Daily Almanac for
Jan 16, 2009
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Campaign 2008
Election history and statistics, candidates, and party politics

Presidential Nominees


Read Barack Obama's speech "A More Perfect Union"


Vice Presidential Nominees

     Issues: Where the Candidates Stand on the Major Issues

     Poll: Cast Your Vote for President

    Governors of the 50 States

     Delegate Count

Barack Obama: 2,154
Hillary Clinton: 1,919
Total needed: 2,118.
Obama secured the nomination on June 3, 2008.
Source: Associated Press. Includes projected superdelegate votes.
John McCain: 1,504
Total needed: 1,191
McCain secured the nomination on March 4, 2008.

In some presidential elections, superdelegates can play a major role.


   Caucuses & Primaries


      Former Candidates

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