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Action Alert Network:

When you register for Rails-to-Trails Conservancy's Rail-Trail Network, you will receive periodic e-mail updates and alerts on important legislative issues and RTC-related news. This is an ideal opportunity for you to become directly involved in RTC's mission of providing communities with the multi-faceted benefits rail-trails provide.

Current Action Alerts:

Billions for green jobs and green transportation NEW!
Sign the petition to the president-elect and key congressional leaders, encouraging them to spend transportation dollars on important bicycle and pedestrian projects.

Write a letter-to-the-editor
Getting a letter-to-the-editor printed in your newspaper is a great way to communicate the need for more walking and biking to your community and decision-makers.

Burn Calories, Not Carbon!™
Commit to walking the walk. Take the pledge now.

Expired Action Alerts:

Ask your governor to protect active transportation funding: [March, 2008]
Residents of certain states were encouraged to write their governors and ask that balance be restored to state transportation funding.

This action applied only to residents of the following states:

Alabama Alaska Arkansas
Colorado Connecticut Florida
Hawaii Idaho Illinois
Louisiana Maine Massachusetts
Michigan Nebraska Nevada
New Jersey New Mexico North Carolina
North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma
Oregon South Dakota Texas
Utah Washington Wisconsin

Florida Residents: [September, 2007]
Sen. Mel Martinez (R-Fla.) recently voted to eliminate trail funding. Tell him that Florida needs more, not less, funding for its trail systems.

California Residents: [September, 2007]
Encourage Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger to sign SB 669, authorizing a study to begin the planning of a 2,200-mile multi-use trail network on the levees of the Central Valley.

Missouri Residents: [September, 2007]
Thank Sen. Kit Bond (R-Mo.) for speaking up for bike path funding.

Washington Residents: [September, 2007]
Thank Sen. Patty Murray (D-Wash.) for speaking up for bike path funding.

Illinois Residents: [September, 2007]
Thank Sen. Dick
Durbin (D-Ill.) for speaking up for bike path funding.

Trails ARE Transportation: [August, 2007]
U.S. Department of Transportation Secretary Peters responds to nationwide concerns, clarifies that trails are, in fact, transportation-related.

Protecting Transportation Enhancements (TE): [March & June, 2007]
Read about recent attacks on trails, walking and biking, and your quick reactions to protect funds for these important programs.

Expanding the Katy Trail: [September, 2006]
Missouri advocacy efforts strengthen as hope and support grows for a state-wide Katy Trail system to connect Kansas City to St. Louis.

Missouri Alert: Railbanking Threat: [July, 2006]


Rails-to-Trails Conservancy
The Duke Ellington Building
2121 Ward Ct., NW
5th Floor
Washington, DC 20037