Daily Almanac for
Jan 16, 2009
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Easter and Passover

History, lore, customs, and fascinating trivia

Chocolate Easter Bunny

Related Links

A Morass of Movable Feasts
A quick guide to the dates of Passover and Easter


Origins of Easter
Brief history of the spring holiday

A Tale of Two Easters
Why one faith and two celebrations?

Easter Around the World
From witches to detectives, Easter traditions vary

Encyclopedia: Easter
The chief Christian feast commemorating the resurrection of Jesus

Sweet Easter Facts
Do we really consume 7.1 billion pounds of Easter candy?

Easter Treats Quiz New!
What were one of the earliest Easter treats, made by European monks and given to the poor during Lent?

Easter Quiz
What does Mardi Gras have to do with Easter?

Fabergé Eggs
The most glorious Easter eggs of all



Celebration of the Exodus

Encyclopedia: Passover
In Judaism, one of the most important and elaborate of religious festivals

Passover Quiz
Why is there a Seder on Passover?

Feast Without the Yeast
Why are some foods kosher and others not?

Judaism Primer
Holidays, history, beliefs, culture, and more

Branches of Judaism
Jewish traditions from Ashkenazic to Zionist

Jewish Holidays
Dates of major Jewish holidays through 2009

Jewish Calendar
Months and number of days in the Jewish year

More Holiday Fun

Poems in Honor of Spring
A selection of verses to cheer the winter-weary soul

Mardi Gras Quiz
Many Mardi Gras events are organized by private clubs known as . . .

Candy Quiz
Jelly beans were sent with soldiers during which war?

Easter and Passover Crossword
1 Across: Symbols of Spring seen during Easter and Passover

Calendar & Holidays
Dates and major holidays throughout the year

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