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Congressman Geoff Davis, Serving Kentucky's Fourth District
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Happy Holidays to All

By Congressman Geoff Davis

As we gather with friends and family to celebrate the holidays, I hope you will take a moment to reflect upon the joy and blessings in our lives. We are fortunate each day to enjoy the freedom, equality and justice that make the United States the greatest country in the world.

During the holiday season, in particular, I hope you will take time to remember the troops who are currently stationed abroad. These commendable men and women are making many sacrifices to preserve and protect our country, its principles and its citizens. We should all give thanks to these brave patriots for their service and wish them a safe return to their families and friends.

This year, we have been faced with many challenges. We have seen our energy costs rise to unprecedented heights, then drop to unexpected lows. Our economy has slipped, and as a result, our unemployment rates have climbed. However, I have no doubt that our American ingenuity, intelligence and determination will lead us out of this recession, and we will emerge stronger and more prosperous than before.

In a few short weeks, we will welcome a new President of the United States and a new Congress to Washington, D.C. I am humbled to return as your Representative in the 111th Congress, and look forward to continuing my service to the people of Kentucky’s Fourth District.

To you and your family, to our men and women in uniform, and to all our friends in Kentucky, have a very blessed holiday and a Happy New Year.

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