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Pacific Northwest Conservation Tillage Update

November 2004

2005 Eight Annual Northwest Direct Seed Cropping Systems Conference and Trade Show -- Reserve the Dates and Plan to Attend

Conservation Tillage Update -- In the mail & on the Web

Kok Hired as new Extension Conservation Tillage Specialist

Managing Herbicide Resistant Weeds in Clearfield Wheat Systems -- PNW Bulletin 572, Herbicide-Resistant Weeds and Their Management

Herbicide Plantback Restrictions -- PNW Bulletin 571, Plantback Restrictions for Herbicides Used in the Dryland Wheat Production Areas of the Pacific Northwest

Bezdicek Retires after 31 Years at WSU

Columbia Plateau PM10 Project Meeting December 8-9

Diseases of Field Crops in Canada

1,000 Weeds of North America Instructional Videostream Now Available

Spillman Agronomy Farm 50th Anniversary Event

Position Vacancies
WSU Columbia County Extension Director/Extension Educator
     -- WSU Whitman County Extension Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources


Contact us: Hans Kok, (208)885-5971 | Accessibility | Copyright | Policies | WebStats | STEEP Acknowledgement
Hans Kok, WSU/UI Extension Conservation Tillage Specialist, UI Ag Science 231, PO Box 442339, Moscow, ID 83844 USA
Redesigned by Leila Styer, CAHE Computer Resource Unit; Maintained by Debbie Marsh, Dept. of Crop & Soil Sciences, WSU