Oregon State University
Washington State University
University of Idaho
Pacific Northwest Conservation Tillage Handbook
PNW Tillage Handbook

Chapter 1
Chapter 2

Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

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Chapter 2. Conservation Tillage Systems and Equipment

  • The Undercutter Method for Winter Wheat- Summer Fallow Farming. This 16-minute DVD describes the Undercutter method, a cost and time saving way of farming in the PNW summer fallow area. It contains research and farmer interviews explaining the advantages of the system (published by WSU Extension, January 2007). Watch this video and order your copy here.
  • Tillage Method and Sowing Rate Relations for Dryland Spring Wheat, Barley, and Oat (No. 30, November 2005)
  • Cropping Systems Research in the World's Driest Rainfed Wheat Region (No. 29, 2004)
  • Dryland Cropping in the Western United States (No. 28, 2004)
  • Minimum and Delayed Conservation Tillage for Wheat-Fallow Farming (No. 27, 2001)
  • Direct Seed Systems for Grain Legumes: Pursuing Improved Erosion Control, Water Storage, Yields and Profitability (No. 26, 1999)
  • Direct Seeding Status and What's Driving it (No. 25, 1999)
  • Increased Cropping Intensity for Dryland with No-Till Barley (No. 24, 1999)
  • Direct Seeding or No-Till...What's the Difference (No. 23, 1999)
  • Direct Seed Movement Gains Momentum with 1998 Conference (No. 22, 1998)
  • CRP Take-Out: A Unique Opportunity for the Transition to Direct Seeding (No.21, 1997)
  • New Minimum Tillage Systems for Legume-Winter Wheat Cropping Sequence (No.20, 1997)
  • Direct Seeding Movement Aimed at Global Competitiveness, Soil Productivity and Erosion (No.19, 1997)
  • Tillage Mulch Depth Effects During Fallow on Wheat Production and Wind Erosion Control Factors (No.18, 1997)
  • Packing Summer Fallow Before Planting Winter Wheat: Agronomic Benefits and Environmental Concerns (No.17,1997)
  • Returning CRP Land to Crop Production-A Summary of 1994-1996 Research Trials in Washington State (No. 16b, 1995)
  • Deep Ripping Fall-Planted Wheat After Fallow to Improve Infiltration and Reduce Erosion (No. 16a, 1995)
  • No-till Winter Wheat After Green Manure Legumes (No. 15, 1990)
  • Reduced Tillage for Green Manure Legumes (No. 14, 1989)
  • Conservation Tillage Spring Pea Production (No. 13, 1989)
  • Conservation Tillage Considerations for Cereals (No. 12, 1988)
  • Economical Approaches to Minimum Tillage Seeding (No. 11, 1988)
  • Farming Practices Conserve and Improve Soil (No. 10, 1988)
  • Traffic Compaction Affects Productivity (No. 9, 1988)
  • Conservation Tillage Equipment Directory in Progress (No. 8, 1987)
  • How Much Surface Residue Is Enough? (No. 7, 1987)
  • Fallow Systems for Semi-arid Eastern Oregon and Eastern Washington (No. 6, 1987)
  • Tillage System Comparisons (No. 5, 1987)
  • Effective Conservation Farming Systems_PNW 275 (No. 4, 1986)
  • A Strip-till Planting System for No-till Fallow (No. 3, 1986)
  • A No-till Plow! (No. 2, 1986)
  • Research Grain Drill Opener Designs for Conservation Tillage (No. 1, 1985)

Contact us: Hans Kok, (208)885-5971 | Accessibility | Copyright | Policies | WebStats | STEEP Acknowledgement
Hans Kok, WSU/UI Extension Conservation Tillage Specialist, UI Ag Science 231, PO Box 442339, Moscow, ID 83844 USA
Redesigned by Leila Styer, CAHE Computer Resource Unit; Maintained by Debbie Marsh, Dept. of Crop & Soil Sciences, WSU