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"I did not come to Washington to expand the size and scope of government," Pence said


Washington, Oct 27, 2008 - Congressman Pence was recently quoted in a Washington Times story about the future of conservatism, especially as it relates to big government.  Click here for the story.

Here is his quote: 

Rep. Mike Pence, Indiana Republican, who has opposed many of the Bush Administration's signature big-spending packages, such as No Child Left Behind, the 2003 Medicare reform and most recently the economic rescue plan, said the
conservative values of most Americans "haven't been given a voice" at the White
House or on Capitol Hill.

However, Mr. Pence said, the fact that Mr. McCain is within striking distance of Mr. Obama is "evidence of the resilience of these conservative ideals."

"If [Mr. Obama's] liberalism was connecting with the majority of the American people, he'd be ahead by 30 points," Mr. Pence said.

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