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Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin, Proudly Serving Wisconsin in Congress
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Inauguration Resources

On January 20, 2009, Barack Obama will take the oath of office as the 44th President of the United States in a ceremony on the steps of the U.S. Capitol. If you plan to travel to Washington, DC to take part in this historic event and the surrounding festivities, I want to be sure that you have the information that you will need to make it a positive experience. It is my hope that the festivities will provide memories that you will cherish. Below are some resources that I trust will be helpful in planning your trip.

Official Inaugural Websites:

Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies

Presidential Inaugural Committee

Other helpful information:

Map of National Mall and Inaugural Parade Route

The Inaugural Balls

Inauguration Accessibility Information

Visiting D.C.

Media Resources:

Entire Mall to be open: Washington Post - For the first time in history, the entire Mall will be open to the public...(more)

Walk, don't take the Metro: Washington Post - If you live or are staying within two miles of the Capitol, walk. "It will be faster than standing in line and trying to get on a train,"...(more)

Don't bring small children: Washington Post - Officials are banning all strollers and backpacks and make a point of saying on their Web site that "there are no childcare facilities provided to attendees."...(more)

Expect long lines: Washington Post - Even if only half of the projected 2 million to 4 million people show up for next month's presidential inauguration, the Washington region's roadways and transit systems will be too pressed to handle the crush, planners say...(more)

Prohibited Items: Washington Post - Among the list of items banned from the festivities are...(more)