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Pacific Northwest Conservation Tillage Update
(In the Mail and on the Web)

See the left index to select individual Update issues.

To subscribe to the Update, please CLICK HERE

Funding for development, printing, and distribution of the Update is provided by STEEP grants and additional support from UI Cooperative Extension System, OSU Extension Service, and WSU Extension.

Articles and publications included in the Update may be reprinted providing credit is given. Material from past issues has been condensed or reprinted entirely in newsletters by county extension, conservation districts, agricultural publications, and other grower information networks.

PNW Conservation Tillage Handbook series — The Update also distributes new Handbook Series. Those who purchase the Handbook will be added to the Update mailing list. Copies of the complete Handbook are available for $20 through county extension offices in the PNW or may be ordered directly from the state extension publication offices: Idaho (208)885-7982; Oregon (541)737-2513; Washington (509)335-2857. Some shipping and handling fees and sales tax may apply.

The Team! -- The Update and related educational materials and programs are developed by the PNW STEEP Cropping Systems Specialist Team:
  • Don Wysocki, OSU Extension Soil Scientist, Pendleton
    (541)278-4396, dwysocki@oregonstate.edu
  • Stephen Guy, UI Extension Crop Management Specialist, Moscow
    (208)885-6744, sguy@uidaho.edu
  • Hans Kok, WSU/UI Extension Conservation Tillage Specialist, Moscow
    (208)885-5971, hanskok@uidaho.edu
  • Bill Schillinger, WSU Research Agronomist, Lind
    (509)235-1933, schillw@wsu.edu
  • Joe Yenish, WSU Extension Weed Specialist, Pullman
    (509)335-2961, yenish@wsu.edu
  • John Burns, WSU Extension Agronomist, Pullman
    (509)335-5831, burnsjw@wsu.edu
  • Rich Koenig, WSU Extension Soil Fertility Specialist, Pullman
    (509)335-2726, richk@wsu.edu
  • Dennis Tonks, WSU Dryland Cropping Systems Specialist, Davenport
    (509)725-4171, dtonks@wsu.edu
  • Dennis Roe, Natural Resource Conservation Specialist, Pullman
    (509)335-3491, rdroe@wsu.edu

Contact us: Hans Kok, (208)885-5971 | Accessibility | Copyright | Policies | WebStats | STEEP Acknowledgement
Hans Kok, WSU/UI Extension Conservation Tillage Specialist, UI Ag Science 231, PO Box 442339, Moscow, ID 83844 USA
Redesigned by Leila Styer, CAHE Computer Resource Unit; Maintained by Debbie Marsh, Dept. of Crop & Soil Sciences, WSU