or Audit)
Theoretical and practical procedures of biological systematics. Phylogeny reconstruction including computer assisted analyses of morphological and molecular data. Other topics include: species concepts and speciation, comparative methods and historical biogeography.
ENT 5900. Basic Entomology.
(1.0-6.0 cr; QP-#; SP-#; A-F or S-N or Audit)
For graduate students who need to make up certain deficiencies in their biological science background.
ENT 5910. Special Problems in Entomology.
(1.0-6.0 cr; Reqs: #; A-F or S-N or Audit)
Individual field, lab, or library studies in various aspects of entomology.
ENT 5920. Special Lectures in Entomology.
(1.0-3.0 cr; A-F or S-N or Audit)
Lectures or labs in special fields of entomological research given by a visiting scholar or regular staff member.
ENT 8006. Supervised Laboratory or Extension Teaching Experience.
(1.0-3.0 cr: A-F or Audit)
Training/experience conducting lab or extension based educational activities in Entomology. Students select a faculty member to serve as their sponsor, and develop lecture outlines or instructional aids such as Web sites, Web-based training sites, print materials, demonstration aids, and demonstration projects. Students prepare/conduct lab or extension presentations. Overviews of Web-based instructional aids.
ENT 8041. Advanced Insect Genetics. Offered Spring Semester, Alt Years
(2.0 cr; SP-Basic genetics course, 5031 or #; offered alt yrs; A-F or S-N or Audit)
Molecular genetic techniques and their applications, emphasizing insect species other than [Drosophila]. Application of genetic techniques to physiological processes.
ENT 8051. Toxicology. Offered Fall Semester, Alt Years
(2.0 cr; SP-5031, organic and inorganic chem courses, biochem course or #; A-F or S-N or Audit)
Chemistry and mode of action of conventional insecticides; insect growth regulators and microbial pesticides; transgenic viruses and genetically modified plants.
ENT 8061. Scientific Communications and Ethics. Offered Every Fall Semester
(1.0 cr; S-N or Audit)
Students develop/use critical elements of scientific communication, within an ethical framework. Elements in writing scientific manuscripts and research proposals. Oral communication for scientific, outreach, and classroom presentations.
ENT 8200. Colloquium in Social Insects. Offered Spring Semester
(1.0-3.0 cr; SP-3020 or 3200; A-F or S-N or Audit)
Current research on bees, wasps, ants, and termites. Student critiques and research reports.
ENT 8210. Colloquium in Insect Evolution. Offered Fall Semester 2000 & Alt Years
(1.0-3.0 cr; QP-5370; SP-5371 or #; A-F or S-N or Audit)
Research issues in systematics and evolution. Comparative biology, biogeography, and molecular evolution. Students may re-enroll as topics alternate. Students critique papers from primary literature.
ENT 8240. Colloquium in Insect Ecology. Offered Spring Semester, Alt Years
(1.0-2.0 cr; QP-5040; SP-5041 or #; A-F or S-N or Audit)
Advanced topics.
ENT 8300. Graduate Seminar.
(1.0 cr; SP-#; A-F or S-N or Audit)
Oral and written reports on and discussion by students of selected topics from current literature.
ENT 8333. FTE: Master's.
(1.0 cr; SP-Master's student, adviser and DGS consent; A-F or S-N or Audit)
(No description)
ENT 8444. FTE: Doctoral.
(1.0 cr; SP-Doctoral student, adviser and DGS consent; A-F or S-N or Audit)
(No description)
ENT 8594. Research in Entomology.
(1.0-8.0 cr; S-N or Audit)
ENT 8666. Doctoral Pre-Thesis Credits.
(1.0-18.0 cr; SP-Max 18 cr per semester or summer; doctoral student who has not passed prelim oral; A-F or S-N or Audit)
(No description)
ENT 8777. Thesis Credits: Master's.
(1.0-18.0 cr; SP-Max 18 cr per semester or summer; 10 cr total required (Plan A only); A-F or S-N or Audit)
(No description)
ENT 8888. Thesis Credits: Doctoral.
(1.0-18.0 cr; SP-Max 18 cr per semester or summer; 24 cr required; A-F or S-N or Audit)
(No description)
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