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Active Transportation for America:
A Case for Increased Federal Investment in Bicycling and Walking

"Active Transportation for America" makes the case and quantifies the national benefits—for the first time—that increased federal funding in bicycling and walking infrastructure would provide tens of billions of dollars in benefits to all Americans.
By making active transportation a viable option for everyday travel, we will cost-effectively reduce oil dependence, climate pollution and obesity rates while providing more and better choices for getting around town.
Read the report to learn more about how adequate federal investment in bicycling and walking will create healthier places for healthier people.

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Selected Figures and Charts from the Report:

Summary of Benefits from Bicycling and Walking Quantified in this Report

Bike vs. Bus: Comparative Times for Reaching a Transit Station

How Americans Would Allocate Transportation Funding

U.S. Population Growth and Increase in Miles Driven

Safety in Numbers: Infrastructure Improvements Lower Fatality Rates
Increase in Miles Driven and Obesity


Rails-to-Trails Conservancy
The Duke Ellington Building
2121 Ward Ct., NW
5th Floor
Washington, DC 20037