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Rep. Pence at U.S./Mexico Border


Washington, May 15, 2007 - WASHINGTON, DC   —   U.S. Congressman Mike Pence gave the following speech on the floor of the U.S. House this morning regarding the need to find a solution to illegal immigration that does not include amnesty:

"The halls of Congress are abuzz with rumors of a grand compromise on the issue of illegal immigration.

"There is talk of a proposal that would allow millions of illegal immigrants to remain in this country by merely paying a fine. Let me say emphatically: amnesty is no bargain for the American people. Any effort at comprehensive immigration reform must begin by rejecting amnesty.

"We will put border security first and not implement any type of temporary worker program until border security measures have been undertaken and completed. And once a temporary worker program begins, we must require that every person who has come into this country illegally leave the United States and apply outside of our country for the legal right to live and work here.

"And if they come under the color of the law, we must require temporary workers to learn the language of the American people. In addition, serious fines and an electronic verification system must ensure a full partnership between American business and the American government in enforcing our immigration laws. The real grand bargain for the American people is comprehensive immigration reform that begins with an affirmation of the rule of law."

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