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Contact: Kori Walter, Press Secretary 610.594.1415

Gerlach Backs Resolution Supporting Israel’s Right to Defend Itself Against Attacks


Congressman Jim Gerlach (PA-6th District) voted in favor of a House Resolution on Friday that recognized Israel has a right to defend the nation and citizens against the indiscriminate rocket attacks from Hamas militants in Gaza.

“This resolution reaffirms our commitment to stand with the Israeli government and its citizens in their effort to root out the Hamas militants responsible for pounding Sderot, Ashkelon and other towns in southern Israel for years with devastating, and frequently deadly, rocket attacks,” Gerlach said. “During the last two weeks, Israel has simply defended its border and citizens with the goal of ending the rocket attacks and restoring some sense of calm.  The response is what you would expect from any nation under siege.

“Conversely, the militants’ narrow-sighted aggression is aimed at destroying Israel and has taken a tremendous humanitarian toll on innocent families in both Gaza and Israel. I offer my sympathy to those on both sides of the Gaza border whose lives have been shattered by the violence. And I offer my support to Israel as it rises to meet another in a long line of challenges.”

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