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Contact: Nathan White (202)225-5871

Kucinich: Bush Administration Ignores Humanitarian Crisis
Israeli Military Prevents Emergency Ambulance Care for Four Days

Washington Monument


Washington, Jan 8 -

Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) today made the following statement on the House floor calling attention to a report in the Washington Post that the International Committee of the Red Cross has accused the Israeli military of preventing ambulances from reaching at least 15 emaciated people for four days:

“Wake up America.  We have trillions for a war machine and banks while our government stands by and sniffs at the slaughter of innocents in Gaza, where Israel is blocking aid for wounded Palestinians. Here’s today’s Washington Post it says:  The International Committee of the Red Cross said Thursday that it found at least 15 bodies and several children, emaciated but alive - - in a row of shattered houses in the Gaza strip and accused the Israeli military of preventing ambulances from reaching the site for four days.  ...12 corpses lying on mattresses in one home, along with four young children lying next to their dead mothers." That’s a quote

“Today U.S. tax dollars, U.S. jets and U.S. helicopters provided to Israel are enabling the slaughter in Gaza.  The Administration enables Israel to press forward with the attack against defenseless civilians; blocks efforts promoting a cease-fire at the UN; and refuses to make Israel comply with conditions that arms shipments not be used for aggression. Israel is going to receive $30 billion in a ten-year period for military assistance, without having to abide by any humanitarian principles, international laws or standards of basic human decency. Wake up America.”




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